Friday Sermon – Financial sacrifice and seeking the pleasure of Allah: Launch of Tahrik-e-Jadid Year 2024 (8 November 2024)


Friday Sermon

8 November 2024

Financial sacrifice and seeking the pleasure of Allah: Launch of Tahrik-e-Jadid Year 2024

After reciting the tashahhudta‘awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

اَلَّذِيۡنَ‭ ‬يُنۡفِقُوۡنَ‭ ‬اَمۡوَالَهُمۡ‭ ‬بِالَّيۡلِ‭ ‬وَالنَّهَارِ‭ ‬سِرًّا‭ ‬وَّعَلَانِيَةً‭ ‬فَلَهُمۡ‭ ‬اَجۡرُهُمۡ‭ ‬عِنۡدَ‭ ‬رَبِّهِمۡ‭ ‬ۚ‭ ‬وَلَا‭ ‬خَوۡفٌ‭ ‬عَلَيۡهِمۡ‭ ‬وَلَا‭ ‬هُمۡ‭ ‬يَحۡزَنُوۡنَ

“Those who spend their wealth by night and day, secretly and openly, have their reward with their Lord; on them shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.”

In accordance with this command of Allah the Almighty, the Ahmadiyya Community excels in making financial sacrifices. The Community has various compulsory chandas [financial contributions] such as Chanda ‘Aam. There is also Chanda Wasiyyat etc. Additionally, there are the schemes of Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid. Wherever the need arises, members of the Ahmadiyya Community excel in making financial sacrifices with sincerity and devotion. They offer these sacrifices secretly as well as openly, without any fear of encountering financial difficulties. In this day and age, whereas the world is engulfed in seeking worldly pleasures and accumulating wealth, it is Ahmadis who excel in making financial sacrifices and express their joy in doing so. There are some, who offer sacrifices secretly and they do not wish for their sacrifices to be announced. The majority amongst the Ahmadiyya Community has a lower income and consists of those who earn the average wage. However, as I mentioned, there are people who make extraordinary sacrifices. They never mention that the Jamaat has introduced so many [financial] schemes, that their income is limited and how they are going to contribute towards them. On the contrary, they offer sacrifices with fervour and passion. I know that there are some people who make large sacrifices. In fact, it should be said that they offer these sacrifices by going hungry, reducing their meals and reducing their spending on their children. Despite this, they have never expressed that they are offering sacrifices in such a manner or why such a burden is being placed upon them or said that they have certain needs and that the Community should now help fulfil them. They never seek any favour. Even in times of need, they are extremely hesitant and humble in expressing their desires, even in the form of a loan.

Some people have also adopted this method for offering sacrifices: They make a box for financial sacrifices and they place something in it every year, or whatever income they receive or whenever they receive some money from somewhere and at the end of the year, they make a contribution. When Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra initiated the scheme of Tahrik-e-Jadid, he demanded that people should lead a simple life and said, “Live a simple life, save your money and spend accordingly.” As a result of this, some people lead a very simple life and make enormous contributions. Apparently, it seems that they would not be able to contribute such a large amount. However, they offer sacrifices of thousands of dollars, pounds or euros.

In this materialistic world, making such sacrifices while living in these countries is truly remarkable. And in poor countries like Pakistan, India, or African nations, where Ahmadis have very limited resources and people barely make ends meet, they continue to make sacrifices. They spend both openly and discreetly to seek Allah the Almighty’s pleasure. They strive for this and think about it all the time, just as the Promised Messiahas stated:

“Day and night, their only concern is how their Beloved will be pleased.” (Nishan-e-Aasmani, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 4, p. 410)

These are the true believers who earn Allah the Almighty’s pleasure. There are some who, whenever any financial appeal is made or when the new years for Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid are announced, they contribute even by taking loans, although they are not required to do so. They harbour no fear, for they know that since they are spending in the way of Allah the Almighty, He Himself will fulfil their needs. Indeed, Allah the Almighty has blessed the Ahmadiyya Community with people who make tremendous sacrifices and are not like those who give five or ten rupees and then have it announced in the mosque a hundred times over. There are numerous instances before me where people eagerly come forward to offer sacrifices. This includes people from Africa, Europe and Asia. The poor especially make enormous sacrifices in their contributions. Though their contributions may seem small in monetary terms, however, in the eyes of Allah the Almighty, they carry great weight. These are the people about whom the Holy Prophetsa once said that one dirham would surpass a thousand or even a hundred thousand dirhams. (Sunan an-Nisai, Kitab az-akat, Hadith 2528)

This spirit exists even among people living in distant, poor countries – that by making financial sacrifices to earn Allah the Almighty’s pleasure, He not only protects them from all kinds of fears but also fulfils their needs. For instance, the Amir of Tanzania wrote about a new convert, Abdullah Sahib, who said he observed two benefits from giving financial contributions: firstly, his sustenance increased afterwards, and secondly, whenever he conducts business in his shop, all his merchandise sells quickly, emptying his shop. He then brings in new stock, and his profits continue to grow. He says he believes all this is the result of making financial sacrifices in Allah’s cause.

Zada Nauf Sahib from Kazakhstan always participates in financial sacrifices with great zeal and passion. He is a retired military man who receives only his pension. But as soon as he receives his pension, he comes to the Community headquarters to make his financial contributions. He explains that “God Almighty has blessed my financial sacrifices so much that even those matters of mine that have been pending for a long time, are resolved by God Almighty.” This is the condition of his faith. He recounts that he had started constructing a building to serve as the headquarters of a certain business venture. He says, “Whatever savings I had, I invested it into this. And while the money finished, the construction remained incomplete. I owned an apartment, and I thought that I would sell it and put the money into this project as well to see it to its completion. But I couldn’t find anyone to buy the apartment. It was a hopeless situation. The last of the funds I’d put into the construction was drying up. I was praying that somehow God Almighty might bless me so that I would be able to make good on the finances for this project. Finally, God Almighty sent a buyer who agreed to take it. The money that I got for the apartment, I put into the construction. Now, since I had sold the apartment, my dilemma was that I needed to find a home to live in. But it so happened that the same angel that God Almighty had sent to purchase the apartment told me not to worry and that he was in no hurry to move in any time soon, and said that I could stay in this house for one more year.” In this way, Allah the Almighty fulfilled my need for a home, and also facilitated the completion of my construction project. I believe that this is all due to the blessings of financial sacrifice, and is the result of sacrificing for the sake of Allah the Almighty.”

There is another account from Kazakhstan, an office bearer writes that there is a Lajna member named Baiyowa Rosa Sahiba. She regularly participates in the Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid scheme. One day, she made financial contributions to Takrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid and requested prayers for her daughter, that Allah the Almighty may grant her a good job. She also wrote a letter to me. These people have a very strong connection to Khilafat. I receive many letters from these people in Russia or the neighbouring states. She says that when she offered her chanda, the very next day her daughter got an excellent job, despite having tried many times previously, to no avail. Thus, what came to pass was that in order to strengthen their belief, Allah the Almighty granted them such blessings and provisions that the employees tasked with hiring called her, saying, “We are willing to offer you a job, come to work with us,” and gave her an excellent job. She says, “This was a miracle for me, and I am in awe as to how quickly Allah the Almighty showered me with His blessings.”

Georgia is a country in Europe. There is a student in medical school there who says, “Our Jamaat had a meeting. The President of the Jamaat mentioned a student here who went above and beyond when participating in Tahrik-e-Jadid. I thought to myself that I am a born Ahmadi, and the student (previously mentioned) took the oath of allegiance four years ago, yet he has greatly exceeded in his financial sacrifice. I should also increase my pledge. I felt ashamed, thus I intended to increase my pledge.” He then says that in the office-bearers meeting, Sadr Sahib mentioned – while he was emphasising financial sacrifice – as to how Hazrat Abu Bakrra would offer sacrifices. He would offer everything he had. He says, “Upon hearing this example, greater fervour was created within my heart, and I thought that I should nonetheless increase my pledge, whether I had the capacity or not; I would offer this sacrifice.” He says, “I increased my pledge so much that I became worried as to how I would fulfil it. For this reason, I began driving a taxi part-time. While being a student, I would also drive a taxi and gradually fulfil my pledge.” He continues, “I began to greatly enjoy this work, because I was doing it in order to obtain Allah the Almighty’s pleasure, and in order to offer sacrifices for His sake. I was not doing it to fill my own stomach.” He says, “I sometimes faced such conditions that I would not have enough money to fill petrol, so I would borrow it from my father and then go to work, thereafter, returning the loan. I would also offer my contributions, and in this manner, I began slowly fulfilling my pledge.” He says, “I finally fulfilled the pledge that I had no hope of fulfilling previously. Allah the Almighty created the provisions for my pledge to be fulfilled.”

The sadr of the Rodgau Jamaat in Germany says “We fulfilled the target that was given to us. (They are in the process of constructing a mosque there). The qaid of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya said that we should collect more money; and that the people here have more potential, and a greater ability to offer financial contributions. Similarly, we should also increase our financial sacrifices for Tahrik-e-Jadid, as we have the potential to improve in this regard.” He says, “From 2019 onwards, we began focusing on financial sacrifice. At the time, our financial contributions were a few thousand Euros. Now, it has increased so much that it has entered the hundreds of thousands, and people happily offer these sacrifices. A number of people were drawn to the scheme when some life-devotees announced that they would donate one month’s worth of allowance as financial sacrifice to the Jamaat.” One member says, “When I reflected on this, I was ashamed that a life-devotee was giving his monthly income, while I make much more money, so why can’t I make such a big sacrifice?” He says, “Thereafter, I received a large sum of money and gave it as a financial contribution to the Jamaat. The next year, I increased my pledge and submitted it; in fact, I doubled it or perhaps pledged even more than that.” He continues, “Allah the Almighty’s grace manifested, and I began to receive excellent contracts, and was blessed to be able to offer thousands of Euros in chanda – around 40,000 or 50,000 Euros.” This had another effect because he had a spiritual awakening and developed an eagerness to offer sacrifices for the sake of Allah the Almighty. He greatly reduced his personal expenses, became content with simple clothing, and began living a very simple life. He would go above and beyond when participating in financial sacrifices. The Finance Secretary says, “We would be shocked that his outer appearance does not reflect the countless sacrifices he is making.” This account in fact reminds me of an incident that took place a while back. There was a friend of ours in Karachi, who was an elderly gentleman named Sheikh Majeed Sahib. He would offer many financial sacrifices. After putting aside some money for his household expenses, he would go above and beyond in contributing to the various financial schemes. In the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, this gentleman exceedingly contributed towards the publication of the Holy Quran, and various other schemes. He would often say “Whatever job I do, it is for the sake of the Jamaat.” Thus, Allah the Almighty has granted such individuals, such as these in the Community and continues to grant them; those who solely earn so that the needs of the Community may be fulfilled, not that they themselves amass wealth.

The Wakil-ul-Mal of Qadian writes that there is a man from Kerala who states, “I faced very difficult times. I could not find any work. Finally, I thought to myself that even if there was no job, I could at least work as a tailor. I placed a table on the side of the road and began working. I also began regularly giving chanda.” He would accurately work out his due chanda. Whatever income he would earn, a lot of blessings were placed in it by the grace of Allah, and he says “Now I contribute a large amount of money in chanda. My business has also expanded within two or three years.” Whereas other people’s businesses were impacted due to the [economic] conditions, Allah the Almighty continuously blessed his work, and he was not impacted at all.

These are the blessings of financial sacrifice. Some people say, “ne person works hard and Allah blesses his efforts, while we also work hard but don’t see that level of blessing.” However, if one’s intention is pure, then God Almighty’s blessings continue to increase. So this is the advantage that an Ahmadi enjoys – God Almighty accepts their sacrifices along with their prayers. And then the blessings of these sacrifices unfold. Thus, these people sacrifice in this manner. He goes on to recount that “the sacrifice that I made in the way of Allah – the regular contributions that I used to make – resulted in my business being blessed. Other people’s financial situations were deteriorating because of the economic situation these days, but I continue to reap the blessings.” Now he owns several large shops. What was once nothing more than a small stall on the side of the footpath is now multiple large shops that he runs along with a showroom. And now, his financial contributions are in the hundreds of thousands. Even this year, he has contributed a million rupees.

A woman from Bangladesh writes, “I am a Waqifa-e-Nau. I make regular financial contributions and also listen to the Friday sermon regularly. God Almighty has blessed me with faith, and I make financial contributions out of the stipend that I receive. God Almighty put so many blessings in this that it proved beyond my imagination.”

Similarly, a man named Ali Sahib from Syria writes, “I am a new convert. When I made my first pledge for Tahrik-e-Jadid, it was more than I could afford given my income, but I made a resolve in my heart to fulfil this pledge before the month of Ramadan.” He had a simple job and wasn’t on any contract. He was just doing voiceover dubs for cartoons. The man explains, “I became worried about how I was going to fulfil this promise.” Anyhow, he explains that with this concern in mind, he went to a manager of his one day and greeted him. The manager who was on the phone at that time indicated by way of hand that he was talking to someone and signalled that he return later. “So I went to sit in the cafeteria. There, the company’s finance officer came up to me and told me to walk with him. He told me that the manager had instructed him to give me a certain amount of money. The statement for my pay cheque hadn’t even been prepared, and the manager himself estimated my services and gave me this amount. And the amount proved sufficient for me to pay my Tahrik-e-Jadid chanda. He also told me not to tell anyone about this – that I was the only one getting this.”

This is how God Almighty helps people through His grace.

There is a female student in Calgary who recounted her story of strengthening in faith in the following way: 

She recounts that everyone warned her that it is very difficult to find a job while studying. “I prayed a lot and wrote my name amongst those in “Saff-e-Awwal” of contributors to Tahrik-e-Jadid – a promise of 1000 or more Canadian dollars.” She explains that “because of my financial contribution, God Almighty blessed me so much that I ended up getting a job within three days and my semester was saved from going to waste. I also got the amount I needed to fulfil my pledge.” People were astonished by this.

Then there are also accounts from some underdeveloped countries of Africa. The Missionary-in-Charge of Guinea Conakry writes:

A local president of one of the chapters there named Abdullah Kamara Sahib writes:

“I began making regular financial sacrifices as soon as I converted to Ahmadiyyat. The pledges that I had made this year were short by 40,000 francs. When the local mu‘allim after making an appeal for it, was about to leave, he mentioned how I was behind by this amount. I felt great embarrassment at this. So I came home and the amount that I had intended to use for my expenditures, I spent in the way of God. The very next day God Almighty returned that amount to me as a man called me, saying that some time ago I had worked for him, and he left without giving me my dues for which he was deeply sorry and apologetic. He then asked, what I would like?”

He says I responded, “At that time you did not give me my dues. After all this time, now my situation is that I intend to purchase a motorbike and I’m also building a home. I need the amount for these things. The man immediately sent me the amount for all of this, even though I knew that the amount that he sent over to me was far higher than what he actually owed me. Hence this is how God Almighty repaid me manifold and I believe that this is the result of the blessings of my contributions.”

The Missionary-in-Charge of the Central African Republic reports:

A man named Isa Sahib writes, “There were many problems in my life. Things at home were bad too. I was thinking of requesting a loan from the Jamaat. One day I heard a speech on the Tahrik-e-Jadid scheme and spending in the way of Allah, that whoever gives even a single penny (or less) in the way of God, God Almighty returns it to him 10 times.” He says, “I thought to myself, let me test this for myself. That very day I began contributing to this scheme. As God would have it, a businessman from Turkey who worked in the diamond industry employed me in his company, and day by day my situation began to improve. Now, by the grace of God, I have constructed my own home and also purchased a new motorcycle. Before this, I did not even have enough funds to fix my old motorbike.”

Now, it is not that only people in poor countries see such blessings, but those possessed of true faith witness these blessings wherever they may be. Those who, with pure intentions, wish to make sacrifices for the sake of God Almighty, do make such sacrifices and then witness the rewards. God Almighty furnishes the means of granting further strength to the faith of such people regardless of whether they live in wealthy or poor countries. He fortifies the strength of their faith.

A Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid in America wrote about a young khadim from Dallas who receives lunch money from his parents at college. This young man thought, “Allah has bestowed a great favour upon me that I can eat out every day. This money should be used for a better purpose. After contemplation, I decided to participate in Tahrik-e-Jadid.” He donated that money to Tahrik-e-Jadid and would suffice on basic cereals instead. He says, “By Allah’s grace, my exam results improved significantly, I found peace in life, and since I started eating less, I feel a natural tranquillity. I believe that when Allah the Almighty wishes to increase someone’s faith, He does so, and I consider this the best decision of my life – turning my attention towards sacrifice for Allah the Almighty’s sake.”

Then, someone wrote about their sacrifice from Belgium. A lady wrote, “I was searching for employment and had submitted applications to various places. My applications were consistently rejected due to a lack of experience. (This is what she was told). As the fiscal year of Tahrik-e-Jadid was ending, I thought that although I had fulfilled my pledge, perhaps if I made an additional sacrifice for Allah’s sake, He might show His grace and help me overcome my difficulties”. She says, “I increased my contribution and gave an extra amount. Within just a few days, I received job offers from two places and got the position I had deeply desired, which was also just minutes away from my home.” She says this was a divine sign for her. There are countless such incidents that Allah the Almighty manifests to strengthen people’s faith, and when others learn of these experiences, it inspires the spirit of sacrifice in them as well.

There are also some people in the Community who, as Allah the Almighty commands, make their sacrifices secretly. They insist that no one should know about their sacrifices. In fact, in one place, a finance secretary or a missionary wrote, “I opened the letterbox outside the mission house and found an envelope containing one thousand euros marked as ‘Tahrik-e-Jadid contribution’, with no name or address provided.”

The finance secretary also wrote about someone who made a sacrifice of thousands and requested that their name not be revealed. They simply wanted the administration to know they had contributed but insisted there should be no announcement of their sacrifice. Allah the Almighty has blessed the Community with such people who not only make sacrifices but continue to increase in them. 

In Germany, some people made sacrifices of fifty thousand euros each without ever revealing themselves, always striving to keep their names hidden. Such people exist in Africa, Europe, and America. As I mentioned, this is Allah the Almighty’s grace that despite this materialistic world, while everyone is pursuing their personal desires, Allah the Almighty has blessed the Jamaatwith such sacrificing individuals who compete with each other in giving sacrifices.

As Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said when initiating Tahrik-e-Jadid, “Adopt a simple lifestyle,” as I mentioned. There are many examples that even in this age when the world is inclined towards pretentiousness and ostentation, and people desire recognition and attention, there are examples of people living simple lives and discreetly making sacrifices. I have presented some of these examples.

Countless such examples come before us. Today, as we know, is the announcement of the new year of Tahrik-e-Jadid. I will make the announcement today. Usually, the announcement is made in the first week [of the month], but since the first day of the month was last Friday, I am announcing it on this second Friday. I’ve mentioned those who made sacrifices for this reason. It is Allah the Almighty’s great favour that today, in the world, only the Ahmadiyya Jamaat truly exemplifies the words:

يُنۡفِقُوۡنَ‮ ‬اَمۡوَالَهُمۡ‮ ‬بِالَّيۡلِ‮ ‬وَالنَّهَارِ

[Those who spend their wealth by day and night]. Practically, they are making sacrifices day and night, and as I said, this series of sacrifices continues twenty-four hours a day. The Ahmadiyya Jamaat is spread across every region of the world. Today, the Ahmadiyya Jamaat is established in 220 countries , and everywhere we see examples of those who make sacrifices.

At this moment, as I am delivering this sermon, it’s night in some places and daytime in others, but everyone is listening to this sermon, and the Ahmadiyya Community is presenting the sight of a united Ummah. This is what distinguishes the Ahmadiyya Jamaat from others. This sacrifice and this desire to earn Allah’s pleasure is what propels the Community’s progress, and as long as this condition remains among members of the Community, Allah the Almighty will continue to bestow His favours upon the Jamaat, insha-Allah.

Most of the examples I have presented are either of new converts or youth. Allah the Almighty continues to instil this spirit in people even today. We should always remember that this era of the Promised Messiahas is the era of spreading guidance, completing his mission, and spreading Islamic teachings in the world. That is why the Holy Prophetsa informed us about the coming of the Messiah from among his ummah.

Thus, Allah the Almighty established the community of the Promised Messiahas in this era to complete the spread of the teachings and guidance that the Holy Prophetsa brought.

Therefore, if we continue doing this to earn Allah the Almighty’s pleasure, He will continue to fulfil our needs. We will live our lives without any fear or grief. Allah the Almighty will deliver us from every fear, remove every sorrow, eliminate our difficulties, and fulfil our needs. This is what every Ahmadi should strive to achieve – earning Allah the Almighty’s pleasure. This has been demonstrated in the examples of those Ahmadis who understand this and who have been showered with Allah the Almighty’s blessings. Those who make these sacrifices are benefiting from the blessings of the work being done to spread Islam. Wherever people accept Ahmadiyyat, or money is spent on Jamaat literature, preaching, or jami‘at [Islamic seminaries], all these expenses include these contributors in the reward, and Allah the Almighty continues to bestow His blessings upon them.

I will now present some facts and figures for Tahrik-e-Jadid that are usually mentioned every year, which gives an insight into its results. In the end, I will also present an extract of the Promised Messiahas as well. By the grace of Allah the Almighty the 90th year of Tahrik-e-Jadid has concluded and we have entered the 91st year.

With regards to the years of Tahrik-e-Jadid, there ought to be some clarification that for Daftar I, it is the 91st year [that will begin], for Daftar II, it is the 81st year, for Daftar III, it is the 60th year, for Daftar IV, it is the 40th year, for Daftar V it is the 21st year. A new Daftar would be initiated every 19 years. And Daftar VI was initiated two years ago. Now all the sincere individuals who will partake in Tahrik-e-Jadid will be included in Daftar VI and also those who participated from last year.

By the grace of Allah the Almighty the Jamaat members had the opportunity to make a total sacrifice of £17.98 million. This is an increase of £789,000 from the previous year. This year, the Germany Jamaat attained first position. Ameer Sahib Germany was and is constantly worried that owing to the increase in Tahrik-e-Jadid contributions, other chanda’s would be affected. He ought to put his trust in Allah the Almighty. By sacrificing towards Tahrik-e-Jadid, Allah the Almighty will place blessings in the other chandas, insha-Allah. May Allah the Almighty increase the Germany Jamaat in sincerity and loyalty. Despite the fluctuations in currencies, overall the jamaats increased in their sacrifices. Canada and the USA always compete in the spirit of “vie, then, with one another in good works.” Last year, Canada made exceptional sacrifices and attained third position. This year, the USA has attained 3rd position. The UK has attained 2nd place. Although there is a small difference between the two. If Canada puts a bit more effort in they can overtake them again. Nonetheless, the positions in terms of the overall collection is that Germany attained first position, followed by UK, USA, Canada, a Jamaat from the Middle East, India, Australia, Indonesia, a Jamaat from the Middle East and Ghana.

By the grace of Allah, there is a great increase in the collections per capita. In terms of contribution per capita, the USA is 1st, Switzerland is 2nd, the UK is 3rd, Canada is 4th and Australia is 5th. There are some other jamaats that are worthy of mention for their overall efforts, including those in Bangladesh, Nigeria, Holland, Austria, France, Switzerland, and Ireland and jamaats in the Middle East.

Despite the situation in Bangladesh and the unfavourable conditions, both politically and for the Jamaat – in fact some Ahmadis are being arrested on charges of supporting and aiding the previous government, even though this is not the case, opponents have also burnt houses of Ahmadis and some Ahmadis houses have been burnt down for the second time in one year, they are also beaten – but they have increased in their faith. May Allah the Almighty improve their conditions and increase them in their faith and sincerity. Pray also for the condition of Bangladesh.

The notable positions for the countries in Africa for overall collection are as follows: Ghana is 1st, followed by Mauritius, then Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Tanzania, Benin, The Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. These were the [top] 10 jamaats.

The total number of participants was 1,681,000. There are many reports that have not been received. The reports from certain areas of Burkina Faso were not received due to the deteriorating conditions there. It was not possible to establish communications. Despite this, the number of people who presented a sacrifice rose by 50,000 compared to last year. Those who excelled in this regard are: Nigeria, Congo Brazzaville, Niger, The Gambia, Congo Kinshasa, Cameroon, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Uganda and Sierra Leone.

The first ten jamaats of Germany are: Rodgau, Rödermark, Osnabrück, Pinneberg, Nidda, Köln, Mahdi-Abad, Flörsheim, Neuss, and Weingarten.

The position of the Amarats is as follows: 1st is Hamburg, then Frankfurt, Dietzenbach, Gross-Gerau, Wiesbaden, Mörfelden Walldrof, Riedstadt, Rüsselsheim, Darmstadt and Mannheim.

The top five regions in the UK are as follows: Islamabad is 1st, followed by Bait-ul-Futuh, Fazl Mosque, Midlands, and Bait-ul-Ehsan.

The top 10 positions of the larger chapters of the UK are as follows: Worcester Park is 1st, Farnham is 2nd, Islamabad is 3rd, South Cheam, Walsall, Ash, Gillingham, Bradford North, Ewell and Aldershot South.

In terms of the overall collection, the positions of the jamaats in the USA are as follows: 1st is Maryland, North Virginia, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, South Virginia, Dallas, Silicon Valley, Oshkosh, North Jersey, Houston and Central Jersey.

With respect to the overall collection, the positions of the local Amarats in Canada are as follows: Vaughan, Calgary, Peace Village, Brampton West, Vancouver, Toronto West, Brampton East, and Toronto.

The positions of the jamaats – first were Amarats, now it is jamaats – are as follows: Hamilton Mountain is 1st, Edmonton West, Hadeeqah Ahmad, Hamilton, Bradford East, Ottawa West, Ottawa East, Montreal West, Regina, Montreal East, Markham, Lloydminster and Sudbury.

In terms of the overall collection in Pakistan, it is as follows: Lahore is 1st, 2nd is Rabwah and 3rd is Karachi. Despite extremely unfavourable conditions, we see there is progress. Even though opposition is reaching new heights, the Jamaat members continue to offer sacrifices; businesses are severely affected, as is employment; however, they are firm in their faith in that they continue to increase in their sacrifices. Many people who earned well have moved abroad, but despite this, they [Ahmadis in Pakistan] have offered great sacrifices. May Allah the Almighty protect the Jamaat from the evil of the opponents and keep them safe.

The sacrifices presented in the districts of Pakistan are as follows: 1st is Faisalabad, followed by Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sargodha, Umarkot, Hyderabad, Sialkot, Hafizabad, Kotli Azad Kashmir and Khushab.

In terms of the overall collection, the positions of the local jamaats in Pakistan are as follows: Dar-ul-Zikr Lahore, Allama Iqbal Town Lahore, Baitul Fazl Faisalabad, Azizabad Karachi, Mughalpura Lahore, Gujranwala Shehar, Quetta, Lodhran, Rahim Yar Khan, Karim Nagar Faisalabad.

The positions of the smaller jamaats are as follows: Khokhar Gharbi, Got Sharifabad, Chawinda, Sanghar, Kharian, Badin, Pindi Bhago, Dar al-Fazl Kunri, Khairpur and Chakwal.

The top ten provinces in India are as follows: Kerala is 1st, then Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Odisha, Karnataka, Jammu Kashmir, Punjab, Bengal, Maharashtra and Delhi.

And the top 10 are as follows: Hyderabad is 1st, Qadian is 2nd, Calicut, Coimbatore, Manjeri Melapalayam, Bangalore, Kolkata, Kerang, and Karulai.

The top ten chapters of Australia are as follows: Melbourne Long Warren, Marsden [Park], Melbourne Berwick, Perth, Penrith, Adelaide West, Melbourne Clyde, Melbourne East, Campbelltown and Canberra. May Allah the Almighty accept their sacrifices.

The Promised Messiahas states: “Chanda (financial contributions) is not something that began with this Movement. That is, I did not initiate the system of financial contributions; rather, even in the time of Prophets, financial contributions were collected during times of need. There was a time when merely an indication about making financial contributions would result in people presenting all their household wealth. The Holy Prophetsa said that one should give according to their capacity, and his intention was to observe how much each person brings.

“Abu Bakrra brought forth and presented all his wealth, while Umarra brought only half of his wealth. The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘This is the difference in your ranks.’”

The Promised Messiahas states:

“The Companions were taught early on that:

لَنۡ‮ ‬تَنَالُوا الۡبِرَّ‮ ‬حَتّٰي‮ ‬تُنۡفِقُوۡا‮ ‬مِمَّا تُحِبُّوۡنَ

“[‘Never will you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love.’ (3:93)]

“This verse emphasises and refers to offering financial contributions and the distribution of wealth. This is a covenant with Allah the Almighty which one should fulfil. Breaking this oath constitutes treachery.” (Malfuzat, 1984, Vol. 6, p. 42)

Then, in one place, the Promised Messiahas states: “Nothing can be accomplished by one person alone. There are blessings in collective assistance. Even great empires ultimately run on financial contributions. The only difference is that worldly empires forcibly impose taxes and collect them, while in this case, we leave it to one’s willingness and intention. Offering financial contributions leads to an increase in faith, and it is an act of love and sincerity.” (Malfuzat, 1984, Vol. 6, pp. 42-43)

Then, in another place, the Promised Messiahas gave glad tidings to the Jamaat, saying: 

“Rejoice, for the field of attaining nearness [to Allah] is vacant. Every nation is in love with the world, and the world pays no attention to that which pleases God. For those who wish to enter this door with full force, there is an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and gain the special favour of God. Do not think that God will let you go to waste. You are a seed that has been sown in the earth by God’s hand. God the Almighty says that the seed will grow and flourish, and its branches will spread in every direction, becoming a great tree. So, blessed is the one who believes in God’s word and does not fear the trials that come along the way.” (Risala Al-Wasiyyat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 20, pp. 308-309)

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, people have understood this and continue to offer sacrifices, thereby attaining His blessings. May Allah the Almighty enable us to excel in our sacrifices according to the wishes of the Promised Messiahas.

Alongside our financial sacrifices, we should also strive to improve in our spirituality and strengthen our bond with Allah the Almighty. Not only in financial sacrifices, but in every situation, we should present that practical example that is reflective of a true Muslim. When this is achieved, we will, God willing, witness the progress of the Jamaat and we will continue to see even greater successes than before, God willing. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, we will continue to witness the blessings of Allah the Almighty and witness the enemy become unsuccessful and frustrated. May Allah the Almighty soon bring that day when we witness these times.

May Allah the Almighty reward all those who have made financial sacrifices and bless their wealth and lives, and may they always live their lives in the best possible manner. May their children and future generations become the delight of their eyes. May they continue to increase in their nearness to Allah the Almighty. May Allah the Almighty make it so.

After the [Jumuah] prayers, I will lead two funeral prayers. One funeral is present, which is of respected Emine Chakmak Sahi Sahiba. She was the wife of the late Mubarak Sahi Sahib. She was of Turkish descent. She recently passed away at the age of 75.

اِنَّا‭ ‬لِلّٰهِ‭ ‬وَاِنَّاۤ‭ ‬اِلَيۡهِ‭ ‬رٰجِعُوۡنَ

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, she was a Musia. She was from Istanbul, Turkey and accepted Ahmadiyyat through Jalal Shams Sahib when he was studying there. It was upon having complete faith in the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas, that she wholeheartedly accepted Ahmadiyyat. She was a very pious lady and herself wrote that she was the first Ahmadi woman in Istanbul.

She initiated correspondence with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh and continued to grow in faith and loyalty. When MTA began broadcasting, she seized the opportunity to inform her respected mother about her acceptance of Ahmadiyyat and invited her to do the same; after which her mother also accepted Ahmadiyyat. Then she also preached to her sister, respected Samah Sahiba, wife of Mehmet Ander Sahib and she too took the pledge of allegiance. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, Ahmadiyyat then spread in this family. The deceased joined the Wasiyyat scheme in 1990, thus becoming the first Turkish woman to join the Wasiyyat scheme. Later, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh appointed her as the president of Lajna Turkey. In this way, she also had the honour of being the first president of Lajna in Turkey.

When she watched MTA, she desired to provide the [Turkish] translation. She expressed this desire, and in 1995, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh called her to the UK and entrusted her with this task and she began translating into the Turkish language. In 1996, she dedicated her life; in this way, she became the first Turkish woman to dedicate her life for the sake of Islam and Ahmadiyyat.

A written statement from her has been found in which she writes, “I have pledged that I will work for Islam Ahmadiyyat until my last breath.” By the grace of Allah the Almighty she fulfilled this pledge in an excellent manner and continued to serve the Jamaat until her last day. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh facilitated the marriage of Emine Sahiba with Mubarak Sahi Sahib, a member of his security detail, after the demise of his first wife. Emine Sahiba honoured this bond in an excellent manner and took care of his children as well.

She also translated the Holy Quran into the Turkish language and translated other books and sermons of the Khulafa. Her brother-in-law, Mehmet Ander Sahib, while mentioning her virtues, says, “She was an extremely generous lady. Her knowledge, cheerful disposition, and spirituality are particularly noteworthy. She was at the forefront of the service of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. She would spend whatever money she had in her pocket in the way of the Jamaat. While living with her mother in Istanbul, she used her house for Jamaat programmes. After her mother’s demise, this house started being used as a mosque, and she gifted it to the Jamaat. She would regularly offer Tahajjud prayers and recite the Holy Quran until the Fajr prayer.

Despite her deteriorating health, she faithfully fulfilled her life devotion until her last breath. She would always say, “We have recognised and accepted the Imam Mahdi very late, so we have no time to waste. We must work extremely hard.” She always maintained a relationship of loyalty with Khilafat and would say, “There is no need to trouble the Khalifa with personal problems; instead, we should resolve them ourselves.’” May Allah the Almighty grant her forgiveness and mercy and elevate her station.

The second funeral in absentia is of Mahmood Ahmad Ayyaz Sahib from Norway, who was the elder brother of Khwaja Masood Sahib, who is currently serving as Nazir Isha’at Rabwah. He recently passed away.

اِنَّا‭ ‬لِلّٰهِ‭ ‬وَاِنَّاۤ‭ ‬اِلَيۡهِ‭ ‬رٰجِعُوۡنَ

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

The deceased was a musi and is survived by his wife and a son. He had the opportunity to serve the Jamaat at various times. He served for a very long time as the Secretary Umur-e-Kharijah in Norway. He also had the opportunity to serve as the acting Ameer of Norway at various times. He also had the opportunity to do waqf for a period of time in Rabwah; however, due to the circumstances in Norway, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh sent him back to serve in Norway. He had great knowledge of the literature of the Jamaat. During his early days at college, alongside various other books, he also completed the reading of the Tafsir-e-Kabir, in other words, he read it in his youth. He would regularly read the books of the Jamaat and also the Jamaat newspapers and magazines.

His soul was filled with great love for Khilafat and had a strong bond with it. He possessed a very simple disposition and was a very kind-hearted and loyal individual. He would always ensure to pay his chandas on time and according to the prescribed rate. He had the good fortune of entering the scheme of Al-Wasiyyat as a student. He was regular in his prayers and fasting and would also observe his voluntary prayers. He fulfilled the rights of Allah and His creation. He was very humble and among his notable qualities was his high level of dignity. He possessed inner and outer purity. May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness and mercy. This funeral will also be offered [in absentia] alongside the funeral that is present here.

(Official Urdu transcript published in the Daily Al Fazl International, 29 November 2024, pp. 2-8. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

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