Hafizurrahman, Indonesia Correspondent

Mubarak Mushlikhuddin Sahib reports that Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia International held its Convocation Ceremony for Shahid and Mubashir classes on 10 August 2020 in Nasr Mosque. This event was a historic moment for Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia, as it was the first time that students completed the full Shahid course – a seven year course.
Due to the pandemic, the ceremony was held with strict health and safety protocols. Only a few parents of graduates could attend the event, while others were able to watch live online.
On this occasion, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia, Abdul Basit Shahid Sahib said that plans had been made to improve our Jamia from Mubashir to Shahid for a long time. Alhamdolillah, we were blessed to implement Shahid programme and to graduate the students today.
In the meanwhile, the Missionary-in-Charge, Mirajuddin Shahid Sahib advised the graduates to become a reflection of the attributes of Allah the Almighty as described by the Promised Messiahas, in his book Haqiqatul Wahi (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation).
Furthermore, Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia, Ma‘sum Ahmad Shahid Sahib explained the history of the founding of Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia until the formation of the Shahid class.
“The foundation of Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia had started in the 1980s. At that moment, it was called ‘Missionary Preparation Class’ for a year course. After a couple of years, it was then improved gradually to be a three-year-course and five-year-course. In 2017, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa mentioned in his blessed Friday Sermon that Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia is a Jamia Ahmadiyya International, like Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian, Rabwah, Ghana, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and Bangladesh”, said Ma‘sum Ahmad Shahid Sahib.

There are 4 Shahid Degree graduates:Ahmad Salam Sahib, Ammar Ahmad Sahib, Ferdy Athaaul Islam Sahib and Nu‘man Ahmad Sahib; while there are 6 Mubashir Degree graduates: Abdul Basyid Sahib, Arsalanullah Muhammad Ahmad Arasy Sahib, Hadid Muhammad Talha Sahib, Mubarak Mushlikhuddin Sahib, Rafi Zafir Ahmad Sahib and Rahdian Ahmad Nugroho Sahib.
Heartiest Congratulations to Hazur (may Allah safeguard him) , parents , teachers and graduates ! May you never retire from this beautiful beloved profession.