On 14 August 2021, members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Denmark were given the opportunity to meet with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa through a virtual meeting. For the mulaqat, the khuddam were seated in the Nusrat Jahan Mosque complex in Copenhagen.

After conveying his salaam, Huzooraa asked if the covid restrictions in Denmark were lifted; to which, Sadr Sahib replied in the affirmative and said that the restrictions were lifted that very day (14 August).
The meeting started with a recitation of the Holy Quran and its Urdu translation. Next, a hadith was presented.
After the hadith, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was informed that the khadim who presented the hadith was from Italy and was originally from an Arab country.
Speaking with the khadim, Huzooraa asked what he was doing in Denmark; responding, he said that he had come to Denmark four years ago and was working as a teacher in Denmark. He said that he had done bai‘at two years ago and was currently preaching to his family too, who are not Ahmadi. He requested Huzooraa to pray for them. Upon this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “Okay, Allah bless you.”
Then, the Urdu translation of the hadith was presented; following which, an extract from the writings of the Promised Messiahas was read out.
Next, khuddam were given the opportunity to pose questions to Huzooraa.
The first khadim to ask a question stated that he had been living in Denmark for the past six years, looking at the society, he asked Huzooraa about the best method of raising children in a society that did not adhere to Islamic customs.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that it was of utmost importance for parents to establish a bond of friendship with their children so that they felt comfortable sharing things with their parents, which they may hear or learn in school.
“When they share things with you,” Huzooraa said, “instead of shying away, you should answer their questions. At times, due to your upbringing in Pakistan, it is possible that you will feel some embarrassment [in answering some questions]; nevertheless, you should reply to your children from an Islamic point of view.”
Huzooraa further said:
“Firmly establish in their minds that ‘you are an Ahmadi’; educate them about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam. [Explain to them] why we are Ahmadis and what our objectives and ambitions are. The goal of materialistic people is to seek and go after their material desires; whereas our objectives are far greater; and to achieve this goal, efforts must be made from childhood.”
Huzooraa added that if children felt that their parents won’t listen to their questions or answer them, and instead they will be scolded, then issues could arise.
Next, a khadim asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa about blasphemy laws. He said that a few years ago, the blasphemy law was lifted and that public insults of religion were no longer forbidden. He asked Huzooraa if there should be laws in countries to stop others from mistreating the Holy Quran.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that it was Allah the Almighty who guarded the honour of the prophets and that worldly laws did not make any difference. Huzooraa said that attention should be drawn towards what real freedom was. Freedom does not give anyone the liberty to steal money from others. Freedom does not mean that one is free to burgle someone else’s house. This is not freedom, and those who do this are held accountable and must answer to the law.
Huzooraa said that whether there was a law to punish blasphemy or not, “In order to establish peace, it should be vital for all citizens to take care of the sentiments of others. And when people’s sentiments are cared for, an atmosphere of peace will be established automatically.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa further added that the Holy Quran admonished everyone to live together in peace, harmony, and brotherhood. “If society was to follow this principle, then all other problems would be resolved,” Huzooraa remarked.
A khadim asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa if, at any stage in the future, the forces of Dajjal [the Antichrist] could wage a physical war against the Jamaat, and whether Ahmadis would have to fight back in such a case.
Answering this, Huzooraa said that when such a time came where any country or any worldly government used force to eradicate and annihilate religion, at such a time, Ahmadis would be permitted to fight. Huzooraa said that at this current time, no wars were being fought to eradicate any religion; rather, the wars in this day and age were fought for geopolitical reasons. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said one should pray that such circumstances did not arise whereby one would have to fight a physical war to defend all faiths.
Next, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was asked how Allah Almighty spoke to His loved ones, especially, in this day and age, with the chosen Khulafa.
Answering, Huzooraa said:
“Allah the Almighty has various ways in which He speaks. The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, has expounded on this matter in great detail; read the book, Haqiqatul Wahi; it will be clear how Allah does so. At times, He communicates through dreams, and at other times, through visions. Sometimes, a thought arises in one’s heart and the matter is envisaged in the person’s heart. Some are informed by Allah through revelation. Thus, Allah has various ways, and which He deems most suitable for a person He does so as He wills […]
“Allah guides the Khulafa in the same way I have mentioned. Allah the Almighty also produces results of actions as He is the One who gives guidance. At times, unbeknownst to the person, he is being guided and he does not realise. When he prays, a pathway suddenly opens. And when he walks along that path, and he is welcomed with success, he then understands that it was in fact the Will of God. Thus, there are various ways [in which Allah speaks].”
A khadim who recently converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat, asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa how one could elevate their level of taqwa and what the best form of tabligh was.
Huzooraa answered:
“I have spoken at length with reference to the Holy Quran, hadith, excerpts of the Promised Messiah; and even in my recent Jalsa speeches and addresses. So, if you practice these things [I have mentioned] you will increase the level of your taqwa. Pray to Allah Almighty that He helps you to increase your level of taqwa.”
With regard to the best method of tabligh, Huzooraa stated:
“You cannot force anybody. Allah the Almighty said to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that ‘you can do tabligh, but you cannot impose your teaching on anyone, and you cannot compel anyone to follow you.’ This is why Allah the Almighty has said:
لَاۤ اِکۡرَاہَ فِی الدِّیۡنِ ۟ۙ قَدۡ تَّبَیَّنَ الرُّشۡدُ مِنَ الۡغَیِّ
“‘There is no compulsion in faith. Right has become distinct from wrong’, but you cannot force. You may only tell them. If they accept, that is well and good. If they don’t accept, then pray for them that Allah Almighty help them accept […]
“The mother of Abu Hurairahra used to speak ill of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. One day, Hazrat Abu Hurairahra came to the Holy Prophetsa and he was crying. He said, ‘O Prophet of Allah! Pray for my mother. She uses very foul words against you.’ The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Okay, I will pray. And you should also pray.’ That was the time for the acceptance of the prayer.
“When Abu Hurairahra reached home, his mother was taking a bath and when she came out from the bathroom, she saidلا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله and immediately her heart changed. So, the prayers work […].” and immediately, her heart changed. So, prayers work”.
Next, a khadim asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa about the rights of women in relation to her husband and family.
Huzooraa said that if one was to focus on the address delivered during Jalsa Salana [2021], then the answer would become clear as this topic was expounded upon in detail.

Huzooraa said:
“I presented the summary of a lengthy hadith where a female companion mentioned to the Holy Prophetsa [various obligations that men fulfil, such as] men offer prayer, give alms, work to earn money, and then also go for jihad, and Hajj; she said that women were kept back from performing such acts and were to stay at home and perform their domestic responsibilities. She then asked whether women could be equals to men in terms of reward, after carrying out their specific responsibilities. Hearing this, the Holy Prophetsa replied in the affirmative.”
From this, Huzooraa said, it became evident that reward was equal for both men and women. “Allah Almighty, in various places of the Holy Quran, has mentioned that men will receive the reward of their good deeds and so shall women receive the reward of their good deeds […] If a wife raises a child in a way whereby the child’s tarbiyat is a priority, is she not deserving of being treated well? If a wife is looking after the home, is she not entitled to being looked after? […]”
If one just pondered over the hadith mentioned earlier and also in the address, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, then they would find both men’s and women’s rights and rewards were mentioned.
Upon being asked which places Huzooraa had enjoyed visiting for sightseeing, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that when he went on tours to other countries, he was able to see various places and that he had seen beauty in various locations he had visited.
A khadim asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how Allah the Almighty could be Gracious and Merciful, but at the same time, many people developed health issues and illnesses, such as schizophrenia.
Huzooraa said that illnesses occurred due to various reasons, whether the causes were after birth or prior. Huzooraa said that one’s environment and circumstance also played a factor in this. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“The law of nature dictates that if one goes to an area where malaria is widespread and is bitten by mosquitoes, then the final result will be that they will fall ill with malaria […] Now, does one ask, ‘Children are innocent, why are they developing malaria?’ If a mosquito bites them, they will obviously be affected with malaria. And similarly, there are some illnesses like schizophrenia or depression which develop due to circumstances. Yes, however, Allah Almighty’s graciousness is that with such a condition, when such a person commits a wrong deed, Allah does not punish them for their sins […].”
Huzooraa added that one always looked at the reward given in this life; however, Allah had kept some reward to be given in the next life. Huzoor further said, “It is well-nigh possible that a person who is seen to be in a poor condition may be in a loftier state than you in the Hereafter […].”
After this, Huzooraa said that there were only five to seven minutes remaining and “if anyone wishes to ask a question, he may do so.”
A khadim who lived very far from the mosque asked Huzooraa if he was able to offer the Friday prayer at home.
Huzooraa said:
“If you are alone, you can only offer the Zuhr prayer, not Jumuah. If you are married, and there are three persons at home, then you can pray [Jumuah] at home.
“While living in Ghana, I lived in a village where there was no Ahmadi; thus, my wife and I would offer Jumuah together, and at times, a student or a missionary would also come and join. If you are able to find three persons, then you may offer Jumuah at home; and if not, then offer Zuhr […]”
Upon being asked why the media targeted Islam, Huzooraa smiled and said:
“This can only be answered by the media […] The fact is that the world is unaware of the true face of Islam. The world has only seen Muslims at war with each other in Syria. The world has seen cruelty happening in Yemen. The world has seen the Taliban commit brutalities. The world has seen Al Qaeda commit oppression for no reason […].”
Huzooraa said that the world had seen immoral things committed in the name of Islam. Thus, it was a matter of showing the true face and teachings of Islam.
Huzoor further said:
“In this day and age, it is the responsibility of members of the Promised Messiah’sas Jamaat to show others the reality and true image of Islam. This is your duty. Why is it that have you not yet spread the true message of Islam to every citizen in your country, and to every person who works in the media, and why have you not written columns [showing the true image of Islam] in newspapers.”
Huzooraa explained that when the world would come to know of the true teachings of Islam, they would cease to speak against it. Huzooraa asked about the total population of the country; to which the khadim responded that there were five million people in the country. Huzooraa said, “You can easily distribute pamphlets [explaining the true teachings of Islam] to a population of five million.”
When people would come to know of the true Islam, people who previously spoke against Islam would accept that they had made an error. “Countless people have said this to me,” Huzooraa said, “who then go on to write in support of Islam.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was then asked if one should do tabligh on social media platforms where other people raised objections and allegations and used indecent language.
Answering this, Huzooraa said that that was their character, to show immorality. Huzooraa explained that when one answers an objection or allegation, it should be done so in keeping with good moral conduct and language. Huzooraa added that though the answer may not benefit the person who raised the objection, it may help a person who was in search of the truth.
As the mulaqat drew to a close, Huzooraa asked how many khuddam there were in Denmark. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Denmark has the potential to become a role model for Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya around the world […] [Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Denmark] can be an ideal Majlis.”
Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)