Asad Hameed
Mohtamim Ishaat, MKA Bulgaria
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria had the opportunity to hold its first Charity Challenge on 13 April 2019 in the city of Plovdiv (the second largest city aft er the capital Sofia and the European Capital of Culture 2019) organised by Humanity First and the municipality of Plovdiv.

Along with donations, additional activities were planned which included 2 sprinting events of 800 metres and 200 metres. Stalls and games for children were also organised, which the children enjoyed. The funds raised, along with the donation of a tram lift and wheelchairs, were all given to a centre for children with special needs.
Over 200 people attended which included people from various cities across Bulgaria as well as locals, which showed a nationwide coverage. Other local NGOs, schools and universities came to support and stand together for this noble cause.

Ahmadi Medical Students from the cities of Plovdiv, Sofia and Pleven helped in the organisation and success of this event, including many Khuddam under the leadership of Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria Hasseeb Ahmad Yaqub Lone Sahib and Missionary Jawaduddin Uffan Sahib.
Many Lajna across Bulgaria participated and volunteered to help. The Lajna Students had their first meeting with Sadr Lajna Imaillah, Rifat Jahan Ara Sahiba, and the Lajna also had a meeting with Amir Sahib Germany.

The National Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Germany Mr Abdullah Wagishauser, Marketing Director of Humanity First Germany Mr Stefan Haerter and Director of Projects for South East Europe Mr Zubair Khan attended the event after travelling 1,878km from Germany. Amir Sahib had a meeting with the members of municipality of Plovdiv, the director of social politics and the director of religious affairs, who were introduced to the Jamaat and were invited for the Germany Jalsa Salana.
During the award ceremony, 2 Khuddam – Munib Ahmad and Farhan Chowdry – managed to secure third position in the 200-metre and 800-metre race respectively.

After the successful completion of the event, a small meeting was held with the Khuddam of Bulgaria and Amir Sahib Germany, in which a small video summary was played on the first national Ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria held on 6 April 2019 in Plovdiv.
After the introduction of all members present, a small discussion was held. Amir Sahib asked everyone about their role in the Jamaat and the reasons for choosing to study medicine. Amir Sahib spoke to the students about how they can make a difference and integrate themselves into society, thus building strong relationships with locals and paving a good way of tabligh.