Tahir Ahmed Bhatti
Germany Correspondent
The Jamaat of the Promised Messiahas saw another sign in its favour in the Baltic states where the Jamaat organised its first ever Jalsa Salana in Lithuania on 30 March 2019.
8 countries were represented, including the UK and Germany, with a total participation of 225 members, 150 of whom were guests.
The Jalsa Salana was held in a spacious hall of a hotel, and arrangements of Langar Khana and an exhibition were made at the same location.
The Khuddam, Ansar and Lajna organisations of local states were well supported by the tabligh department team of Germany who travelled to the Jalsa not only as guests but also as hosts. In this way, it was an attractive and moving scene of “And help one another in righteousness and piety” (Surah al-Maidah, Ch.5: V.3) and the spirit of this cooperation lasted from the opening session to the windup phase.

The first Jalsa Salana of the Baltic states lasted for one day and two sessions, each session presided by Amir Jamaat Germany Abdullah Wagishauser Sahib and Rana Khalid Ahmad Sahib In-charge Russian Desk (UK). Rana Khalid Ahmad Sahib was especially sent from the Markaz as representative of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa.
Other than a large number of local participants from all walks of life, Mr Mantas Adomenas MP participated and the speaker of parliament sent a messege for Jalsa Salana.
Mr Viktoras Pranckietis, Speaker of the Seimas (Lithuanian parliament) sent the following message:

“It is with utmost pleasure that I welcome you to the Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held in the Baltic States for the first time. I am delighted that the tradition of organising this event in the Baltic States takes root in Vilnius. The history of the Lithuanian capital city began with an open letter of Grand Duke Gediminas inviting everyone to come to Lithuania to master their own destinies on an equal basis with the population of this country. I am convinced that the principle of equal treatment has continued down to the present day and that your communities, living by the motto, Love for All, Hatred for None, is ultimate proof of this.
“Please accept my gratitude for promoting a community spirit and peace across the Baltic States and my wishes of every success in your endeavours!”
With dua, the Jalsa concluded and residents of the Baltic states tasted the feast of true spirituality in this age of materialism.