Converse with the Inner Self

Converse with the Inner Self

“The state of human beings is such that they can never remain idle or static, and the inner self cannot remain without engaging in some form of speech. If there is no one else with whom to converse, man will begin to speak with his own self or with Satan. On certain occasions, people will observe an individual to be completely silent, but actually they are not quiet—such people will be engaged in a string of conversation with their inner self, and at times this exchange will go on for an extended period of time. This exchange is lengthened due to its satanic and shameless nature. This continuous ‘speech’ as it were, is either in the form of transgression conceptualised in the mind, or in the form of indecent and inappropriate desires. It is impossible for one to free themselves of this until one abandons this base life. Also bear in mind that if an individual does not entertain this stream of desires and fancies for long, and if they arise in the heart as minor thoughts which quickly dissipate, then these will be forgiven. Sin is when an in- dividual allows this chain of ideas to continue for an extended period of time and becomes firm upon them, and it is for this that they will be held accountable.

“When man repels these fancies which arise in the heart and does not allow them to continue for long, there is no doubt that they are worthy of being forgiven. However, when a person feels pleasure in their extended continuation and goes on increasing them, a person becomes accountable for these thoughts, because he begins to cling to them firmly.

“As I have mentioned earlier, bear well in mind that ‘converse with the inner self ’ is of two kinds. At times it is satanic and spills over into the realm of imagined transgression and impiety, and spirals into an extended string of desires. So long as an individual is entangled in these two trains of thought, he cannot be free from satanic influence; he may suffer harm and it is possible that Satan may wound him. Let us take the example of a person who contrives a plan to kill someone because he feels that they are an obstruction in the way of his goal and purpose. Perhaps one may think that since a certain person has disrespected me, I will seek revenge by dishonouring him in return. A person who plots in this manner and remains drowned in such serpentine thoughts is diseased and suffers from a dangerous state. Such a one does not realise how they are harming their own soul, and damaging their own morals and spiritual powers. One should always refrain from such thoughts. Whenever a chain of immoral thoughts begin to arise, endeavour to repel them immediately. Seek forgiveness from God; seek God’s help and support by reciting la hawl;1 engage yourself in reciting the Book of God Almighty and realise that there is no benefit to be had in entertaining immoral thoughts; there is only harm and ruin. Even if an enemy of yours meets their death, so what? And if he remains alive, then what? To cause benefit or harm lies within the power and control of God Almighty. No human being can cause harm to another. Sa’di has written an anecdote in his Gulistan that someone brought the good news to Nusherwan that a certain enemy of his had been killed, and that his country and fortress had been taken over by Nusherwan’s forces.

“Nusherwan gave a marvellous response:

مرا‭ ‬بمرگ‭ ‬عدو‭ ‬جائے‭ ‬شادمانى‭ ‬نىست‭ ‬

كہ‭ ‬زندگانى‭ ‬ما‭ ‬نىز‭ ‬جاودانى‭ ‬نىست

“The death of my enemy brings me no joy; for even our own life is not forever.

“A person ought to reflect, what benefit and happiness can be reaped from such schemes and conspiracies? This train of thought is extremely dangerous and its cure is repentance, seeking forgiveness from God, reciting la hawl, and studying the Book of God. When a person is idle and inactive, this immoral mindset prevails for a very long period of time.

“The second form of converse with the inner self is to prolong the string of one’s yearnings. This train of thought encourages inappropriate desires, and this gives rise to the ailments known as greed, jealousy and selfishness. Therefore, as soon as this way of thinking begins, put an end to it immediately. These two categories of converse with the inner self which I have mentioned ultimately destroy a person. However, a Prophet is pure from this form of discourse.”

(Malfuzat [English], Vol. 2, pp. 74-75)

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