Publisher: Islam International Publications
‘Haqiqatul-Wahi: The Philosophy of Divine Revelation’ is one of the most important books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (peace be upon him) —and soon it will be available in English.
Revelation and True Dreams – The Promised Messiahas begins by explaining that every soul has been invested with the capacity to connect with its Maker, no matter what its spiritual state. In short, anyone is capable of seeing a true dream—on occasion. But the Promised Messiahas cautions: “Most people are unaware of the stage and condition in which a dream or revelation can be worthy and reliable,” nor do they recognise that their dreams can be “the words of Satan, not of God—or the speaking of the self, not the speaking of the Lord.”
Accordingly, he categorises recipients of true dreams and revelation into three types:
(1) Those who have almost no connection to God;
(2) Those who have an imperfect relationship; and
(3) Those who receive revelation from God Almighty in its purest and most perfect form and who are honoured with divine communion and discourse in all its perfection.
Each of these types is discussed in a chapter. In chapter four (4), the Author relates his own personal experiences; that is to say, he explains as to which of the three categories he has been placed in by the grace and munificence of God Almighty. This chapter ends with a transcription of numerous revelations bestowed upon the Promised Messiahas.
Questions and Answers – The Promised Messiahas then turns his attention to ‘Abdul Hakim Khan, who was at one time a follower of his, but then began to question the teachings of the Promised Messiahas. In particular, Khan believed that it was not necessary to believe in the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa to earn salvation. “According to him,” the Promised Messiahas relates, “one can attain salvation even after abandoning Islam.” In letters to the Promised Messiahas, Khan asks nine questions, which the Promised Messiahas answers in Haqiqatul-Wahi.
210 Signs – The Promised Messiahas then recounts more than 200 Signs to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is true in his claims. Some of these Signs are the fulfilment of prophecies by earlier Prophets; others by Auliya-ullah [Friends of God] from the Muslim ummah; and others yet which are fulfilled at the hands of the Promised Messiahas. Some Signs are related in a few sentences, while others span more than fifty pages.
Invitation to Muslims, Aryas, and Christians – The Author includes heartfelt appeals to Muslims, Hindus, and Christian priests to study his book, cover-to-cover. To the Muslim ummah in particular he calls out:
“I appeal in the name of God to all the distinguished scholars, elders, and those who can read this book from among my people that if this book reaches them they should study it closely from beginning to end […] even at the cost of their time and engagements…”
Al-Istifta’ – The last portion is a translation of an Arabic treatise, the title of which means, “seeking a verdict from the scholars of Islam”. Written in highly eloquent and classical Arabic, and sealed with a hauntingly beautiful 50-page ode in Arabic (known as a qasidah), al-Istifta’ addresses the Muslim divines of the Arab world and beyond.
How to Buy
Limited quantities will Insha-Allah be available at Jalsa Salana UK 2018. Shortly thereafter, the book should be available in the UK through normal Jamaat channels, though Additional Wakalat-e-Tasnif would encourage members to purchase Haqiqatul-Wahi through Amazon.com (beginning in October), which will serve to raise the book’s profile to non-Muslims and non-Ahmadis who are browsing books online related to God, Islam, etc.
For more information,
write to wakalat.tasneef@gmail.com
or go to Facebook.com/HaqiqatulWahiBook.
I’d like to find out the exact date of publication of this book in 1907 please. Thanks
M.Ikram Dar