‘Everyone here should have embraced Islam’: The impact of Islamic teachings on the West

Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra (1872-1957)


Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib (ra) | Missionary America
Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib (ra) | Missionary America

We have received the news that Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra] has safely reached America. However, he is facing severe financial constraints, primarily due to the scarcity of funds. It is hoped that the current vigorous efforts of friends toward the appeal for raising one hundred thousand (rupees) will, insha-Allah, help overcome this financial difficulty. [This appeal was initiated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra.] Muhammad Yusuf Khan Sahib is assisting Maulvi Sahib[ra] with his financial needs. 

An Iranian, who has been residing in America for some time, has written to Maulvi Sahib[ra], expressing that under the influence of this country’s environment, he has been inclined toward Christianity. However, he acknowledges that Maulvi Sahib’s[ra] writings have had a profoundly positive impact on him. Maulvi Sahib is making efforts to guide him. 

If any friend wishes to write to this young man in Persian, they may obtain his address from me. It is possible that he may receive guidance and the writer may also earn a spiritual reward.

Mr Russell Eli, a young Christian residing in America, has been corresponding with me. Upon my suggestion, Syed Abdul Karim Ghani Sahib of Rangoon wrote a letter to him, conveying the message of Islam. Referring to this letter, Mr Eli wrote to me, stating that Mr Ghani explains religious matters with such clarity and detail that he believes Mr Ghani could prove to be a worthy successor to me. 


Hidayat Bibi Sahiba (Miss Budd) from Amsterdam, in her letter dated 22 February [1925], writes that an article of hers on Ahmadiyyat has been published in the magazine of the Temple Society. She further expresses hope that additional articles will be published soon. 


Brother [Maulvi Ghulam] Farid[ra] writes from London that this time, the press has written far more extensively about the Ahmadi martyrs of Kabul than it did at the time of Maulvi Nimatullah Khan Sahib’srh martyrdom. Since 13 February [1925], newspapers have been publishing reports on this matter almost daily. Correspondents from various newspapers across India – including those from Peshawar, Delhi, Bareilly, Kolkata and Allahabad – have covered the news. 

[Maulvi Ghulam Farid Sahib[ra] MA states]: “The Manchester Guardian, a highly influential newspaper here, published a significant portion of my hour-long discussion with its editor.

“In the third week of January, I delivered a lecture on “How to Attain Peace of Mind” in the city of Harrow. According to my estimate, the audience exceeded 100 individuals and the lecture was attentively listened to. 

“On 17 February, I delivered another lecture in the town of Newport, located on the Isle of Wight, on the topic of “Islam and its Foundersa”. The attendance was approximately 50 people, but the lecture proved to be highly successful. Given that it is a small island, several distinguished individuals from the area attended. I had prepared the lecture in writing beforehand and, with a clock placed before me, concluded it precisely within 75 minutes. The fact that the audience remained silent and attentive for such an extended period was itself strong evidence of their deep engagement and interest. 

“At the conclusion of the lecture, a question-and-answer session was held. One of the prison officers in attendance remarked, ‘Today, we have come to understand what Islam truly is. We have been attending church for several years, but the benefit we derived from today’s lecture surpasses all those years of church attendance.’

“Another attendee stated, ‘If we begin implementing the teachings of today’s lecture, our lives would become much more meaningful and improved.’

“A third individual commented on Islam’s teachings regarding animals, noting that ‘With such principles in place, Muslims do not even need to form societies for animal welfare, as their faith itself emphasises compassion towards all creatures.’

“A woman, who was well-versed in religious matters and had engaged in a discussion with me after the lecture, approached me at the conclusion of the gathering. She remarked, ‘People do not easily abandon their religions; otherwise, after listening to today’s lecture, everyone here should have embraced Islam.’ She also expressed several words of praise. 

“Later, the president of the event informed me that the audience had left feeling extremely pleased. 

“In short, by the grace and mercy of God Almighty, the lecture was an outstanding success.”

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 31 March 1925 issue of Al Fazl)

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