Osama Ahmad, Naib Sadr MKA Germany

Distressing images of people suffering in Germany went viral: in the blink of an eye, people lost their entire existence, a beloved family member, their neighbour, or friends and acquaintances. People had to leave their homes within a few minutes, not knowing whether they will be able to see their homes still standing there when they return. Sunken towns, villages, roads and motorways submerged in water, we are not talking about scenarios that are more familiar in films or distant continents and countries, we are talking about a flood of the century in Germany.
So far, the authorities have reported over 150 dead and dozens more missing in the two affected federal states of Nordrhein-Westfalen and Rhineland-Pfalz. Hundreds of people are homeless, senior citizens and old people’s homes have been evacuated and refugee shelters have been converted into reception centres for those affected by the floods.

According to the German Weather Service, it was a 1-in-a-100 year’s deluge over a large swath of western Germany. The flood disaster resulted from an unusual combination of weather factors that conspired to produce exceptional rainfall. It is rare but is becoming more frequent. The effects of the extreme rainfall were also felt on 18 July 2021, in south-eastern Bavaria and parts of the state of Sachsen, where the cases of flooding were also witnessed.
As in the current pandemic, the last few months have once again shown that the servants of the Promised Messiahas, as shining beacons within society, are ready without hesitation to render complete service to humanity. Whether it is the acute need for blood, basic sustenance to the worst affected section of the population affected by the pandemic or the selfless help within the neighbourhood, the members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, under the blessed guidance of Huzooraa, are at the forefront in rendering services to mankind.

In coordination with the khidmat-e-khalq department, MKA Germany had the opportunity to support citizens affected by the flood.
On 17 July 2021, 237 Khuddam helped at 13 different locations including severely affected places in Hagen, Stolberg, Zülpich, Rieden, Bad Münstereifel, Leverkusen, Trier and Gemünd. From serving food to shelters and people in their homes, to delivering clothes and donations of goods, clearing out basements and houses and evacuating affected people, the young Khuddam have been everywhere.

On 18 July 2021, 229 Khuddam helped at 23 different locations which included: Bischofswiesen, Ramsau, Berchtesgaden, Schönau, Salzbach, Gerolsheim, Wittlich, Trier, Gemünd, Scheiden, Hagen, Ahrweiler, Schuld, Leverkusen, Bergisch Gladbach, Simbach, Neuss, Köln, Euskirchen, Erftstadt, Stolberg and Aachen. In Nürburgring the Khuddam had the opportunity to help set up a mobile hospital.
On 19 July 2021, more than 100 Khuddam were helping in different parts of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rhineland-Pfalz and Bavaria.

MKA Germany are continuing this assistance throughout Germany and are at the forefront of serving humanity without discrimination.