Ataul Ghalib
Bolivia Correspondent
On 20 April, the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Bolivia held its 2nd Get to Know Islam event. This year’s topic was How to Obtain World Peace.
The event was held in the city of Santa Cruz, in the downtown area. Prior to the event, 2,000 flyers were distributed in various universities and tabligh stalls were held in the biggest park in the city. This is a weekly tabligh stall through which, on a weekly basis, about 2,000 people get to see the picture of the Promised Messiahas and approximately 1,000 flyers are distributed.
The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran which was done by our local Ahmadi Antonio Saucedo followed by its recitation.
A short introduction was given by a local new-convert followed by another short presentation on the unity of God by a local Ahmadi. By the grace of Allah, the new converts have started to learn a lot about Islam Ahmadiyyat and are beginning to teach others. Alhamdolillah! The event was attended by 45 people.
Our visiting missionary, Ataul Manan Sahib (a graduate of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada) gave a presentation on obtaining inner peace.
Thereafter, the missionary and president of Bolivia Jamaat Ataul Ghalib Sahib delivered a speech on the true Islamic solution to world peace.
A question and answer session was held which many benefited from. This was then followed by silent prayer. Refreshments were then served to the guests and an open discussion took place.
At this event we had various banners and book exhibitions were put up to show various teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat which gave people a chance to see the Holy Quran first hand. There was also a Try a Hijab exhibition that was held by Lajna Imaillah.
Alhamdolillah, after this event, two local contacts also accepted Islam and Ahmadiyyat and did Bai‘at. Many have shown great interest and are now starting to come to the mission house to learn more about the Jamaat.
Under the guidance of Hazrat Amirul Momineen, may Allah be his helper, the Jamaat is growing in this part of the world and the prophecy of the Promised Messiahas “I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the world” is, once again, being manifested in this part of the world. Alhamdolillah!