Touseef Ahmad Rehan, Nazim Atfal, MKA Muqami, Canada
Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Muqami, Canada, held a “Taleem Rally” on 19 July 2020. 189 selected Atfal from all 15 areas of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Muqami participated in 30 educational competitions.
The whole rally was conducted virtually on Zoom.

As regards the publicity of the Taleem Rally, a lot of time and effort was put in; reminders were repeatedly sent to Atfal.
Detailed messages informing the parents of Atfal were repeatedly sent through WhatsApp groups and the complete programme of the rally was shared with all parents before the start.
The Taleem Rally started with an opening session at 10am at the Muqami office located on 2 Tahir Street. The session was presided by Naib Sadar Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada, Chaudhry Munir Sahib and included a keynote speech by Mohtamim Muqami on the topic of “Obedience of Parents”.
265 Atfal listened to the proceedings of the opening session. Competitions started at 11am with Tilawat and Nazm for all age groups. Atfal of Majlis Muqami participated in these competitions with great zeal and passion, alhamdulillah.

Educational competitions included tilawat, nazm, English speech, Urdu speech, French speech, azan, hifz-e-Quran, hifz-e-Ad‘iya, hifz-e-ahadith and qaseedah.
We had 25 judges for the competitions who marked Atfal on the Google sheets provided to them.
Certificates were made for those Atfal who achieved a top-three position and the “Best Tifl Award” was given to the tifl who won most competitions in each age group. The “Best Halqa Award” was given to Kleinburg based on the criteria that their Atfal won most competitions in all age groups combined.

This was the first time an educational really was held at such a large level with 15 halqajaat, through a virtual online platform.
By the grace of Allah, this event was very successful.