Hadeeqatul Mahdi, Friday, 26 July 2024: Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered the Friday Sermon at Jalsa Salana UK 2024.
In his Friday sermon, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa highlighted the transformation of Hadeeqatul Mahdi into a temporary city dedicated to spiritual learning and detachment from materialism. Huzooraa reminded everyone that the primary goal of attending the Jalsa should transcend basic comfort, focusing instead on significant spiritual and moral upliftment.
Guidance for volunteers
Huzooraa first addressed the volunteers, who play a crucial role in the smooth running of the Jalsa. He emphasised the importance of viewing all guests as direct guests of the Promised Messiahas, urging volunteers to serve with humility and patience, regardless of any challenging behaviour they might encounter. Volunteers were reminded to maintain the highest standards of conduct, reflecting true Islamic values of hospitality and kindness, as this is vital for upholding the true status of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat worldwide.
Huzooraa said:
“In serving the guests of the Jalsa Salana, regard them as the guests of the Promised Messiahas. Serve them, recognising that they have come here for a noble purpose out of devotion to Allah. Exhibit the highest standards of morality. If, in your opinion, any excess is committed by a guest, overlook it. This is our tradition. These are the lofty morals. This is the command of Allah and His Messengersa. This is what the Promised Messiahas desired from us. As far as hospitality and the demonstration of high moral standards are concerned, by the grace of Allah, this has become a distinctive characteristic of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in every country. Special attention is paid to this during the days of the Jalsa Salana. Thus, here too, as always, all workers should display those noble qualities that are the hallmark of Islamic teaching.”
Huzooraa also quoted a saying by the Promised Messiahas emphasising the importance of being sensitive to guests’ feelings, noting that the heart of a guest is as delicate as glass and can easily be shattered by even the slightest mishandling. Huzooraa emphasised the importance of fulfilling one’s duties towards guests with the utmost dedication.
Advice for guests
Turning his attention to the attendees, Huzooraa advised the guests to immerse themselves fully in the spiritual atmosphere of the Jalsa. He urged them to prioritise spiritual growth over material comforts and to be forgiving of any involuntary shortcomings in the Jalsa arrangements.
Spirituality over material comfort: Huzooraa said that Jalsa guests are travelling for the sake of Allah and, as such, they should minimise their concern with material luxuries to fully benefit from the spiritual atmosphere. He further noted that understanding and embracing this principle is crucial as it helps in overlooking any shortcomings or mistakes made by the organisers, which otherwise often lead to complaints.
Equal treatment: Huzooraa emphasised the Promised Messiah’sas extraordinary respect and care for guests. Specifically, during the Jalsa, the Promised Messiahas advised uniform treatment of all attendees, ensuring that hospitality services provided equal facilities to the thousands gathered, as far as possible. However, Huzooraa noted exceptions for non-Ahmadis or foreign guests who, due to specific necessities, might require special arrangements.
Appropriate use of time: Huzooraa said that Jalsa Salana is a time for enhancing spiritual education and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood, as emphasised by the Promised Messiahas. However, Huzooraa noted that while personal interactions are important and valuable, they should not overshadow participation in the programme or disrupt the Jalsa schedule. Excessive socialising, especially during meals, has been observed to delay subsequent activities and prayer times. Huzooraa advised guests to be considerate of the schedule and their hosts’ duties by minimising the length of their social gatherings and promptly vacating dining areas. This approach helps maintain a harmonious atmosphere, allowing the Jalsa to fulfil its purpose.
Patience: Huzooraa said, that during large gatherings, such as the Jalsa Salana, where significant numbers congregate, minor conflicts and complaints are occasionally reported. Though such incidents are limited, they can negatively impact the overall ambience of the event. Huzooraa emphasised the Quranic teaching that a true believer is one who suppresses anger. He advised both the aggrieved and the aggressors to reflect on the purpose and environment of the Jalsa, to overlook minor offences, and to exhibit patience and tolerance.
ID checks and delays: In his sermon, Huzooraa highlighted the challenges faced during security checks at large gatherings, particularly under the stringent requirements dictated by current security concerns. He noted that these checks, while necessary, can cause discomfort and delays, especially on the ladies’ side, where attendees often arrive with children and numerous belongings. Huzooraa pointed out that the accumulation of excessive baggage not only slows down the process but also leads to unnecessary holdups. He advised those not staying onsite at the event to minimise the items they bring in the coming days, emphasising the importance of bringing only essential items for children to alleviate delays. This adjustment, Huzooraa suggested, would help reduce the waiting times and ensure the smooth conduct of the event, thus preventing undue criticism of the organisers, who often face blame for delays caused by the attendees themselves.
Kindness: Huzooraa underscored the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa on fostering connections and displaying generosity, even to those who may not reciprocate. He highlighted the importance of responding to negative behaviour with patience and kindness. Huzooraa called upon duty workers and volunteers at gatherings to facilitate a smooth experience for guests, suggesting increased staffing during peak times to better manage the flow of attendees. He also reminded everyone of the higher purpose of such gatherings – to cultivate a spiritual environment and embody the teachings of Islam through exemplary behaviour. This approach, he noted, serves as a form of silent tabligh that leaves a lasting positive impact on all attendees, including non-Ahmadis and non-Muslims, by demonstrating the true, peaceful essence of Islam.
Spread salaam: Huzooraa discussed the significant role of the greeting of peace, ‘salaam’. He urged that developing a habit of saying salaam, regardless of whether one knows the person or not, is vital for fostering a welcoming and peaceful atmosphere. He emphasised that the act of greeting someone with salaam transcends mere civility; it is a profound prayer for peace and security for the other person. This practice not only promotes a sense of safety and brotherhood but also deeply impresses both Muslim and non-Muslim guests, helping them to see the beauty and peace in Islamic teachings. Moreover, Huzooraa noted that regular exchange of salaam helps integrate new Ahmadis into the Jamaat more effectively.
Exhibitions: Huzooraa drew attention to the significance of various exhibitions held during the Jalsa Salana, marking the centenary of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra historic visit to the UK and Europe, including a [virtual] exhibition by the Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre. Huzooraa encouraged attendees to make the most of their time by visiting these educational exhibitions.
Covid-19: Huzooraa informed attendees about increased Covid-19 cases and the proactive measures taken by organisers. Recognising the risk posed by the congregation of people from various regions, he noted that homoeopathic preventive medicines are being made available at entrance points. Huzooraa advised that everyone entering should willingly accept or request this medicine as a precautionary measure. He also expressed his prayers for Allah’s protection for everyone against illness and any potential dangers during the event.
Security protocols: Huzooraa highlighted the crucial role of each individual in maintaining security during the Jalsa Salana. He reminded attendees that an effective security measure is vigilance: observing one’s surroundings and the people around. This proactive approach, Huzooraa advised, helps prevent potential threats from taking root. Above all, Huzooraa stressed the spiritual dimension of security, advocating for the power of prayer and the remembrance of Allah (zikr-e-ilahi) as the ultimate protection.
In the end, Huzooraa prayed that Allah may enable all to act upon this guidance, and may this Jalsa be one that is blessed for everyone. Amin.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)