Friday Sermon
3 June 2022
Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakrra

After reciting the tashahhud, ta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
Accounts from the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra were being narrated; in particular, the battles fought immediately after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa against the hypocrites and the opponents [of Islam]. In relation to this, the battle fought by Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid against Musailimah Kazzab had been mentioned, as well as the bravery of the flag bearers among the various contingents of the Muslim army.
As was mentioned previously, the flag of the Ansar was in the hands of Hazrat Thabitra bin Qais and the flag of the Muhajirin was in the hands of Hazrat Zaidra bin Khattab. Hazrat Zaidra bin Khattab said to the people, “O People! Remain resolute! Attack the enemy and march forward.” Following this, he said, “By Allah! I will not speak until Allah defeats them, or until I meet Allah [i.e. pass away] and present my case before Him.” Hazrat Zaidra bin Khattab was also martyred. (Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 3, Ch. 6 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2001] p. 320)
With regard to Hazrat Zaidra bin Khattab, it is said that he was the stepbrother of Hazrat Umarra bin Khattab. He was among the early people who accepted Islam. He participated in the Battle of Badr, as well as the battles thereafter. After the Holy Prophetsa migrated to Medina, he established a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Zaidra and Ma‘anra bin Adi Ansari and both of them were martyred during the Battle of Yamamah.
When Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid organised the army during the Battle of Yamamah, he appointed Hazrat Zaidra bin Khattab as the leader of one of its contingents and he also held the flag of the Muhajirin during this battle. He continued to advance with the flag in his hand and fought with utmost courage until he was martyred and the flag fell to the ground. Salim, the freed slave of Abu Huzayfara, then picked up the flag.
During this battle, Zaidra killed Rajjaal bin Unfuwah, who was a close associate of Musailimah and a courageous horseman. The person who martyred Zaidra was called Maryam Hanafi. He later became a Muslim and on one occasion, when Hazrat Umarra told him that he had martyred his brother, he said, “O Amir-ul-Mumineen [leader of the faithful]! Allah the Almighty honoured Zaidra through my hands and He did not allow me to be disgraced by his hands. In other words, he embraced the status of martyrdom. However, if I had been killed at his hands on that occasion, then I would have died in disgrace. Moreover, I now have been granted the opportunity to accept Islam.”
The son of Hazrat Umarra bin Khattab, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umarra also participated in the Battle of Yamamah. When he returned to Medina, Hazrat Umarra said to him, saddened by his brother’s martyrdom, “Since your uncle, Zaid, has been martyred, why did you return and why did you not hide your face from me?” When the news of Zaid’sra death reached Hazrat Umarra, he said, “Zaid had surpassed me in two virtuous deeds.” This has already been mentioned previously that [Hazrat Umarra said that] he accepted Islam before him and was martyred before him.
When Hazrat Khalidra killed Malik bin Nuwairah, his brother, Mutammim bin Nuwairah recited various couplets on the death of his brother, Malik. He loved his brother dearly and he would often weep and recite couplets upon his demise. When he met Hazrat Umarra on one occasion, he recited some couplets regarding the demise of his brother. Upon this, Hazrat Umarra said, “If I knew how to compose couplets, I would have also recited some couplets on the demise of my brother, Zaid, just as you have done.”
Upon this, Mutammim said, “If my brother had died in the same way that your brother died (in other words, he attained the status of martyrdom), I would never have grieved over my brother’s death.” Hazrat Umarra replied, “No one has ever expressed their condolence over my brother’s demise in the same beautiful manner as you have.” Hazrat Umarra used to say that whenever the gentle breeze would blow, it would refresh the memory of his brother. (Muhammad al-Salabi, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra Shakhsiyyat aur Karname [Pakistan: Maktabat al-Furqan], pp. 362-363) (Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1987], p. 280) (Al-Iktifa bima Tadmanuh min Maghazi Rasul Allah wa al-Thalathah al-Khulafa, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1420 AH])
In any case, the battle was being mentioned. Musailimah Kazzab was still firm in his opposition and was the central figure for the disbelievers in their battle. Upon assessing the situation, Hazrat Khalidra felt that the fighting would only end when Musailimah was killed, because if anyone from among Banu Hanifah was killed, it would have no effect on any of them (i.e. the comrades of Musailimah). Hazrat Khalidra therefore went ahead by himself calling them out one after the other for a one-on-one battle and raising his slogan. The Muslim slogan was “Ya Muhammada”. Thus, whoever came forward to battle was killed by Hazrat Khalidra and the Muslims then fought with great zeal. Hazrat Khalidra called out Musailimah for a battle, which he accepted. Hazrat Khalidra then gave Musailimah some options according to his wish [for the purposes of the duel] Hazrat Khalidra then launched his attack, but he fled and his comrades also fled. Hazrat Khalidra proclaimed to the people, “Remain vigilant and do not show any negligence. Go forth and do not let any of them get away.” Following this, the Muslims charged upon them. (Ibn Athir, Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh, Dhikr Musailimah wa Ahl al-Yamamah, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2003], p. 221)
The utmost patience and resilience displayed by the companions in this battle is unparalleled and they continued to charge towards the enemy until Allah the Almighty granted them victory over them, and the disbelievers fled. The Muslims pursued them and continued to kill them, smiting their necks with their swords, until they forced them to take shelter in a garden. Muhakkim bin Tufail, a chief of the Banu Hanifah, said to the people as he was running, “O people, enter this garden.” It was a very vast garden which was surrounded by walls. Muhakkim bin Tufail began to confront the Muslims who were in pursuit of the Banu Hanifah. This garden was close to the battlefield and it belonged to Musailimah. This garden was known as “Hadiqat al-Rahman”, just like Musailimah was known as “Rahman al-Yamamah”. However, as a result of a large number of enemies being killed in this garden, it then also became known as “Hadiqat al-Maut”, i.e. the Garden of Death. Musailimah also entered this garden along with his men.
Hazrat Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakrra saw that Muhakkim, one of the chiefs of the Banu Hanifah, was delivering an address, so he shot an arrow at him and killed him. The Banu Hanifah shut the gates of the garden and so the Muslims surrounded the garden from all four directions. They were searching for a way to somehow enter the garden; however, this garden was like a fortress and in spite of their search, the Muslims were unable to find any way in. Eventually Hazrat Bara bin Malikra – brother of Hazrat Anas bin Malikra, who had participated alongside the Holy Prophetsa in the battles of Uhud and the Ditch, and who was very courageous – said, “O Muslims, there is only one way. You must lift me and throw me over into the garden. I shall enter and open the gate.” However, the Muslims could not bear for a highly esteemed companion to give up his life in the midst of thousands of enemies, so they refused to do so. Hazrat Bara bin Malikra began insisting and said, “By Allah, you must throw me over the wall into the garden.” In the end, left with no choice the Muslims helped him climb over the wall of the garden. Having climbed on the wall, Hazrat Bara bin Maliksa saw the large number of enemies there and paused for a moment. But then, whilst reciting the name of Allah, he jumped towards the gate of the garden, and whilst fighting and slaying the opponents on his way, he headed towards the gate.
Eventually, he succeeded in reaching the gate and opened it. The Muslims were lying in wait for the gate to be opened. As soon as the gate opened, they entered and began killing the enemy. The Banu Hanifah tried to run away, but they were unable to exit the garden. The result was that thousands of men were killed by the Muslims.
According to one narration, it was not only Bara bin Malikra; rather, a few other Muslims also jumped over the wall and made their way to the gate. (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra, pp. 200-201)(Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 3, Ch. 6 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2001] p. 321) (Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 7 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Hajr, 1998] p. 256) (Yaqut Ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah], p. 268) (Ali Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-Ghabah fi Ma‘rifat al-Sahabah, Vol. 1 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2014], pp. 363-364)
As the Muslims battled against the apostates, they managed to reach Musailimah Kazzab. In order to protect himself, he was standing in an opening in the wall. He resembled an ash-coloured camel who wanted to climb the wall and had lost its senses due to rage. Wahshi bin Harbra, who had martyred Hazrat Hamzahra in the Battle of Uhud, made his way towards Musailimah. He held the same spear he used to martyr Hazrat Hamzahra and threw it towards Musailimah. It struck him and went straight through him. Subsequently Abu Dujanah Simaak bin Kharshah quickly went towards him and struck him with his sword, leaving him lifeless on the ground. A woman from inside the fort cried out, “The most handsome leader has been killed by a slave of dark complexion.” (Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 3, Ch. 6 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2001] p. 321) (Ibn Hisham, Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2001], 528.)
With regard to who killed Musailimah and banished him to Hell, Baladhuri states:
“The Banu Aamir say that one of their tribesman, Khiddash bin Bashir, killed him.” According to one narration, Abdullah bin Zaid from the Khazraj branch of the Ansar tribe killed him. Some [narrations] state that Abu Dujanah killed him. Muawiyyah bin Sufyan said that he killed Musailimah. According to some narrations, there is a possibility that all of them had a hand in his killing. Some books, which include Al-Tabari, state that Musailimah was jointly killed by one Ansari [companion] and Wahshi. (Al-Siddiq, Professor Ali Muhammad Hasan Siddiqi, pp. 102-103.)
Wahshi bin Harbra has narrated the account of killing Musailimah in his own words as follows:
“After martyring Hazrat Hamzahra, when the people returned [to Mecca], I also returned with them and remained in Mecca. When the Holy Prophetsa conquered Mecca and Islam spread in Mecca, I migrated to Ta’if. People sent emissaries to the Holy Prophetsa, and they said to me also that the Holy Prophetsa does not turn away the emissaries.” Wahshi further states, “So, I also joined these emissaries, and went to see the Holy Prophetsa. As soon as the Holy Prophetsa saw me, he asked, ‘Are you Wahshi?’ I responded in the affirmative. The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Sit down and tell me the details of how you killed Hamzah.’ And so I informed him of all the details.
“When I had finished narrating the details, the Holy Prophetsa asked, ‘Is it possible for you to not come in front of me?’”
Wahshira says, “Upon this, I left from there. When the Holy Prophetsa passed away and Musailimah Kazzab started a rebellion, I said to myself that I would certainly head out towards Musailimah and kill him, so that through this I could atone for my killing of Hazrat Hamzahra.”
Nonetheless, Wahshira says that he set out for the battle and the events transpired which he narrates as follows:
“I saw a man standing in the cleft of the wall. This man’s complexion resembled that of a wheat-coloured camel and his hair was unkempt and untidy. I attacked him with my spear striking him in his chest in a way that it traversed his body between the shoulders.”
He further relates:
“Someone then from among the Ansar leapt towards and struck his head with his sword.”
The narrator, Suleman bin Yassar heard from Hazrat Abudullah bin Umarra that when Musailimah was killed, a young girl, who was stood at the top of the roof, said, “Amir-ul-Mumineen (i.e. Musailimah) has been killed by a black slave.”
This is a narration from Bukhari.
Wahshira narrates:
“Allah knows best as to who out of the two of us killed Musailimah (i.e. between the Ansari companion and Hazrat Wahshira). However, if it was me then I had killed the most excellent person after the Holy Prophetsa, i.e. Hazrat Hamzah and I was also the one who killed the most wretched person [i.e. Musailimah].” (Ibn Hisham, Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, Tahrid Hind wa al-Niswah ma‘aha [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2001], p. 528) (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Maghazi, Bab Qatl Hamzah ibn al-Muttalib, Hadith 4072)
With regard to the tradition of Sahih Bukhari wherein it is mentioned that the Holy Prophetsa asked Wahshira if it was possible that he not come before him, Hazrat Syed Zain-ul-Abideen Waliullah Shah Sahibra has written that the transformation that took place in Wahshira reflects his sincerity. It was his desire to somehow atone for his mistake, and in the fierce Battle of Yamamah, he was able to fulfil this desire of his and thereby succeed. Shah Sahib further writes that these words of the Holy Prophetsa:
فَهَلْ تَستَطِيْعُ أَنْ تُغَيِّبَ وَجْهَكَ عَنِّيْ
That is, “Is it possible for you to not come before me?” are words that reflect the Holy Prophet’ssa lofty morals. The Holy Prophetsa expressed his wish in that if it was possible, he should not come before him. This was not said in a strong or harsh manner; rather, as a request and in a tone of humility. From these words, one can ascertain the love and respect the Holy Prophetsa had for Hazrat Hamzahra. A person who only wants to seek retribution could have comforted his heart by exacting revenge, but the Holy Prophetsa pardoned him and only desired that he not come before him lest his heart is pained by being reminded of how Hazrat Hamzahra was brutally martyred. (Sahih al-Bukhari – Translated by Zain al-Abidin Sahib, Vol. 8, pp. 198-199)
The details of the Battle of Yamamah have been mentioned in another place as well and the bravery and courage of the Muslims has also been mentioned as follows:
Both armies engaged in a fierce battle and many people from each side were either killed or injured. Malik bin Aus was the first amongst the Muslims to be martyred [in this battle] and many of the Huffaz of the Quran amongst the Muslims were martyred. The Muslim army and Musailimah’s army clashed in a fierce battle and entered into one another’s rows. Whenever the Muslims would retreat, the enemy would press ahead in order to reach Muja‘a. Salim, the freed slave of Abu Huzayfara, dug a pit up to the middle of calves and he was holding the flag of the Muhajirin. Thabitra also dug a similar pit for himself. They both attached their respective flags with them and everyone else dispersed in all directions. In other words, they dug a pit and then stood in it and attached their flags to themselves. Salimra and Thabitra remained steadfast with their flags until Salimra and Abu Huzayfara were both martyred. Hazrat Abu Huzayfa’sra head was lying at the feet of Salimra and Salim’sra head was lying at the feet of Hazrat Abu Huzayfara. When Salim was martyred, for a short while, his flag remained there and no one picked it up and then Yazid bin Qaisra, who was a companion that took part in the Battle of Badr, came forward and took hold of the flag and he was also martyred. Then, Hakam bin Saeed bin Aas took hold of the flag and spent the entire day fighting whilst protecting the flag and he too was martyred.
Wahshira states that an extremely fierce battle ensued and on three occasions the Muslims lost ground, but then on the fourth occasion they returned and attacked once again and remained resolute even in the face of the attacks from the swords.
He further states that swords of the Muslims and the Banu Hanifah clashed against one another and he could see sparks coming from them and a sound the like of a bell could be heard from them. Allah the Almighty granted His help to the Muslims and the Banu Hanifah were ultimately defeated and Allah killed Musailimah. Wahshira states that he used his sword to great effect that day and his sword was covered in blood right down to its handle.
Hazrat Ibn Umarra states that he saw Hazrat Ammar bin Yasirra climbing a mountain and he was shouting, “O Muslims! Are you running from Paradise? I am Ammar bin Yasir, come towards me!” The narrator states that he saw his ear had been cut and was dangling.
Abu Khaithimah Najjari states, “When the Muslims became scattered on the occasion of the Battle of Yamamah, I went to one side and I could see Hazrat Abu Dujanara.”
His actual name was Simaak bin Kharshah and he was known by the title of Abu Dujanah. He is the famous companion, who took part in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophetsa. Also, on the occasion of the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophetsa took hold of a sword and stated, “Who shall do justice to this sword?” and it was Abu Dujanahra who stated, “I will do justice to it.” Subsequently, the Holy Prophetsa granted him the sword. In other narrations it is reported that he submitted, “How can one do justice to this sword?” Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa stated, “Do not kill a fellow Muslim, nor run away from a disbeliever.”
As was his practice, Hazrat Abu Dujanahra tied a red strip of cloth around his head and then proudly walked and stood in the centre of the army rows. Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa stated, “Although God is displeased with one who walks in such a manner; however, there is no harm if done on such occasions.” He then battled with great bravery and killed many disbelievers and endured many wounds whilst protecting the Holy Prophetsa; however, he did not run from the battlefield.
In any case, the Battle of Yamamah was being mentioned – the aforementioned incident was during the life of the Holy Prophetsa – during the Battle of Yamamah, it is mentioned that a group from among the Banu Hanifah attacked Abu Dujanahra. Abu Dujanahra was fighting with his sword in front of him, to his right and to his left. He then struck a person and felled him to the ground. He was not saying anything at the time and eventually that group retreated and returned and the Muslims were able to get closer to him. The Banu Hanifah suffered defeat and fled towards the garden and the Muslims went after them and left them with no choice but to take refuge in the garden. When the Banu Hanifah closed the gates of the garden, Hazrat Abu Dujanahra asked to be put onto a shield and then be thrown over so that he could enter and open the gates of the garden. And so, the Muslims did just that and he entered inside the garden and he was saying, “You running away from us cannot save you.” He intensely fought against them and eventually they opened the gates. The narrator states that when they entered the garden, he had been martyred. According to another narration, Bara bin Malikra was the one who was thrown into the garden and the earlier narration regarding Bara bin Malikra seems to be more correct. (Al-Iktifa bima Tadmanuh min Maghazi Rasul Allah wa al-Thalathah al-Khulafa, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1420 AH], pp. 121-126) (Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fada’il al-Sahabah, bab Fada’il Abi Dujanah, Hadith 6353) (Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 4, p. 339, Hadith 10792, Mu’assisat al-Risalah, Beirut, 1985)
There are some further details to this incident which I will, insha-Allah, narrate in the future.
At present, I would like to request prayers for Pakistan, pray especially for Ahmadis [living there]. The general situation in Pakistan is slowly deteriorating; in such circumstances they usually turn their attention towards Ahmadis. Enmity and hostility [against Ahmadis] is increasing. They have not even stopped desecrating old graves. These people are extremely immoral and evil-natured. May Allah the Almighty hold them accountable. Pray also for the Ahmadis living in Algeria, they are also facing difficulties; also pray for the Ahmadis in Afghanistan. May Allah the Almighty bestow His grace and blessings upon everyone.
I will mention some deceased members and will also lead their funeral prayers [in absentia] after the Friday prayer.
The first mention is of respected Naseem Mahdi Sahib, who was a missionary of the Jamaat. He was the son of respected Maulana Ahmad Khan Naseem Sahib. He recently passed away at the age of 69.
إِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيۡهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ
[“Surely, to Allah we belong to Him shall we return.”]
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, he was also a musi. He had married twice; his first wife passed away and he is survived by his second wife and also two sons and a daughter from the first wife and two sons and a daughter from the second wife. He graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah in 1976 and had the opportunity to serve in Islah-o-Irshad Muqami department.
In 1983, he was sent as a missionary to Switzerland and he also had the opportunity to serve there. In 1984, he was appointed as naib wakil-ul-tabshir and for a few months he also served as acting wakil-ul-tabshir. In December 1984, he came here to London and had the opportunity to serve as private secretary. After a few months here, he was then appointed to Canada in 1985. From 1985 to 2008, he had the opportunity to serve as a missionary and later as missionary in-charge and the amir of the Jamaat in Canada. From 2009 to 2016, he had the opportunity to serve as missionary in-charge in USA. Thereafter, he fell ill and he was appointed again to Switzerland; however, he wrote that the doctors had advised him that owing to his health he could not take on any heavy work and so he requested leave for an indefinite period. And so, I wrote to him that based on the condition of his health and the advice of the doctors he should take care of his health and once he had recovered then he should inform and, insha-Allah, his services would be utilised again; however, his condition continued to deteriorate.
As I mentioned, he went to Canada in 1985 and in 1986, 24 acres of land was purchased for the Baitul Islam mission house which was then developed into a residential area as well. Many Ahmadis settled in Canada during his time there during which he helped them a great deal and many are extremely grateful for his kindness. He had the systems of chanda and tajnid computerised. Two large mosques in Toronto and Calgary were built and [prayer] centres were established in various other jamaats. I believe that perhaps the Vancouver mosque was also built during his time. In any case, two large mosques were certainly built [during his time there]. In 2003, during his tenure, Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada was established by the grace of Allah the Almighty. Similarly, he played a pivotal role in the establishment of the MTA North America Station. May Allah the Almighty accept all of his services.
His wife, Amatul Naseer Sahiba writes:
“In the 26 years of our marriage, I found Naseem Mahdi Sahib to be supportive in every time of grief and pain. He was a very loving and respectful husband, a kind father and a devoted brother. He cared a great deal for humanity and was subservient and obedient to Khilafat. He had complete faith in Allah the Almighty and was a pious individual.”
His wife further writes, “He selflessly served many people and met everyone in a loving manner. He could never bear to hear anything said against the Jamaat, nor would anyone have the courage to say such things in his presence. He was also extremely hospitable. He would always pay special attention towards reciting Durood Sharif [prayer for invoking blessings upon the Holy Prophetsa].” She says, “When we went for Umrah I asked him what he had prayed for. He responded by saying that he had only recited Durood Sharif.”
His daughter, Sadia Mahdi Sahiba says:
“My father was very devoted to prayer.” She says, “Whenever I asked him for prayers, he would advise me to recite Durood Sharif. In any matter which I asked him for prayers he would always draw my attention towards reciting Durood Sharif. One day, I asked him why he advised reciting Durood Sharif for every matter. He responded by saying that I should recite Durood Sharif and explained that Durood Sharif was the greatest prayer. If this prayer was accepted, then all other prayers would be accepted as well.”
Then, Ismat Sharif Sahiba says:
“Mahdi Sahib was my brother-in-law. I have witnessed him closely for 22 years; he was extremely kind and caring and would meet everyone with great love. He had a deep-rooted connection with the Khalifa of the time.”
His sister says:
“When he was serving as a missionary in Switzerland, a Swiss woman who had accepted Ahmadiyyat came to Rabwah on the occasion of Jalsa Salana. She came to our home in Rabwah, saying that she wished to meet Naseem Mahdi Sahib’s mother, as she wished to meet the mother of a son who was so intelligent and who, in such a short amount of time, obtained mastery over so many languages; who remains engaged in tabligh without any apprehension and was able to speak fluently on any topic.”
His daughter-in-law says:
“He always taught us about the importance of Durood Sharif and using it to support our prayers. Once, he explained that he was standing in a line at the airport when he realised that his passport had expired. He immediately began reciting Durood Sharif and remained standing in the line. The person standing at the counter did not even check his passport and let him through.”
His son-in-law writes:
“When I got married, he treated me with great love and kindness. He would make tea for me himself; after the Fajr prayer he would sit with me and would relate a verse or an incident from the Holy Quran and would then explain its commentary. This was the subtle way in which he would train us.”
His daughter Nawal Mahdi Sahiba says:
“I always observed that he would pay great attention to Holy Quran and that he was an ardent lover of the Holy Quran. He would also enjoin us to intently study the Holy Quran and try to understand its meanings as a result of which we would be able to see the manifestations of Allah the Almighty’s power and we would begin to enjoy reading the Holy Quran.”
She says, “He regularly offered Tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary prayers]; he would spend extended time standing, bowing and prostrating in prayer and would offer his prayers with great fervour and passion. He would deliver dars on the Holy Quran during the blessed month of Ramadan and he would prepare these lessons with great effort (many others have written about this as well). He would explain the meanings of difficult words in the Holy Quran and would present other similar words which would help people easily understand.”
Lal Khan Sahib, the Amir Jamaat Canada says:
“Since 1987, I worked with the former amir and missionary-in-charge of Canada for a long time. Allah the Almighty bestowed upon him many qualities which he employed in service of the Jamaat. Allah the Almighty enabled him to establish and maintain friendships and to use these connections for the benefit of the Jamaat. Through personal relationships with officials from various departments of Canada, he introduced to them the message of the Jamaat.”
Masha-Allah, he truly possessed this brilliant quality and he was able to build strong connections and others honoured this relationship as well. As such, upon his demise, many non-Ahmadis offered their condolences.
Lal Khan Sahib further writes:
“Allah the Almighty enabled him to carry out the responsibility of helping and guiding people and the families arriving from Pakistan and other countries.” He then says, “His relationship with members of the majlis-e-amila was that of friends.” He says, “I was able to serve under his leadership for about 20 years, during which time he never made me feel that I was his subordinate due to him being the amir. Instead, he treated me like a friend.”
Dr Aslam Daud Sahib says:
“In 2009, Naseem Mahdi Sahib was awarded the Order of Ontario medal, which is the province’s highest award which can be given to any citizen. It recognises excellence and outstanding service in any field.” He says, “When he was appointed to USA, I met him once at Jalsa Salana. It was then that he advised me saying that I was now in a position where I should serve people as much as I possibly could. Whenever a Jamaat member comes to me, I should help them and should never turn them away. I should do whatever I can for them. He also said sometimes people do not speak in a becoming manner, but even still I should silently try to help them.” He says, “I always saw him helping those in need and he would do so in a very discrete manner so that those in need never felt any sort of embarrassment.”
Shakoor Sahib, who is a missionary, says:
“Among the many pieces of advice he imparted to me, one of them that has stuck with me is that during my early years in Jamia when I was in the third year, I went to the mosque for Asr prayer while wearing slippers. He told me that life-devotees should leave the home prepared for any circumstance, so that if they receive any instruction, they can set out for its fulfilment right away. You should not have to say that first you need to return home in order to get ready. One should always remain mentally and physically prepared.”
Farasat Umar Sahib, a missionary in USA says:
“During my interview for Jamia, Mahdi Sahib asked me that if I were to be sent to Africa as a missionary and I faced opposition from the local people, who would I contact first; my mother or Khalifatul Masih?” He says, “After giving it some thought, I responded by saying Khalifatul Masih. Upon this, Mahdi Sahib said that he would recommend my admission just based upon this response, as this was the correct answer.”
Col Dildar Sahib, the Secretary of the Mission House says:
“A salient aspect of Naseem Mahdi Sahib was his obedience to the Khulafa. Among his achievements is the establishment of Peace Village. The way this came to fruition is that at the time the Jalsa Salana used to be held in the field adjacent to the Baitul Islam Mosque.
“In those days, the owner of the neighbouring agricultural land would complain every year on the occasion of Jalsa that she was disturbed by the noise created by Jalsa and she could not withstand the smell of food produced by the Langar. Nonetheless, after some time, when the government implemented new zoning laws for that agricultural land to become a residential area, Naseem Mahdi Sahib became worried that up until then, it was only one landowner that was causing them trouble. Now, there would be many landowners and the matter would become even more difficult because many people would occupy the new homes. For this reason, on the occasion of Eid, he proposed a scheme to the members of the community that all the new homes should be bought by Ahmadis. Thus, the members of the community answered this call and by the grace of Allah, the community of Peace Village was established as a result.”
Zeeshan Goraya Sahib, a missionary, writes that many youth received moral training from Naseem Mahdi Sahib and owing to that moral training, those youths are now missionaries in different countries of the world who are serving the community. Because of his moral training, they nurture a spirit of love and obedience to Khilafat within themselves.
Similarly, Asif Khan Sahib, the secretary of external affairs in Canada writes, “I was 13 years old when I came to Vaughan. At that time, there were about a few dozen Ahmadi houses in and around the mission house. I had little knowledge about the community at the time, and he treated me like a son and became my teacher. He would play basketball, all the while imparting teachings of the Jamaat to us. When I matured, he assigned me to contact different politicians.” Even today [Asif Khan Sahib], continues to do great work in this field. He writes, “I received all my training from him.”
Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Sahib, the National President of the Jamaat in USA writes:
“In 2016, Naseem Mahdi Sahib had the opportunity of serving in USA as the Missionary In-charge and National President. He rendered great services in USA. He went on many tours and very effectively initiated efforts for propagating Islam in various cities. Meanwhile, he also got the opportunity to spread Islam Ahmadiyyat in the USA through the media and various campaigns. In light of guidance that he received from Markaz [Headquarters] to establish a branch of the Jamaat in Mexico, he had the opportunity to establish a mission house in Mexico.”
Waseem Syed Sahib, the secretary for Tabligh in USA writes:
“He always tried to establish a bond of love and affection with everyone and took the first initiative to do so. He knew how to motivate everyone to serve Islam. After coming to USA, he effectively availed the various programmes being held on 11 September to spread the teachings of Islam. He also launched the ‘Muslim for Life’ and ‘Muhammadsa, Messenger of Peace’ initiatives. There were lectures delivered on these topics in 56 universities across USA. The book Life of Muhammadsa was given as a gift in great quantities to those who attended these lectures. He also started the ‘Muslim for Loyalty’ campaign. He delivered lectures in various universities, held meetings with local government departments and raised awareness about the teachings of Islam.”
During his Jalsa Salana speech, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh once mentioned the efforts of Naseem Mahdi Sahib whilst highlighting the efforts of the Jamaat in Switzerland with regard to the scheme of producing introductory folders.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh said:
“There are three tribes that live in the mountainous regions, who care for livestock in the mountains of Switzerland. All three tribes speak a different language. One of the tribes is 28,000 in number and the others are less than that.” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh further states, “Coincidentally, a folder was published for the tribe whose population was 28,000. Naseem Mahdi Sahib, may Allah the Almighty reward him, consulted with me, after which he was able to distribute 8,000 folders to everyone’s home. He distributed these in all the homes in that region, and as a result, there was a great uproar. Two newspapers wrote very critically against this.” (Sabil al-Rashad, Vol. 2, pp. 426-427)
“Upon this, I stated that an excellent prayer had been offered in his favour, due to the fact that hundreds and thousands of folders were distributed.” (Khitabat Nasirrh, Vol. 2, pp. 543-544)
Nevertheless, this was a short report presented by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh during Jalsa. May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness and mercy, elevate his station and grant him a place in paradise among his loved ones. May Allah the Almighty grant patience to his wife and children, and enable them to keep his virtues alive. Just as he spent his life with loyalty, may his progeny also live their lives with loyalty.
Next, I will mention Muhammad Ahmad Sharim of Rabwah. This child passed away at the age of 16.
إِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيۡهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ
[“Surely, to Allah we belong to Him shall we return.”]
He was ever devoted to Khilafat, always smiling and beloved to all. He actively contributed to various financial schemes and regularly participated in Jamaat and auxiliary events. By the grace of Allah, he was a musi. Even at this young age, he had joined the Wasiyyat scheme. He is survived by his parents and two sisters. May Allah the Almighty grant them patience and fortitude.
The third mention is of respected Salimah Qamar Sahiba, wife of Late Rashid Ahmad Sahib. She passed away on 16 May.
إِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيۡهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ
[“Surely, to Allah we belong to Him shall we return.”]
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, she was a musiah. Ahmadiyyat entered their family through Hazrat Maulvi Waziruddin Sahibra of Makirian, who was the maternal grandfather of her father, Chaudhary Muhammad Siddique. Hazrat Maulvi Waziruddin Sahibra was a companion of the Promised Messiahas and a headmaster in Kangra. Her father, Chaudhary Muhammad Siddique Sahib, who was a maulvi fazil, was an esteemed elder of the Jamaat. For a long time, he had the opportunity to serve as the head of the Khilafat Library. He also had the opportunity to serve as sadr umumi in Rabwah for a very long time. Salimah Qamar Sahiba’s father was also honoured to, in light of guidance from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, set up a tent and be among the first people to spend a night in Rabwah when it was being settled.
The deceased received her early education in Rabwah, and then got a degree in MA in Arabic from Talim-ul-Islam College. For a long time, she had the opportunity to serve in various departments. From 1972 to 1982, she had the opportunity of serving locally in Lajna Imaillah as the general secretary. From 1982 to 1987, she served as the librarian in Amatul Hayy Library. From 1987 to 2018 – for a period of 31 years – she served as the editor for the magazine Misbah, during which time she managed Misbah in an excellent manner, despite the difficult circumstances. She was very pious, fervent in her supplications and had a simple personality. She was regular in offering Tahajjud prayers, as well as other voluntary prayers such as chasht and ishraq. She was deeply and sincerely devoted to Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Every aspect of her life highlighted her prayers. She was a very pious woman. She treated everyone with love and affection and never became upset with anyone.
May Allah the Almighty grant the deceased forgiveness and mercy, and elevate her station. May He enable her progeny to keep her virtues alive.
(Official Urdu transcript published in Al Fazl International, 24 June 2022, pp. 5-9. Translated by The Review of Religions.)