Arif F Khan, Secretary Ishaat Jamaat Newmarket, Canada
Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada has initiated a nationwide programme called “Fajr Fit”, for the spiritual and physical uplift of all Khuddam. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage khuddam to begin their day with the blessed habit of rising early, leaving the comfort of their beds and gathering at the local mosque or prayer centre to offer the Fajr prayer in congregation with their brothers. The amila members are encouraged to utilise this campaign as an opportunity to strengthen their bond with their fellow brothers through car-sharing and offering rides to one another, from their respective homes.
On 26 February 2023, members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Newmarket gathered for the Fajr prayer at the local salat centre. In the evening, the youth gathered for a career counselling session, after which khuddam played sports.
This campaign not only aims to improve one’s spiritual health but also physical health, as khuddam will engage in sports activities after offering their salat and recitation of the Holy Quran.