Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra (1883-1948)

The Ahmadiyya Jamaat in West Africa, by the grace of God, remains secure and robust despite various challenges and opposition. As Mr Ade, General Secretary of Lagos, Nigeria, states:
“Their jamaat is progressing with steadiness and strength.”
Furthermore, the consolidation of newly acquired land is being strengthened. Missionaries are diligently engaged in their duties with firm commitment.
New office bearers
Brother Zakariya Tambo, who has been elected as the amir majlis in place of the late Muhammad Yaqub Sahib, is performing his duties with dedication and earnest effort. To assist him, Mr Beda, a sincere and capable individual, has been appointed as naib amir majlis. Both have assumed their respective responsibilities after pledging obedience to Khilafat, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat West Africa. May Allah the Almighty be their helper and supporter. Amin.
Building of Talim-ul-Islam School
A piece of land near the seaport, graciously granted to the Ahmadiyya Community by the government, is the site of the construction of a magnificent new building for the Talim-ul-Islam School. Thus far, around 20,000 rupees have been expended. Although there is a noticeable shortage of funds, the jamaat is determined to complete this project with the blessings of God. Observing the sacrifices and resolve of the Lagos Jamaat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] has promised a grant of 3,000 rupees from the central funds.
A significant portion of the jamaat comprises individuals of modest means, many of whom have yet to recognise the importance of education fully. Consequently, the burden of financial contributions largely falls on the educated segment, who continue to demonstrate remarkable dedication and sacrifice.
Return of pilgrims after meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra]

The pilgrims, Abubakar Oshodi and Ahmad Giwa, who had the honour of meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] in London upon their return from the sacred land of Hejaz, arrived home safely. They conveyed firsthand accounts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] and also shared his message of condolence regarding the demise of the late president of the jamaat. The profound emotional response of the devoted members can be best understood through the heartfelt words of the General Secretary, [Lagos, Nigeria]:
“When the pilgrims, particularly Brother Al-Haj Abubakar Oshodi, shared their experiences from their stay in London, my heart was overwhelmed with longing. I wish I could have travelled to London during Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] stay in England. May God Almighty bless the journey of our beloved leader to London abundantly.” Amin
The political significance of London in today’s world requires no elaboration, and its influence on West Africa can be understood by looking back to the situation of India 50 years ago. At that time, a barrister returning from London was regarded with extraordinary respect, and their voice was considered synonymous with the voice of civilisation, culture, and progress.
Since there are no Muslim barristers, doctors, professors, or high-ranking government officials in West Africa, the educated class had their hopes pinned on Mr …, a young man who went to London as an Ahmadi student. However, the influence of Woking severely impacted his faith. He converted to the faith of Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib while still in London and secretly established connections with non-Ahmadis, information that reached me while I was in Lagos.
Upon his return to West Africa, he attempted to divert the jamaat from the straight path and announced Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib’s visit to Lagos. However, God thwarted his efforts, just as He did with his like-minded associates in India. He later tried to form a separate group but failed again. Eventually, he openly joined the non-Ahmadis, declaring his new affiliation in their mosque, much like some unfortunate individuals in India who severed ties with Qadian, aligned with Lahore, [i.e., the Lahori Group], and ultimately abandoned the Ahmadiyya Jamaat.
This opposition posed a significant trial for the Jamaat [Lagos], but God provided His support. Recent reports indicate that the opposition continues, yet, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, there is no cause for fear.
A worthy substitute and a request for prayers
I am striving to encourage young men from distinguished families in West Africa to pursue education in various disciplines in England. However, we have not yet found candidates who meet our expectations. Some students are preparing and, God willing, will travel to London within the next year or two. For now, a friend is studying for the Bar, and I am confident that, by God’s grace, he will prove to be a worthy substitute for the fallen twigs. His name is Gabrial Martins.
He writes: “I intend to sit for the final Bar examination this year, aiming to achieve First-Class Honours. It is a challenging task but, God willing, not impossible.”
Friends are requested to pray for this young man’s success and well-being.
Mr Martins is deeply devoted to the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. When Khwaja Kamaluddin Sahib’s non-Ahmadi son, the current imam of Woking, described his father’s faith as Hanafi in the Islamic Review and disparaged the Promised Messiahas by referring to him as “a certain Mirza Ghulam Ahmad,” Mr Martins challenged him to a debate. He asserted that, through the personal writings of Khwaja Nazir Ahmad Sahib’s father, it could be proven that he was indeed an Ahmadi who gradually turned away from his faith.
In conclusion, despite the opposition from non-Ahmadis in Woking, the work of Allah continues and, God willing, will persist. If anyone turns away from the faith of God, He will surely provide a worthy substitute. We once again request prayers for the success of our dear friend, Mr Martins.
Support for West Africa
In his display of knowledge and keenness for the service of Islam, Maulvi Muhammad Ali published a treatise named Split. This Split was extensively distributed for free in West Africa. While it had little to no impact on Ahmadis, it did provide an opportunity for non-Ahmadis to challenge us. Non-Ahmadi youths began presenting Maulvi Muhammad Ali’s book in debates against Ahmadi missionaries, and as a result, many individuals refrained from embracing Ahmadiyyat due to the bad influence of this book.
To counter this harmful influence, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] authored a book titled Aina-e-Sadaqat, which has now been translated into English and published under the title Truth about the Split. I aspire to see this book widely distributed, free of charge, throughout West Africa. However, financial constraints limit this effort.
Therefore, I appeal to those friends who possess a sincere passion for the spread of true Islam to assist West Africa in combating the detrimental effects of Maulvi Muhammad Ali’s work. Kindly support this cause by purchasing as many copies of Truth about the Split as possible and sending them to me. I will ensure their distribution to relevant individuals. The price of the book is 3 rupees per copy.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 7 February 1925 issue of Al Fazl)