Friday Sermon
9 December 2022
Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakrra

After reciting the tashahud, ta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
At the end of the last Friday Sermon, I presented some quotes of the Promised Messiahas about Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra. I will present further extracts of the Promised Messiahas in this regard.
The Promised Messiahas states:
“Without doubt, Abu Bakr Siddiq and Umar Faruq were indeed the leaders of the caravan that surmounted high peaks for the sake of Allah. They called the people of cities and villages to the truth until the message reached far and wide. The fruits of Islam blossomed during both of their Khilafats, the atmosphere was filled with their fragrance, and Islam achieved great victories. During the era of Siddiq-e-Akbar [Hazrat Abu Bakrra], Islam underwent a period of various kinds of trials and it was possible that it may become the target of mighty onslaughts and attacks. Allah came to its rescue through the truthfulness of Abu Bakr and revealed its lost and buried treasure. Islam thus moved from a vulnerable state to one of strength. If we are to be fair, we should be grateful to this helper of faith and pay no heed to his opponents. Do not turn your back on the one who supported your Leader and Mastersa and saved your religion and home, and who looked after your welfare for the sake of Allah without expecting any reward. It is amazing how anyone can deny his eminence. The truth is that his radiant attributes shine brilliantly like the sun. Every believer reaps from the harvest that was sown by him and benefits from the knowledge taught by him. He preserved our faith by giving us the Holy Quran [in the form of a compiled book] and bringing peace and security to our world. He who denies this is a liar and will end up ruined, and will be in the company of Satan.”
The Promised Messiahas continues, “Those who are confused about his true status are guilty of a deliberate error, as they see a drought in the place of abundant water. In their rage, they have insulted the most honourable one.”
The Promised Messiahas further states, “The personality of as-Siddiq was a combination of hope and fear, trepidation and longing, sympathy and love. His nature was perfect in sincerity and loyalty and was completely drawn towards the Almighty. He was empty of ego and of all carnal desires. He was dedicated to God to the highest degree. Whatever he did was for the sake of the reformation and welfare of the believers. He was innocent of the charge of causing harm or grief, which some attribute to him. Do not dwell on internal conflicts, therefore, and look at them in a positive light. Reflect that this man, seeking Allah’s pleasure, gave no precedence to his own sons and daughters to make them rich, nor did he assign to them high offices. He sought from this world only his basic needs. How can you think that such a person would oppress the family of the Messengersa of Allah?” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 79-82)
Then, the Promised Messiahas states:
“May Allah have mercy on as-Siddiq as he revived Islam, put an end to the infidels, and perpetuated his virtues until the Day of Judgement. He was inclined to shed tears frequently and was of the virtuous. He would supplicate, pray and prostrate before Allah, crying and humbling himself on His doorstep. He never left Allah’s door and was ever eager to offer prayers in prostration. He would weep while reciting the Quran. He was undoubtedly the pride of Islam and the Messengers. His nature closely resembled the nature of the Best of Creation. He was among the first to partake of the fragrance of prophethood and to witness the great revival of the dead brought by the Holy Prophetsa that was akin to the Day of Resurrection. He was among the foremost to shed the dirty garbs of society and replace them with clean and pure ones. Many of his qualities were like those of the Prophets.
“He [Hazrat Abu Bakr] is the only Companion who is clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran. Any allusion to others is a matter of conjecture, which avails nothing against the truth, and does not satisfy those who seek the truth. Whoever holds a grudge against him creates a barrier between himself and the truth, and it will not be removed until he returns to the Leader of the Truthful.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 99-100)
Then, the Promised Messiahas states:
“As for as-Siddiq, he was always seeking the munificence of Allah and looking towards God’s Messengersa. Therefore, he was the most deserving of the qualities of prophethood and most eligible to be the successor to the Best of Mankind. He was one with his leader and always in accord with him. He was the manifestation of his master in all his higher morals, in his conduct and in the forsaking of the associations and the desires of the ego, so much so, that he did not waver even when attacked by swords and spears. He never faltered in the face of any calamity, intimidation, blame, or vilification. The essence of his soul was honesty, purity, steadfastness, and righteousness, such that even if the whole world turned apostate, he would not care or turn back, but would continue to march forward.
“For this reason, Allah has mentioned the Truthful immediately after mentioning the Prophets, as He said:
فَاُولٰٓئِكَ مَعَ الَّذِيۡنَ اَنۡعَمَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيۡهِمۡ مِّنَ النَّبِيّٖنَ وَالصِّدِّيۡقِيۡنَ وَالشُّهَدَآءِ وَالصّٰلِحِيۡنَ
“‘They shall be among those on whom Allah has bestowed His blessings, namely, the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous.” (4:70)]
“In this verse, there is a reference to Hazrat Abu Bakrra and his excellence over others, because the Holy Prophetsa did not call any other Companion ‘the Truthful’ except Abu Bakr, and he did so in order to highlight his lofty status. Reflect on this, like those are wont to reflect. In this verse, seekers of the truth can find a principle regarding the stations of spiritual excellence and the people who belong to them.
“When I reflected on this verse, I realised that it is the greatest testimony to the perfection of as-Siddiq. In this verse, a deep secret has been revealed to every seeker of truth: Hazrat Abu Bakrra was named ‘as-Siddiq’ [the Truthful] by the Messenger of Allah, and in this verse, the Quran has linked the Truthful to the Prophets, as is obvious to those who possess insight. We cannot find any other Companion who has been granted this title or addressed in a similar way. This proves the excellence of as-Siddiq as this title is mentioned immediately after the Prophets.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 104-107)
Then, the Promised Messiahas states:
“Ibn Khaldun states that when the Holy Prophet’ssa illness worsened and he fell into a state of unconsciousness, his wives and other family members such as Abbas and Ali gathered around him. Then, when it came time for prayer, the Holy Prophetsa instructed, ‘tell Abu Bakr that he should lead the people in prayer.’” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Part 2, p. 62)
The Promised Messiahas further states, “Ibn Khaldun says that then, after stating three things as part of his will, the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘aside from Abu Bakr’sra door to the mosque, all other doors should be closed because I have found none among the Companions to be greater in favours than Abu Bakr.’” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Part 2, p. 62)
Then, the Promised Messiahas states:
“Ibn Khaldun writes — When Abu Bakr entered the room in which the body of the Messengersa of Allah lay, he uncovered his face, kissed his forehead and said: ‘Let my mother and father be sacrificed for you; you have tasted the death which Allah decreed for you, and you will never taste death ever again.’” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Part 2, p. 62)
The Promised Messiahas continues:
“According to Ibn Khaldun — one of the favours Allah bestowed on Hazrat Abu Bakr in terms of his complete nearness to the Holy Prophetsa was that he, may Allah be pleased with him, was carried in the same coffin that had carried the Messengersa of Allah and his grave was made flat like the grave of the Holy Prophetsa, and the companions made his grave adjacent to the grave of the Holy Prophetsa and his head was laid level with the shoulder of the Holy Prophetsa. The last words he spoke were: ‘Let death come to me in a state of being a Muslim and join me with the righteous.’” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, p. 176) (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 189-190, Footnote)
Then, the Promised Messiahas states:
“Abu Bakrra was a genius and a godly person. He manifested the light of Islam after it had become encroached upon by darkness. He did his utmost to challenge those who left Islam, and to combat those who denied the truth. On the other hand, he was soft-hearted and lenient with those who entered its fold. He endured great difficulties in order to spread Islam. He gave mankind a precious and matchless treasure. He led the Arabs with fortitude and taught them civility and the mannerisms in their eating, drinking and gatherings. He showed them the paths of virtue and instilled courage and passion in them when engaged in wars. Despite witnessing a state of despair among those around him, he went forth to battle, challenged every disputer and did not give in to doubt like the weak. In every trial and ordeal, he proved to be more steadfast than Koh-e-Radwa (a mountain in Medina). He destroyed anyone who falsely claimed to be a prophet. He forsook the desires of the world for the sake of Allah, the Most High. The only thing that pleased him was to uphold the word of Islam and follow Khairul-Anam [the Best of Mankind]. Therefore, hold fast to the protector of your religion – Hazrat Abu Bakrra – and leave aside your objections and doubts.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“I do not say this out of my own desires or in imitation of my forefathers, rather, this matter has intrigued me as far back as I can remember, and I had long resolved to thoroughly investigate its every aspect and to think over it deeply.”
He further states:
“Therefore, I was keen to seek out every piece of information and to inquire about every authentic account regarding this issue.
“I found as-Siddiq to be truthful, as was made clear to me after my research. When I found him to be the leader of Imams and the lamp of the Religion and Ummah, I held fast to him and entered his fortress. I attracted the mercy of my Lord by loving the righteous. Allah the Most Merciful thus had mercy on me, gave me refuge, assisted me, nourished me and made me one of the honoured ones. Out of His mercy, He made me the Reformer of this century, the Promised Messiah, and of those whom He blesses with His discourse. He removed my grief and gave me what no one in the world was ever given. All this is owing to the blessing of following the Holy Prophet, the immaculate one, and loving those who are granted nearness to Allah. O Allah, bless and prosper the Best of the Messengers and Khatamul-Anbiya’ [the Seal of the Prophets], Muhammad, who is the Best of all Mankind.
“By Allah, Abu Bakr was the Holy Prophet’ssa constant companion in the two holy cities and in the two tombs as well. Here I refer, firstly, to the ‘tomb’ of the cave wherein he concealed himself as if he were dead, and, secondly, to the tomb that is in Madinah, which is adjacent to the tomb of Khairul-Bariyyah [i.e. the Best of Creation — the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa]. Think, therefore, of the [high] status of as-Siddiq if you are a people who reflect. Allah has praised him and his Khilafat in the Quran and praised him in the highest terms. There is no doubt that he is accepted and loved by Allah. Foolish is the one who begrudges his status. The impurity that infected Islam was wiped away by his Khilafat.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“The felicity of Muslims became complete due to his compassion. The pillar of Islam would well have crumbled, had as-Siddiq, the friend of the Best of Mankind, not been present. He found Islam like a weak person — sick and emaciated and barely in his senses, so he rose to restore its beauty and splendour in a masterful way and hastened to revive the lost Islam until it had regained the agility of its body, the softness of its cheeks, the charm of its beauty, and the sweetness of its pure water. All this came to pass because of the truth of this honest servant of God. He defeated the enemy and turned the situation around. He never sought any reward for this; his reward was only with Allah. No day or night rose upon him except that he was engaged in this service. He restored the broken remains, put an end to the sufferings, and protected the land. The victory was always his because of the grace and mercy of Allah. I will now put forward some evidence, placing my trust in the One God, to show you how Hazrat Abu Bakr ended the terrible seditions and the dangerous tribulations and how he put an end to the warmongers. His hidden inner self was made manifest for all to see through his actions, and his actions bore witness to his high qualities. May Allah reward him for this with the best reward and resurrect him along with the most pious ones. May He have mercy on us through the intercession of those beloved ones. O Allah, Lord of favours and bounties, accept this from me. You are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 185-187, Footnote)
Then, the Promised Messiahas states:
“Keep the example of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra before you at all times. Think about the time of the Holy Prophetsa when the Quraish were bent on mischief on all fronts and the disbelievers hatched conspiracies to kill the Holy Prophetsa. This era was a most trying one. In such a time, the manner in which Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra fulfilled his commitment to friendship is an example unparalleled in our world. Such strength and resilience is impossible without faith. All of you who are seated before me now ought to reflect that if today, a trial of this nature were to fall upon you, how many of you would stand by me? Or for example, what if the government began to investigate one by one the people who have sworn allegiance to me. How many of you would bravely say that they are among my followers? I am aware that some of you would lose the feeling in your hands and feet, and they would immediately begin to think about their properties and relatives, and how they would have to part with them.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“To stand by in times of difficulty is the sign of those who are true in faith. Hence, until a person practically instils faith within themselves, nothing can be achieved, for, until such a time, a person’s excuses will have no end. When the people are actually faced with a trial, there are few who prove firm. The disciples of the Messiah abandoned him and fled in his last hours when he was confronted with misfortune, and some even cursed him to his face.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“[…] In short, the truth and sincerity of Abu Bakr Siddiqra came to light at a time when the Holy Prophetsa was surrounded by his assailants. Although some of them were of the opinion that he should merely be banished from Mecca, most of them actually sought to put an end to his life. It was at that hour that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra demonstrated his sincerity and loyalty, which will shine as an example until the end of time. In this trying hour, the very selection of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is a powerful argument in favour of the excellence and supreme loyalty of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra. For example, if the Viceroy of India were to choose someone for an important task, the opinion of the Viceroy would be better and more judicious than, say, a local watchman. It must be accepted, therefore, that the selection of the Viceroy is, in any case, better suited and more appropriate. For the government has appointed him as a deputy ruler, and has put its trust in his loyalty, farsightedness and experience. It is then that the government handed over to him the reins of authority. It would, thus, be inappropriate to disregard the Viceroy’s effective management and sound judgement, and take the choice of an ordinary watchman to be more correct.
“This is also the case with the selection of the Holy Prophetsa. At that time, the Holy Prophetsa had seventy or eighty companions, and even Hazrat Alira was with him, but from all of these companions, the Holy Prophetsa chose none other than Hazrat Abu Bakrra. What is the secret to this? The fact is that a Prophet sees through the eye of God Almighty, and his insight comes from God Almighty. Therefore, Allah the Exalted had informed the Holy Prophetsa by means of vision and revelation that the best and most appropriate person for this task was Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra.
“Hazrat Abu Bakrra accompanied the Holy Prophetsa in this difficult hour. This was a time of perilous trial.”
The Promised Messiahas states:
“[…] Therefore, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra stood by the Holy Prophetsa and gave him full support, and when they reached a cave known as the Cave of Thaur, they both took refuge in the cave. The evil disbelievers who had conspired to harm the Holy Prophetsa were led to this cave in their search. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra submitted to the Holy Prophetsa: ‘Now, these people are upon us, and if any one of them looks down even slightly, they will be able to see us, and we shall be apprehended.’ At that time, the Holy Prophetsa said:
لَا تَحۡزَنۡ إِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَنَا
“Meaning, ‘Do not fear in the least, for Allah the Exalted is with us’ (9:40). Reflect on these words. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, joins Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra with himself and states:
إِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَنَا
“[Verily, Allah is with us. (9:40)]
“The Arabic words ma’ana include both of them, i.e. ‘with you and I.’ Allah the Exalted placed the Holy Prophetsa on one side and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra on the other (there are two parts of a scale and Allah the Almighty placed the Holy Prophetsa on one side and Hazrat Abu Bakrra on the other).
“At that time, both of them were in a state of trial. For it was at this point in time when the foundation of Islam was either going to be secured or brought to an end.
“The enemy stood at the mouth of the cave and various opinions were being voiced. Some said that the cave ought to be searched because the footprints ended at the cave, while others pointed out that it was impossible for a person to pass through here and enter the cave as a spider had woven a web at the mouth of the cave and a dove had laid its eggs. These discussions could be heard from within the cave and the Holy Prophetsa could also hear them clearly. In this state of affairs, the enemy had come to kill them both and had set out with immense vigour to complete their task, but just observe the remarkable courage of the Holy Prophetsa, who says to his true friend:
لَا تَحۡزَنۡ إِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَنَا
“[Grieve not, for Allah is with us. (9:40)]
“These words evidently demonstrate that the Holy Prophetsa said the aforementioned phrase with his tongue, because such words could only be expressed with a voice and not through sign language. The enemy stood outside consulting amongst themselves, and inside the cave, both servant and master were also engaged in discourse. The Holy Prophetsa had no concern that the enemy would hear his voice and this is proof of his remarkable faith and his insight into Allah the Exalted. It demonstrates that he had full trust in the promises of God Almighty. This one example alone is enough to show the bravery of the Holy Prophetsa […] In addition to the account just mentioned, there is another incident that bears testimony to the bravery of Abu Bakr Siddiqra as well.
“When the Holy Prophetsa passed away, Hazrat Umarra came forth, sword in hand, and said, ‘I shall kill anyone who says that the Holy Prophetsa, has died.’ In these circumstances, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra spoke with remarkable bravery and courage; he stood up and delivered an address. He recited the following verse of the Holy Quran:
مَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلَّا رَسُولٞ قَدۡ خَلَتۡ مِن قَبۡلِهِ الرُّسُلُ
Meaning, Muhammadsa, is only a Messenger of Allah the Almighty, and all the Prophets that have gone by before him, have all passed away (3:145). It was on this that emotion subsided. After this, the Arab nomads apostatised. Hazrat Aishara, describes these delicate times and says, ‘When the Messengersa of Allah, passed away, a number of false claimants to prophethood came forth. Some abandoned the prayer and the circumstances changed completely. In this state of affairs and in this calamity, my father became the Caliph and succeeded the Holy Prophetsa. My father was faced with such griefs that if they had descended upon the mountains, they would have crumbled.’
“Now reflect, it is not the work of any ordinary man to stand firm with courage and resolve when overwhelmed with mountains of grief. This steadfastness requires a love for truth and sincerity (sidq) and it was this Truthful One (Siddiq), known as Abu Bakrra who demonstrated this quality. It was impossible for any other person to confront these perils. All the companions were present at the time, but not a single one of them said that they were more deserving of the office of Caliphate, for they could see that a fire was ablaze around them. Who could have been willing to cast themselves into this fire? In these circumstances, Hazrat Umarra extended his hand and swore his allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, after which everyone, one after the other, swore their allegiance as well. It was the sincerity (sidq) of Hazrat Abu Bakrra that suppressed the uprising and put an end to the rebels. Musailimah had an army of 100,000 and he taught a religious ideology that removed them from divine law. When people saw his teachings of non-conformity, they entered his religion in large numbers. However, God Almighty clearly demonstrated that He was with Hazrat Abu Bakrra and eased all of his travails.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 1, pp. 374-379)
In another instance, the Promised Messiahas said:
“For my part, no one can be a true Muslim unless they adopt the attributes and qualities of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali, may Allah be pleased with them all. They did not love this world and instead placed themselves entirely at the service of God.” (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Lecture Ludhiana, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 20, p. 294)
The Promised Messiahas then says:
“I swear in the name of Allah that as-Siddiq was the man whom Allah had blessed with many mantles of distinction. Allah Himself is witness to the fact that Abu Bakr was one of His chosen ones. He praised him and said that he was a man who could tolerate separation from his nearest ones but would not bear to be parted from the Chosen One of God. Hazrat Abu Bakr gave precedence to his Master and came hastening towards him and happily endured every difficulty and distanced himself from all inner desires. When the Messengersa of Allah asked him to accompany him on his migration, he did not hesitate even for a second. When the Meccans resolved to drive the Holy Prophet out of his home, he came to Abu Bakr and said, ‘I have been commanded to migrate with you as my companion. We should leave this place together.’ Hearing this, as-Siddiq rendered thanks to Allah for choosing him as the companion of the Holy Prophet in this time of great danger. In fact, he had been waiting for the opportunity to be of service to the Prophet, and the moment had finally come. He stood by his Master, bearing every hardship and showing no fear of the murderous plot of the assassins. His superiority is a fact established by clear judgements and manifest verses. Indeed, all evidence points to his excellence. As to his truthfulness, it is as apparent as daylight. He earnestly sought the blessings of the Hereafter and abandoned the pleasures of this world. None after him can hope to match his excellent qualities.”
The Promised Messiahas continues:
“If you wonder why Allah chose him to start the system of Khilafat and what the divine wisdom behind this was, then you should keep in mind that Allah saw how as-Siddiqra had believed in the Messengersa of Allah with a sincere heart at a time when no one else amongst his people had accepted Islam. He saw how he stood by the Prophetsa of Allah when he was all alone, facing a deluge of persecution. After accepting Islam, Al-Siddiq faced all kinds of abuse and persecution at the hands of his own nation, family, tribe, and friends. He was persecuted in the cause of Allah and was driven out of his home just as the Holy Prophetsa had been. He not only faced great persecution at the hands of his enemies but also bore insult and abuse from those dearest to him. Nonetheless, he strived with his life and possessions for the cause of Allah and chose a life of austerity even though he had been accustomed to one of ease and comfort. He was driven out and persecuted in the cause of Allah. He sacrificed his property for His cause and traded his wealth for a life of adversity and poverty. Allah, therefore, desired to reward him for all the suffering he had endured during those days, to bestow upon him something far better than what he had readily given up, and to recompense him for his endeavours in seeking the pleasure of Allah. Indeed, Allah never allows the rewards of the righteous to be lost. Thus, his Lord bestowed the mantle of Khilafat upon him and exalted his name. His Lord took away his distress, elevated his status through His blessings and grace, and made him the Commander of the Believers.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 63-66)
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“It is vital to believe that Siddiq-e-Akbarra [Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq], Hazrat Faruq-e-Umarra [Hazrat Umar Faruqra], Hazrat Dhun-Nurainra [Hazrat Uthmanra] and Hazrat Ali Murtazara were all the custodians of the faith. For Islam, Abu Bakrra was the second coming of Adamas; similarly, if Hazrat Umar Faruqra and Hazrat Uthmanra did not show sincerity in the trust bestowed upon them, then it would be impossible for us to consider even one verse of the Qur’an to be from Allah the Almighty.” (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 151, Maktub No. 2, Maktub ba Nam Hazrat Khan Sahib Muhammad Ali Khan Sahib)
In another instance, the Promised Messiahas states:
“Hazrat Abu Bakrra is a Second Adamas for Islam. Even in that era, Musailimah had gathered the people on teachings that removed them from divine law. It was at such a time that Hazrat Abu Bakrra became the Caliph and so anyone can imagine the number of difficulties that would have arisen at such a juncture. If Hazrat Abu Bakrra had not been strong-hearted and if his faith was not similar in nature to the faith of the Messengersa, he would have grown apprehensive and this could have spelled catastrophe. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra was similar in hue to the Prophetsa. Moreover, the morals of the Holy Prophetsa had left a deep imprint on his character, and his heart was replete with the light of certainty; this is why he exhibited an example of bravery and perseverance that is unparalleled after the Holy Prophetsa. Abu Bakrra brought a death upon himself for the life of Islam.
“This is an issue that does not require a lengthy discussion. Simply study the events of that era and then weigh the service that Abu Bakrra rendered for Islam. Truthfully, I say to you that Abu Bakrra was a second Adamas for Islam. I am convinced that after the Holy Prophetsa if the person of Abu Bakr Siddiqra had not existed, there would be no Islam. Abu Bakr Siddiqra has bestowed an immense favour upon us, for he established Islam once again. Through the strength of his faith, he brought all of the rebels to account and established peace. God Almighty had stated and promised that he would bring peace at the hand of the true Caliph and this prophecy was fulfilled in the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra. Heaven and earth attested to this as well. Hence, this is the definition of a Truthful One (Siddiq); such a person must possess within themselves a level of truth and sincerity (sidq) that is as great and excellent as what we have just described. Issues can easily be resolved through examples.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 1, pp. 380-381)
The Promised Messiahas states: “Upon the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, thousands of people became apostates, even though the sharia had been perfected within his era. The apostasy reached such an extent that prayers were only offered in two mosques, and aside from them, there was not a single mosque where prayers were offered. It was regarding these people that Allah the Almighty said:
قُل لَّمۡ تُؤۡمِنُواْ وَلٰكِن قُولُوٓاْ أَسۡلَمۡنَا
[Say, You have not believed yet; but rather say, ‘We have accepted Islam,’ (49:15)]
“However, Allah the Almighty established Islam once again through Hazrat Abu Bakrra and thus, as it were, he was the second coming of Adamas.
“In my opinion, after the Holy Prophetsa, the one who conferred the greatest favour upon the Ummah was Hazrat Abu Bakrra, because in his time there were four claimants to prophethood. Musailimah had amassed a following of 100,000, whereas the prophet of the Muslims had passed away. Yet despite all of these difficulties, Islam remained firm upon its foundations. Hazrat Umar was given this mantle after it was fully established, and he was able to expand upon it to the extent that Islam spread from the Bedouins living in the villages to the Levant and the doors of the Byzantine Empire, and these lands came under Muslim rule. The trials suffered by Hazrat Abu Bakrra were not faced by anyone else; neither Hazrat Umarra, nor Hazrat Uthmanra and Hazrat Alira.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 8, pp. 277-278)
The Promised Messiahas says:
“The one who suffers humiliation for the sake of God Almighty is the one who eventually succeeds and is adorned with honour and majesty. Look at the case of Abu Bakrra, he was the first to accept humiliation for himself [in the eyes of the world] but was the first to succeed the Holy Prophetsa.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 7, p. 41)
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“Evidence for those people being [spiritually] alive, who were slain in the way of God, is scattered throughout the world. Is there a shortage of such examples or accounts before us? Observe the case of Hazrat Abu Bakrra; he gave away the most in the way of Allah and was given the most. And thus, the first Caliph in Islam was Hazrat Abu Bakrra.”
The Promised Messiahas states:
“Perhaps many people will think that by resigning ourselves to Allah alone, we will destroy ourselves, but this is a misgiving on their part. Nobody shall be destroyed [who does this]. Just look at the case of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, he abandoned everything, but he was the first to ascend the throne.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 6, p. 19)
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“With regards to expounding upon the full breadth of the meaning of this argument, let it be known, O people of understanding, that in these verses Allah the Almighty has promised Muslim men and women that some of the believers from among them will be made Khulafa by His grace and mercy (this is in reference to the verse regarding Khilafat), and that He will remove the sense of fear in their hearts and replace it with security and peace. This promise was only perfectly fulfilled in the Khilafatof as-Siddiq-e-Akbar [Hazrat Abu Bakrra]. Every scholar knows that his time of Khilafatwas a time of fear and tribulation. Upon the demise of the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, countless calamities befell Islam.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“Many hypocrites turned apostate and grew in their hostility towards Islam. Some imposters claimed prophethood and many Bedouins joined them. Things came to such a pass that about one hundred thousand ignorant and wicked people started following Musailimah. Seditions and tribulations arose and the believers were severely shaken. Everyone was tested, and terrible situations emerged. The believers were distressed, as if embers were burning their hearts or they were being cut to pieces with knives. At times, they shed tears over being parted from Khairul-Bariyyah [i.e. the Best of Creation — the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa], and at other times, they wept for the mischief that had become an all-consuming fire. The absence of peace was conspicuous. The mischief-makers grew in numbers like weeds growing out of the filth. The hearts of the believers were filled with terror and anguish. At such precarious times, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was appointed ruler and the Khalifahof Khatamun-Nabiyyin [the Seal of the Prophetssa]. He was overwhelmed by grief and sorrow when he saw the conduct of the hypocrites, the disbelievers, and the apostates. Tears gushed from his eyes like heavy rainfall and he implored Allah to save Islam and the Muslims until the help of Allah came and the false prophets were killed and the apostates destroyed. It was then that disorder disappeared and tribulations vanished. All obstacles crumbled into dust. The matter had been decreed and Khilafatwas established. Allah saved the believers from afflictions and changed their state of fear into one of peace and security. He established for them their religion, made a whole world stand firm on the truth, and disgraced those who had made mischief. Allah fulfilled His promise, supported His servant as-Siddiq, and destroyed the transgressors and the evildoers. He struck terror into the hearts of the disbelievers. They were defeated and, therefore, retreated and repented. Such was the promise of Allah, the Most Supreme. He is indeed the Most Truthful. Observe how the promise of Khilafat,with all its requirements and signs, was fulfilled in Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiqra.”
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“[…] Ponder the situation the Muslims found themselves in at the time when he became the Khalifahand how Islam was almost overwhelmed by calamities, but then Allah made it supreme again and saved it from the pit of annihilation. The false claimants of prophethood met a humiliating and painful end, the apostates were destroyed like beasts.”
The Promised Messiahas states:
“Allah gave the believers security in place of the fear that had left them almost like the dead. The Muslims rejoiced after this calamity was averted. They congratulated Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiqra and joyously welcomed him. […] They honoured him and considered him to be a blessed individual. They looked up to him as one conferred with divine support like the prophets. This was all achieved due to the truthfulness of as-Siddiq and his deep faith in Allah.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 47-51)
Then in relation to the condition of Islam after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa and mentioning the qualities of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, the Promised Messiahas states:
“He was not a Prophet but had been endowed with the faculties of prophets. It was because of his truth and sincerity that Islam’s garden flourished once again and its glory was restored after it had been stung by the arrows of misfortune. Its multitude of flowers blossomed once more and its boughs regained their freshness. Previously, Islam was like a corpse one laments over, or like a thirsty man who had lost his way in the desert. It was bleeding from the blows of misfortune. It was like an animal whose body had been severed into pieces, or a weary person moaning with pain, or one scorched by the sun. However, Allah came to its rescue and saved it from all these tribulations and delivered it from all calamities.
“Allah helped Islam with His miraculous help, so much so, that it attained supremacy and authority over other nations after it had almost disintegrated and been pummelled to dust. The tongues of the hypocrites were silenced and the faces of the believers were radiant like the moon. Every soul was filled with the praise of Allah and with a sincere sense of gratitude to as-Siddiq-e-Akbarra.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], p. 52)
The Promised Messiahas further states:
“Hazrat Abu Bakrra found Islam like a wall that was on the verge of collapse due to the onslaught of saboteurs, but through his hand, Allah made it into an impregnable fortress built of iron walls and guarded by a dutiful army. Do you find any element of doubt in this? Can you point to anyone else to whom this prophecy could apply?” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], p. 54)
The Promised Messiahas states:
“He [Abu Bakr], may Allah be pleased with him, enjoyed the fullness of knowledge. He was meek and compassionate by nature. He lived a life clothed in the mantle of humility and modesty. Forgiveness, kindness and compassion were his hallmarks. He was recognised by his luminous forehead. He was deeply attached to the Holy Prophetsa and his soul was united with the soul of the Best of Creationsa. He was surrounded by the same light that had been bestowed upon his Master, the beloved of the Lord. He was enveloped by the light of the Holy Prophetsa and his great bounties. He was distinguished from all other people in his understanding of the Qur’an and in his love for the Chief of the Messengers and the Pride of Mankind. When the life of the Hereafter and the subtleties of the Divine were made manifest to him, he forsook all worldly and physical attachments and acquired the complexion of his Beloved, giving up all objectives for the sake of the One sought after. He discarded all worldly impurities, took on the colour of the One True Lord, and surrendered completely to the will of the Lord of the Worlds. When the love of God saturated his body and soul and its impact and light began to manifest itself in his words, deeds and actions, he was named as-Siddiq. He was invested with fresh and deep knowledge by the Best of Bestowers. Truthfulness became his well-established nature and characteristic, and its effects manifested themselves in his action and word, movement and rest, body and soul. He was among those upon whom the Lord of the heavens and the earth had bestowed His favours. There is no doubt that he was a comprehensive model of the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa. He was a leader of those who are the recipients of grace and perfection and had partaken of the characteristics of the Prophets.”
The Promised Messiahas states:
“Do not consider any of these statements as exaggerations, or think that I say them because I am being partial, or that I am ignoring some faults, or that I say them as an outpouring of love. The fact is that these words are based on the truth that the Lord of Honour has disclosed to me. It was inherent in his nature, [of Abu Bakr,] may Allah be pleased with him, that he placed all his trust in his Lord and cared not about the physical means and resources. He was like the shadow of our Prophet and Master, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in every matter. He had a long relationship with the Best of Mankind; hence, through the munificence of the Holy Prophetsa, he was able to attain that which others could not attain even in so many years.
“Do realise that Allah’s munificence descends on people for a reason. This is the eternal practice of Allah. If Allah has not given a person any kind of affinity with His friends and chosen ones, then such a person is most unfortunate in His eyes. Fortunate was the one who absorbed all the traits of the Beloved of Allah to the degree that he reflected them in his words and deeds and manners. The unfortunate ones, on the other hand, cannot even fathom the perfection of those people, just as the blind cannot conceive of colours or shapes. They see nothing but the manifestations of God’s wrath and grandeur, for they are by nature unable to witness the signs of His grace and mercy. They can’t smell the fragrance of love, sincerity, affection, affability or delight since they are filled with darkness (i.e. those who are spiritually blind). How then can they receive the light of blessings? Such a person’s soul is rocking like waves in a storm and his passions prevent him from seeing the truth; hence, he does not try to seek knowledge as the fortunate ones do.
“As for as-Siddiq, he was always seeking the munificence of Allah and looking towards God’s Messengersa. Therefore, he was the most deserving of the qualities of prophethood and most eligible to be the successor to the Best of Mankind. He was one with his leader and always in accord with him. He was the manifestation of his master in all his higher morals and in his conduct and in the forsaking of the associations and the desires of the ego, so much so, that he did not waver even when attacked by swords and spears. He never faltered in the face of any calamity, intimidation, blame, or vilification. The essence of his soul was honesty, purity, steadfastness, and righteousness, such that even if the whole world turned apostate, he would not care or turn back, but would continue to march forward.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 101-105)
This was the character of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, who was completely immersed in the love of Allah the Almighty and His Messengersa.
The accounts of [Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra life] were the last in the series of the Badri companion, which has now concluded. Some further details have been acquired of the Companions who were mentioned previously and if there is an opportunity in the future, they shall be narrated as well. Nevertheless, these additional details will be included when the sermons on the Badri Companions are published.
May Allah the Almighty enable us to follow the examples of these companions. May they be a source of guidance for us just like the stars in the heavens and may we also strive to attain those standards that they established before us.
(Official Urdu transcript published in Al Fazl International Special Edition, 27 December 2022 to 2 January 2023, pp. 5-11. Translated by The Review of Religions)