Dr M A Rabbani, UK
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra emphasised on various occasions the importance of preserving the biographical accounts of the companions of the Promised Messiahas. For example, while addressing members of the Jamaat during the Jalsa Salana of 1955 in Rabwah, Huzoorra said:
“It is necessary to preserve the biographies [of the companions of the Promised Messiahas]. Anyone who gets to know a narration, they should write it down and have it published in newspapers and books. Or give it to those who are interested so they can collect. Then buy those books by all means (which they publish) and read them out to your children.” (Al Fazl, 16 February 1956, p. 4)
In obedience to the command of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, I would like to present a particular account about Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra of Bhera – a prominent and devout companion of the Promised Messiahas.
Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra was the maternal grandfather of my maternal grandfather – the late Sheikh Khalid Pervez Sahib from the city of Gujrat. My maternal grandfather was the son of Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Mubarak Ismaelra who, in turn, was the son-in-law of Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra and the cousin of Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira.
The Promised Messiahas wrote the following:
“People of my sect shall achieve such excellence in knowledge and wisdom that they would silence all with the light of their truthfulness, arguments, and signs.” (Tajalliyat-e-Ilahiyyah, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 20, p. 409-410)
The personality of Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra was a testimony to this profound statement, or rather prophecy, of the Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra was a pious, sincere, honest, compassionate, hospitable, intelligent, open-minded, active, hard-working, and brave individual. Indeed, he was a man of many talents and qualities with a deep scholarly interest in the study of archaeology, history, culture, linguistics, literature, religion, and geography, just to name a few.
Through the preaching of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira and Hazrat Dr Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra, he decided to join the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat. He travelled to Qadian and made the pledge of allegiance at the hand of the Promised Messiahas on 20 January 1892. At the time he was a student just about 15 years old.
Throughout his life he held various offices in the Jamaat, serving in different roles and capacities. For example, he worked in the Umur-e-Aama and Rishta Nata departments. He also served as president of halqa Masjid Fazl in Qadian – the area of his residence after he moved to Qadian. He made significant financial sacrifices for his faith and was also part of the blessed Wasiyyat scheme. He is also counted among one of the 5,000 soldiers of Tahrik-e-Jadid. He would participate in Majlis-e-Shura in Qadian as a representative of his halqa. In addition, while living in Gilgit, he was able to arrange and hold, through his efforts, congregational prayers for Ahmadis at his place of residence. He also established a large library in Gilgit filled with books of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra maintained a strong relationship and love for Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. For example, once he journeyed to Qadian from Gilgit and brought various gifts for Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra including a horse.
Although some information about the various facets of his life and aspects of character is preserved in the literature of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya already (Al Fazl, 29 June 1956; Al Fazl, 10 March 2005; Al Fazl 11 September 2014; Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat Jammu Kashmir, p. 103; Ashab-e-Ahmad, Season 2, MTA International, 10 October 2016), the information that I have provided in the following sections of this article is unique in the sense that not only has it never been published in the writings of the Jamaat before, but it provides a specific perspective on his character through the lens of his work career in Gilgit.
I was able to discover and collect, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, a fair amount of new data on him through a systematic archival study of the official diaries, letters, and notes of correspondence (India Office Records) between the British Political Agents of the Gilgit Agency (Indian Political Department), the Resident in Kashmir (who was responsible for managing interactions between the Government of India and the Gilgit Agency in this case), the Chief Commissioner North-West Frontier Province, and the Secretary to the Government of India (Foreign and Political Department).
Contextual background of the Gilgit Agency
Before I set out to inform the reader about my findings, I believe it is, for clarity purposes, important to provide a brief contextual framework in terms of geography, time period, and the type of administration or rule that existed in relation to the Gilgit Agency.
The Gilgit Agency was established in 1877 in the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent in an attempt to monitor and defend the country against the expanding territorial Russian presence in Central Asia. (Gilgit Agency 1877-1935, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 1997) The areas under the Agency included not only the states of Chilas, Hunza, and Nagar, but also the territories of Darel and Tangir together with the regions of Kuh-Ghizar, Yasin, Punial, and Ishkoman. All of these areas were administered by their own respective Governors who were all under the control of the Political Agent. The headquarters of the Agency could be found in the town of Gilgit, which was located within the Gilgit Valley.
While working in the Gilgit Agency from the early 1890s until 1924, Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra had the unique opportunity to work in a distant, mountainous, and strategically important part of the subcontinent we may refer to as the ‘Indian-Russian-Chinese nexus’ – a kind of borderland region characterised by a constant flow of people, goods, and ideas. Here, he rose slowly through the ranks from a simple Clerk (or Munshi) to Head Clerk, Treasury Officer, Assistant Political Agent, and acting Governor, becoming the first, we may say, Ahmadi Raja in the history of Ahmadiyyat.
He earned the tremendous respect and trust of not only his work colleagues but also the overwhelming love and admiration of the native inhabitants of the entire region, which, as we shall see, the following examples demonstrate. The first example below involves a proposal made by the Political Agent to the Resident in Kashmir and the Secretary to the Government of India. It provides evidence that Hazrat Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra (the titles of Khan Sahib and Khan Bahadur were conferred on him later in 1918 and 1924 respectively) had conducted extensive and laborious research on a range of intertwined disciplines during his time in the Agency, developing a distinct persona with a scholarly reputation in the process.
Board of Examination Shina Dialect
From: Sir Francis Younghusband K.C.I.E., Resident in Kashmir
To: S.H. Butler, Esquire, C.S.I, C.I.E., I.C.S., Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, Simla
Dated Srinagar, the 28th of May 1909
The Political Agent Gilgit (Major A.B. Dew) informs me that he has been much struck since his return to Gilgit by the want of knowledge on the part of both the Imperial and State officials of the Agency of the common language “Shina” of the district, which is the mother tongue of the people throughout the Wazarat from Gurais upwards, of the inhabitants of Punial, Chilas and of Tangir and Darel, and is understood by about 70% of the people in Hunza, Nagar, Yasin, Ishkuman, Ghizar and Koh. He considers it imperative that Imperial officers at Chilas and all Kashmir State officials should be acquainted with the language and think that if an examination in this were once started and regularly held many officials would take up the study of the language. Although Major Dew has not passed in the examination himself he informs me that he has learnt it sufficiently during the five years when he was previously employed in the district to deal directly with the people, and he therefore proposes that as there is no regularly qualified officer in the Agency to hold examinations that, similarly as was done in the case of the Khowar or Chitrali language – regarding the formation of a board of examination – the Government will be pleased to consider himself, Sardar Bahram Khan, the General Tehsildar of Gilgit who has much experience and knows the language, and Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Treasury Officer, Gilgit, who has already translated a small book on Shina and has for years studied the folk-lore and made many interesting notes on the people and country, as having passed and to allow them to constitute themselves a board of examination with the assistance of two of the leading men of the District. I support the proposal of the Political Agent which has also the approval of the Hon’ble the Agent to the Governor General and Chief Commissioner North-West Frontier Province, to whom I referred the matter for opinion and I therefore recommend it for the sanction of the Government of India.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient servant,
Francis Younghusband
Resident in Kashmir
The Government of India, soon afterwards, sanctioned the proposal of the Political Agent, resulting in the formation of the board of examinations in the Shina dialect. The board officers including Hazrat Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra were exempted from appearing as candidates for examination in the language and were permitted to draw the allowance or rewards as though they passed the examination. The first examination was held in Gilgit on 11 April 1910.
Trust and confidence
Other examples can also be cited to demonstrate the high level of trust and confidence the Government placed in the abilities of Hazrat Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra. For example, when the Treasury Officer of both the Imperial and State Treasuries at Gilgit, M Iftikhar Ahmed, was temporarily transferred to Kashgar in 1906, the Political Agent entrusted Hazrat Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra (who was serving as a Head Clerk of the Agency Office at the time) with the duties of the Treasury Officer of both the Kashmir and Imperial treasuries. He carried out the new work in addition to his own already existing duties as a Head Clerk of the Agency Office. Eventually, he was appointed in May 1908 as the Treasury Officer Gilgit on a permanent basis.
Likewise, when a serious quarrel broke out between two influential brothers in Hunza and the Native Assistant of Hunza Munshi Fida Ali was found to be enflaming the situation by supporting one side over the other, the Political Agent recalled Munshi Fida Ali to Gilgit. Hazrat Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra was, instead, entrusted and sent as acting Native Assistant of Hunza, taking Munshi Fida Ali’s place in April 1912.
Another interesting account is provided by A.D. Macpherson, I.A., the then Political Agent of Gilgit, who wrote the following in January 1914:
“The system introduced of settling disputes by jirgas selected from the headmen of the several villages appears to be answering very satisfactorily and several important cases have been so disposed of during the month under the supervision of Munshi Ghulam Muhammad (Treasury Officer of this office) who has been temporarily posted as Native Assistant at Gupis and given charge of Punial.”
Furthermore, the Government of India later sanctioned the appointment of Hazrat Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra as headmaster of the Gilgit School. In this regard, the following example informs about the recommendation made earlier by the Political Agent:
From: H.V. Cobb, Esquire, C.S.I, C.I.E., I.C.S., Resident in Kashmir
To: The Hon’ble Mr: J.B. Wood, C.I.E., Political Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign and Political Department, Delhi
Dated Srinagar, the 16th November 1914
The Political Agent, Gilgit, strongly recommends Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad (Treasury Officer) as being peculiarly well suited to fill the post of Headmaster of the Gilgit School. The Kashmir Darbar have now approved the Maulvi’s appointment for a period of two years with effect from the beginning of the next financial year on a salary of Rs 125 per mensem plus a local allowance of Rs 25 per mensem and have made formal application for the loan of his services.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient servant,
H.V. Cobb
Resident in Kashmir
Acting Governor Yasin
In April 1922, the Agency and Government received word of not only a series of complaints from the people of Yasin against their Governor Khan Bahadur Raja Sifat Bahadur but also reported that the latter was planning to invade the neighbouring Darel and Tangir areas against the Government’s declaration of non-interference. On the Political Agent’s arrival at Gupis, about 400 men of Yasin arrived there to petition against the high-handedness, oppression, and tyranny of Khan Bahadur Raja Sifat Bahadur. It was, for example, found on enquiry at Yasin that several new practices in place of the old customs of the country had been started by the Governor.
In September 1922, Raja Sifat Bahadur completed his preparations for his incursion into Darel and Tangir. He left Yasin with a party of followers and crossed the border on 13 September. The administration of Yasin was, upon the departure of Raja Sifat Bahadur, entrusted to Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra until the appointment of a new Governor could be arranged.
While discussing his views on the temporary administration of Yasin with C.J. Windham, I.A., C.I.E., the Resident in Kashmir, the Political Agent, Major D.L.R. Lorimer, wrote the following on the 24th of July 1922:
“My proposal is to put in my Indian Assistant Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad as acting Governor. He has an excellent record, extending over 28 years spent in the Agency. He has a thorough knowledge of the conditions in Yasin, of its history and of its personalities. For four years he acted as Special Assistant in Gupis, i.e. virtually as an Assistant Political Agent for Yasin and Kuh-Ghizar. He bears a very high character and is universally respected. I have the highest confidence in his probity, wisdom and discretion and in his general ability to deal with any situation which is likely to arise. I may say that I do not anticipate that any serious trouble or disturbance will arise. The Indian Assistant as acting Governor would collect all Government and Mehtari Revenue and meet the expenses of administration from them in the ordinary way, keeping a detailed account. He might be allowed an extra personal allowance from this or other sources in view of the increased responsibility he would have to bear.”
The Government sanctioned the appointment of Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra as acting Governor of Yasin with effect from the 13th of September 1922. He was given a special duty allowance at the rate of Rs. 100 per mensem in addition to his pay of Rs. 250 per mensem. The governorship of Yasin entailed, nevertheless, considerable work and responsibility. The conditions of life and the cost of living were also less favourable than in Gilgit, especially for a man with a family. Despite the uncertainty and challenging conditions, Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra handled the situation exemplary and did full justice to his new duty as acting Governor of Yasin. Commenting on his work, the Political Agent, D.L.R. Lorimer, wrote the following:
“During the 15 months he held charge as acting Governor, his work was in every way admirable, and he deserves great credit for his services.”
Popular ceremonies that had been allowed to fall into abeyance owing to the penuriousness of Raja Sifat Bahadur were re-introduced by Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra. He performed, for example, the Methari Seed-Sowing ceremony in February 1923. It was attended by a very large number of Yasinis from various parts of the district. The headmen and village officials were given customary presents. Actions against the absconders were also taken (the party of followers of Raja Sifat Bahadur who joined him in his incursive expedition). For example, all moveable property of the absconders was, in agreement with the Political Agent and the Raja of Punial, confiscated and sold and the proceeds credited to the Yasin Administration Fund.
In May 1923, D.L.R. Lorimer, C.I.E., the Political Agent in Gilgit, wrote the following to the First Assistant to the Resident in Kashmir:
“In the Agency all is quiet. Yasin in enjoying such peace and good rule as it has probably never before experienced. The people are happy and contented. In their own phrase they are getting peace to “grow their fur again” and they only wish that the present halcyon days may continue forever. But that of course is impossible. Government cannot in any case take over the permanent administration of the district, nor could it provide any other Governor with the peculiar qualifications of Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad, who will shortly be retiring from the service.”
Experience and wisdom
After 15 months of service as acting Governor of Yasin, Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra reverted to the post of Indian Assistant to the Political Agent in Gilgit. While coming down to Gilgit, he met some 150 men from the Ghizer district who were on their way to Gilgit to give petitions against their Governor Khan Bahadur Raja Murad Khan for taking ponies, yaks etc. from them as Salami or on promises of giving them land or of enlisting them in the Corps of Scouts. The petitioners were heard by Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra, and it was established that the claims were all old and mostly invalid. The movement appears to have been inspired by certain individuals who were not content to have a Governor (Khan Bahadur Raja Murad Khan) who, although was just, was, at the same time, old, weak, indecisive, and from outside the area. The petitioners eventually returned to their homes after apologising to the Governor, although complaints against the Governor continued to be lodged from time to time afterwards.
This incident, nevertheless, demonstrates the high level of experience, understanding, and capability of Hazrat Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khanra, being able to judge wisely and determine the actual narrative that was hidden within a conglomeration of falsehood and fiction.
Later life
Soon afterwards, Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra retired from his long and productive service in the Gilgit Agency and was, upon his request, transferred to Ladakh being appointed as the Special Charas Officer in the city of Leh. After serving in Ladakh for many years, he settled down with his family in Qadian where he stayed until the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.
Following this event, he decided to move with his family back to his birthplace and ancestral home in Bhera, Pakistan. It was in Bhera that he passed away on 26 June 1956 at the age of 85 years. He was buried in Bahishti Maqbara Rabwah. May Allah, the Almighty, shower Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ghulam Muhammad Khanra with his blessings and grant a lofty station to him in Paradise, Ameen.
National Archives of India, Foreign and Political Department, File no.: Progs.1909, July No. 193/194, Constitution of a Board of Examination in the Shina dialect consisting of Major Dew and certain other officers of the Gilgit District, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign and Political Department, File no.: Progs. August 1910, No 195-196, Sanction to the proposal Lieut. Major Dew, Sardar Bahram Khan, and Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad who formed the Board of examination in the Shina dialect held at Gilgit on the 11th of April 1910 should be exempted from appearing as Candidates for examination in the language and may be permitted to draw the allowance as though they passed the examination, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign Department, File no.: 339-340, Sanction to 1. the temporary transfer of the services of Babu Girish Chander Bose, Head Clerk of the Gilgit Agency, to the Kashmir state as Treasury Officer, Gilgit with the effect from the 29th January to the 30th June 1908 and 2. to the appointment of Munshi Ghulam Mohammad as treasury officer Gilgit with effect from the 1st May. 1908, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign Department, File no.: 317/318, Proposed temporary transfer of M. Ghulam Muhammad Head Clerk of the Gilgit Agency Office to Foreign Service under the Kashmir Durbar. Sanction to his retention of the Treasury officer’s allowance of Rs 100/- p.m. drawn by him, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign Department, File no.: 35-37, Sanction to the temporary transfer to Foreign Service under the Kashmir Darbar of Munshi Ghulam Muhammad Head Clerk of the Gilgit agency for the period from the 1st May to 3rd December 1906, during which he performed the duties of treasury officer, Gilgit vice M. Iftikhar Ahmad transferred to Kashgar, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
The British Library, Asian and African Studies, Reference: IOR/L/PS/10/826, File no.: 2274/1919, Gilgit Agency: monthly diaries, [accessed 6 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign Department, File no.: 293-296, Grant to Maulvi Ghulam Mohammad, Treasury officer of the Gilgit Agency, of a local allowance of Rs.25/- a month on his appointment as Headmaster of the Gilgit School, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign Department, File no.: 391-414, Gilgit Agency Political Diaries January 1922 to December 1923, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign and Political Department, File no.: 36-F, Gilgit Agency Political Diary from January 193=24 to March 1925, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]
National Archives of India, Foreign and Political Department, File no.: 203-F, Request of Khan Bahadur Raja Sifat Bahadur, Governor of Yasin, for permission to proceed to Darel and Tangir, https://www.abhilekh-patal.in/jspui/ [accessed 1 October 2024]