Flowers on the way to Stuttgart

Amtushakoor Tayyaba Ahmed, UK
Ijtema UK
Image courtesy of the author

A few years ago, I moved to an idyllically beautiful and picturesque village area in the environs of Tilford, now known so well internationally as the home of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. One outstanding and consequential benefit to the location was the garden gifted to me by Allah so that every day I could sit in my living room and watch the flowers grow. Over the following two years, I have tenderly trialled growing lilies, impatiens, geraniums, petunias, hostas, fuchsias, begonias, dianthus, hydrangeas and roses. Colours, fragrances, shapes and hues that delighted and comforted – a haven of peace.

Recently, however, the scenic view of my garden had been dramatically blighted on multiple fronts (literally) and this is where my current story begins – but the story is reflective of an experience common to many, particularly believers – that there is always ease after hardship: 

فَاِنَّ‭ ‬مَعَ‭ ‬الۡعُسۡرِ‭ ‬يُسۡرًا

“Surely there is ease after hardship.” (Surah al-Inshirah, Ch.94: V.6)

Note the kindness of Allah the Almighty, Who has promised ease after hardship rather than a promise of hardship before every ease!

The damage, although temporary, began when the right side of our garden fence partially fell down due to wear and tear and my husband arranged for it to be replaced. This led to the removal of the boundary that enclosed the small personal green heaven I had surrounded myself with, leaving an open invitation to enter to all creatures, great and small!

And so it happened that one especially stressful evening, a huge black wily dog with eyes that reflected alternately colours of malevolent red, icy blue and a frightening green, bounded into my garden and peered into my living room with an obvious desire to enter my house. Looking back the ensuing hysteria could almost be comedic except it wasn’t and eventually, my son-in-law – perplexed by my overreaction – removed the offending hound whose owner was not too long in retrieving him.

The next morning it was a refreshing dawn that welcomed me as I boarded a flight to Stuttgart. I was reminded not only of a previous visit to Jalsa Salana in Karlsruhe, but also of MTA’s coverage of this important annual spiritual occasion (often blessed with the attendance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa) – one year, including a report produced by Syed Taalay Ahmed Shaheed. However, it was not Jalsa Salana that I would be attending that weekend but instead, the National Lajna Ijtema that Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany had kindly invited me to a few weeks earlier. 

The National Ijtema had so many wonderful aspects that it is difficult to do justice to the occasion. As I arrived at a very large hall, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s Vaa Friday Sermon was being relayed, and the atmosphere was very reminiscent of a Jalsa Salana. Once formal proceedings began, Lajna Imaillah Germany was most fortunate to read a message from beloved Huzooraa reminding us to make efforts to study and act upon the teachings of the Holy Quran.  

Furthermore, the exhibition on the subject of taqwa prepared by each of the 26 regions was not only creative but also informative and thoughtful; the “Briefe an Huzoor” table soon caught my eye, where I later joined well over a hundred others to write a letter to Huzooraa during break times. The awards ceremony – another amazing part of the event – was a testament to our Holy Prophetsa being the champion of women’s right to education.

My humble contribution at the Ijtema was showing short clips from some of Taalay’s documentaries, such as Four Days Without a ShepherdBrutality and InjusticeThis Week With Huzoor and from his Untold Narrations speech to an Atfal Rally (in 2019 or 2020) during an interview at the event. The ensuing warm hugs, words, smiles, tears and prayers were like beautifully fragranced and colourful flowers wrapped in a bouquet of love, each delightfully unique and of abundant value. This kindness from Lajna was for no other reason than their love for Allah and Islam Ahmadiyya. 

As we drove through the towns between Karlsruhe back to Stuttgart Airport the next day and I noticed the flowers in the gardens, I knew that this weekend I had, alhamdulillah, benefitted from some of the spiritual flowers of Islam Ahmadiyya, amongst which was the bouquet of love presented so kindly to me by Lajna Germany. 

Standing out as the brightest and most distinctive sunflower in the garden of the Ijtema was of course the message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa to Lajna about the importance of learning and acting on the Holy Quran. The Promised Messiahas has stated.

“The example of the Holy Quran is like a garden; one picks a certain flower from one place, then walks a little further and picks a different flower. Accordingly, you should derive benefit from every portion of the Holy Quran.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 6, p. 266)

While explaining this extract, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:

“The Promised Messiahas states that spiritual progress can be achieved by adhering to the commandments and prohibitions outlined in the Holy Quran. One should implement the commandments given by Allah the Almighty, and strive to abstain from whatever He has prohibited. This should be kept in mind, for these are the berry flowers that one plucks from the garden.” (Friday Sermon, 17 March 2023, “The Promised Messiahas: Status and glory of the Holy Quran (17 March 2023)”,

May all Ahmadis continue to benefit from and be grateful for the blessings bestowed by Allah the Almighty on us all. Amen.

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