Abdul Aziz, Sri Lanka Correspondent

Seeratun Nabi celebrations were held in Colombo on 14 December 2019 at Bait-ul-Hamd and was organised by the Colombo chapter of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka. Nasir Ahmad Sahib, National President of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka; Nizam Khan Sahib, National Vice President; Mushthaq Ahmad Sahib, Missionary-inCharge and MA Anis Ahmad Sahib, Sadr Colombo Jamaat addressed the event.
An introductory speech about the Sinhala Translation of the book, Life of Muhammad written in Urdu by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, may Allah be pleased with him, was the main feature of the event.
81 books were handed out among the members and a total of 228 members participated.
Ansar Ijtema

Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka held their Ijtema on 24 November 2019 at the Ahmadiyya Jubilee Hall, Negombo, Sri Lanka. The event started with Tahajud prayer and the opening session started at 9am with flag hoisting, followed by the Ansarullah pledge being read out by Shafi ullah Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Sri Lanka and repeated by all members present.
Nasir Ahmad Sahib, National President of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka and Musthaq Ahmad, Missionary-in-Charge and others addressed the event. A leading newspaper, Veerakesar covered the event and published a story.
Tabligh Seminar

A tabligh seminar was organised by Negombo Jamaat on 15 December 2019 at the Ahmadiyya Jubilee Hall.
The subject was “Islamic purdah: Its significance and the Islamic concept of Jihad”.
A question and answer session was also part of the event in which a large number of Ansar and Khuddam attended.