The land of Germany, yet again, has been blessed with the arrival of Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa for the 44th Jalsa Salana Germany to be held in Karlsruhe from 5-7 July. Huzooraa arrived at Baitus Subuh, Frankfurt on Tuesday, 2 July at around 22:30 local time.
Extensive planning and preparations had taken place to prepare the Jalsa site for Huzoor’s inspection and the formal inauguration of Jalsa duties. Huzooraa addressed volunteers at the inspection on Thursday, 4 July and reminded them of their responsibilities with regard to taking special care of the guests of the Promised Messiahas.
Today, Huzooraa initiated the Jalsa with the flag hoisting ceremony prior to his Friday Sermon.
At present, thousands of guests from a plethora of nationalities and countries are populating the magnanimous site for the three-day spiritual assembly where they will have the opportunity to offer daily prayers behind Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa whilst also listening to his insightful addresses.
The speeches delivered by Huzooraa will be broadcast live to millions across the globe through MTA International; Saturday will see two key-note addresses by Huzoor. The first from the ladies’ Jalsa Gah at 11:00 GMT.
Thereafter, in the afternoon at 14:30 GMT, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa shall deliver an address to non-Ahmadi guests attending Jalsa Salana.
Sunday’s highlight encapsulates the Bai‘at ceremony with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa at 13:45 GMT followed by the concluding speech to the convention. Also, on the agenda is an awards ceremony during which Huzooraa will award students who have shown exemplary academic performance.
Guests who have flocked to Germany are reaping blessings from Huzoor’s presence whilst having the opportunity to pray behind Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa; to offer Tahajud prayer, listen to Duroos and meet fellow Ahmadi brothers and sisters from close and afar.
A number of speeches covering a broad spectrum of topics will be delivered throughout the three days by various speakers; some themes include the humility of the Holy Prophetsa, the advent of the Promised Messiahas, the Holy Quran, the blessed life of Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Rasul Rajekira, Islam in the digital age, Salat, the remembrance of Allah, the pledge of Bai‘at and the upbringing of children.
A separate session throughout the Jalsa Salana is taking place at the ladies’ Jalsa Gah where several speeches and sittings will occur simultaneous to the men’s Jalsa Gah. However, all shall listen to Huzoor’s addresses live at the same time.
As always, guests have arrived for this spiritual gathering from a host of countries including Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, African countries, America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Middle Eastern countries, Russia, Georgia, France, Finland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Iceland and even south American countries to mention but a handful.
As the Promised Messiahas expressed at the very first Jalsa Salana in 1891 in Qadian, the purpose of the Jalsa will be spiritual reformation; a teaching Huzooraa has continuously stressed.
The presence of Huzooraa at Karlsruhe is an extremely special opportunity for those present to fulfil the spiritual purpose of the Jalsa as described by the Promised Messiahas
The three-day proceedings will be televised and streamed live by MTA International. Readers are urged to tune in and benefit from this blessed occasion.