On 20 December 2020, a group of waqifaat-e-nau in Mauritius had the good fortune of meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa in a virtual class.
The class commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran and its translation. Following this, a nazm, composed by the Promised Messiahas, was read out, after which its translation was presented.

Following this, a brief report was presented by muavina sadr waqifaat-e-nau. In the report, she stated that there were a total of 114 waqifaat-e-nau in Mauritius. She further stated that every Sunday, a class was conducted in which they taught the waqf-e-nau syllabus and that this year, a new tabligh class was also implemented.
After delivering the brief report, the muavina sadr asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa how to encourage waqifeen-e-nau to be more involved in Jamaat work.
Responding to this, Huzooraa said:
“Tell [the parents] to listen to my khutbas [sermons], then they will know their duties towards their Waqf-e-Nau children. Especially the khutba I delivered in Canada, in 2016, about Waqf-e-Nau; that should be widely spread and distributed to the parents of Waqf-e-Nau children.”
During the mulaqat, the waqifaat-e-nau had the chance to ask Huzooraa various questions on matters relating to religion, life and day-to-day issues. A young girl stated that missionaries were able to gain a lot of knowledge by joining and attending Jamia Ahmadiyya and further expressed that she would also like to gain such knowledge and asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa for advice and guidance on this matter.
Answering the young girl, Huzooraa said:
“Those countries that are very much established have started Aisha diniyat [theological] classes for girls and also hafizun [memorisation of the Holy Quran] classes. So, in those classes, girls are also receiving religious knowledge and also, at the same time, they are memorising the Holy Quran and becoming huffaz [those who have memorised the Holy Quran].
“So, when Mauritius Jamaat becomes well established – although it is established, but I think you are still lacking the resources – and when there are enough resources, I hope some training courses will also be implemented for girls in Mauritius.”
Huzooraa added, “There is no international Jamia Ahmadiyya for girls. So, for the time being, you have to increase your knowledge by reading yourself and striving hard for obtaining that knowledge.”
Following this, a young girl stated that on one occasion, whilst conversing with her friends, she said that God had not created anything in vain. Upon this, she said that she was asked why God created lizards and cockroaches, to which she expressed that she had no answer for this. The girl thus asked Huzooraa how she could give a satisfactory answer.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained:
“As you said, Allah has not created anything in vain. Even scorpion is used for making medicine … medicine is also made from snakes. For instance, those who suffer from hay fever and pollen allergy, for them, Lachesis is a homeopathic medicine which is used for treatment.”
Huzooraa added, “So, there are quite a number of things which we do not know the purpose of, but Allah has created everything for a purpose.”
After being asked how one can acquire Allah’s love and know that Allah is satisfied with our deeds and actions, Huzooraa said:
“If you always obey what Allah commands, then you can acquire the love of Allah. There are quite a number of commandments in the Holy Quran.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa added, “If one follows all those commandments and injunctions given to us by Allah, then one can attain the love of Allah.”
Huzooraa further said, “When you are following all those commandments which God has given and you are a true believer and follow the true teachings of Islam, then Allah says that He is happy.”
Upon being asked how children should respond when parents punish them, Huzooraa said:
“Parents should not punish or scold children on small, petty things … Even the Promised Messiahas has said that he did not like for parents to unnecessarily punish their children on small, petty things; rather, they should tolerate each and every thing of their children and pray for them that Allah reforms them and remove their shortcomings and problems.”
Huzooraa added, “One day, insha-Allah, when you become a mother, then you take care of your children in a proper way so that they become a good asset for the community.”
Thereafter, a young girl said that usually, during Namaz, one prays during sajdah; however, she asked whether one could still pray by raising their hands after saying salam.
Responding to this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“When you wish to seek help from somebody and go to the person’s house, but you do not talk about the required thing before them and then upon leaving and coming out of the house, you say, ‘O [so and so], help me’, it is senseless. The prayers show that you are in the presence of Allah. Allah has told you that when you are in prayer, you are close to Him, especially when you are in prostration.”
Huzooraa added, “Whenever we are in the presence of Allah, we should say everything to Him, not when we leave His house.”
Upon being asked about the Nusrat Jehan Scheme, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“During his visit to The Gambia, Allah revealed to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh or put it in his heart that he should start a scheme in which the less privileged people of Africa should be catered for … This scheme is to help those underprivileged people of Africa in their education and with regard to their health problems. This is why he started opening hospitals and schools in African countries.”
Following this, a young girl asked how one can distinguish if a dream is from Allah or if it is just from one’s own subconscious.
Responding to this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“A normal person sees 4-5 dreams during the night if you have a good sound sleep; this is what psychiatrists say. Sometimes, some dreams are so strong that when you see those dreams, you realise that they are from Allah … If you see any verse of the Holy Quran that has some meaning, then it is a true dream. If you see somebody telling you not to pray, it means it is from Satan and should not be followed.
“There are so many things which happen in your day-to-day life and during the night time, when you are sleeping, all those things come out from your subconscious and then take the shape of a dream and then you see them; they are not necessarily true dreams.”
Huzooraa further said, “Sometimes, some dreams are very clear; sometimes they are complicated and sometimes they merely reflect the things you see during your day-to-day life.”
A young girl said that in a hadith, it is mentioned that a person who dies by way of drowning is considered a shaheed (martyr). She further asked if this applied to everyone.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “There are so many categories of shaheeds … The main thing is that the person must be a momin – a person who obeys the commandments of Allah and is a good believer.”
Following this, a girl asked what advice Huzooraa could give to protect oneself from drugs, which is becoming more and more prevalent in schools. Answering this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“It is everywhere in the world nowadays. There is a big mafia which is causing this problem. They are utilising school children to sell their drugs. They give them a small amount in the beginning, free of cost, and when they get addicted, they say, ‘Okay, we will give you these things free of cost if you sell them among your fellow students.’
“So, society is now completely corrupted. There are no morals in society, they do not care about what they are doing with their children; with the children of the nation. Everybody is now selfish.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added, “We have to be very vigilant, keep an eye on those people, admonish them, advise them and the main thing is to pray for your children that they are not involved in such types of habits.”
Whilst asking her question, a young girl said that when one attains a certain spiritual level, how a person could ensure that they do not fall into old habits.
Answering this, Huzooraa said, “You must seek Allah’s help and continuously do istighfar and fervently pray to Him.”
Following this, a young girl said that she learned to play the violin in school as it was an obligatory subject and the marks obtained were counted in the overall results. She further asked for Huzoor’saa advice on the matter.
Huzooraa explained, “If it is compulsory for you to use the violin at school, then only use it in school; there is no need to bring it home. At home, you should concentrate more on your prayers and other positive things which can increase your knowledge.”
Huzooraa added, “You should try to gain that knowledge, which is useful for yourself, human beings and your religion.”
As the class drew to a close, the muavina sadr stated that there were some waqifaat-e-nau who had not yet confirmed their waqf and did not respond when contacted. Huzooraa said, “They should be given a final intimation that ‘if you do not wish to contact us, then we are going to report your name to the centre to remove your name from the list the waqifaat-e-nau … Those who do not want to continue their waqf can leave; that is not a problem. There is no compulsion.”