Raza Ahmad, Mohtamim Atfal, MKA USA
On 21 January 2022, Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya USA held its first “Quarterly Parents Day” (Yaum-e-Walidain) virtually.
The main purpose of this event is to maintain an active connection with the parents of Atfal by sharing different initiatives and programmes for Atfal being planned nationally and locally and to give parents a platform for asking questions and giving suggestions.
The event was hosted by the national murabbi Atfal and the guest panel included mohtamim Atfal, secretary talim and secretary tarbiyat.
After the recitation from the Holy Quran, mohtamim Atfal introduced the structure of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya at the national, regional and local levels.
Secretary Talim, Sabahat Ali Sahib went over different programmes his department is leading including memorisation of salat and translation, learning and improving the recitation of the Holy Quran, and better participation and higher standard in academic competitions in the Ijtemas.
Next, Secretary Tarbiyat, Faizan Mughni Sahib, went over the updates for his department which included a focus on daily salat, recitation of the Holy Quran, Friday prayers, listening to the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and filling out the quarterly tarbiyat survey.
In between the above presentations, we also shared videos submitted by Atfal from across the USA for the New Year’s clean-up challenge – an initiative under the Waqar-e-Amal department.
The last 20 minutes of the hour-long session were reserved for a question and answer session with parents and was moderated by Secretary Maal, Arsalan Khan Sahib.
We received several questions from parents and Atfal which were answered by the guest panel.
The session was concluded by silent prayer, led by mohtamim Atfal.
Alhamdulillah, parents from over 200 families attended the session.
Insha-Allah, we will be hosting the next quarterly session in April 2022.