Arshad Mehmood, Secretary Ishaat, Glasgow
Scotland Jamaat organised a successful Tarbiyat Day, which took place on 27 October 2019. The programme started at 11am with the recitation of the Holy Quran, after an opening speech by Imam Raja Burhan Ahmad Sahib and comments by Muhammad Ahsan Ahmad Sahib, Regional Amir Scotland.
All members were divided into Lajna, Ansar, Khuddam and Atfal groups, where they had their separate tarbiyat workshops. A quiz competition was held by dividing male members of the Jamaat into four teams of Glasgow A, Glasgow B, Dundee & Edinburgh. After lunch and Zuhr prayer, a question and answer session was organised by Raja Burhan Ahmad Sahib and Mansoor Ahmad Zia Sahib. In total, 180 members attended and benefitted from this event.