A series looking at the high standard of morals of the Promised Messiahas and his Khulafa when receiving visitors in Qadian
Awwab Saad Hayat, Al Hakam
In the 11 November 1904 issue of the Jamaat’s newspaper, Al Hakam, whilst mentioning and writing about the advice of the Promised Messiahas to a Syrian gentleman, Al Hakam reported:
“It has been almost six years since two people, one from Baghdad and one from Syria, arrived in Qadian to meet with Promised Messiah[as]. The Syrian gentleman was a strong and healthy young man who expressed his desire to study in Qadian. Therefore, he joined Hazrat Hakim-ul-Ummat’s [Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra] study circle and was provided with books etc. Anything else he expressed a need for was provided to him.

“The Promised Messiah was delighted to hear that this person would complete his curriculum from here and go on to preach in Arabic speaking countries. But since Qadian is a small town with a population of probably 3,000 people, it would not be strange if people of various natures grew weary of it.
“After a few months, the young Syrian expressed, ‘The Hajj season is drawing near. I want to go for Hajj.’ He wrote a letter to the Promised Messiahas and asked for some money. His name was Muhammad Qudsi.
“The Promised Messiah, whilst guiding him, wrote the following answer [in Arabic] to Muhammad Qudsi, which we will now present. I [Hazrat Muhammad Fazlra, a staff member of Al Hakam] had copied this letter from Muhammad Qudsi:
“Assalamu alaikum. I received your letter. It is a pity that you do not understand what I intended for you. You seek merely the outer shell of Islam, while we desire that you be granted the essence and soul of Islam.
“If you fear God, you would ponder over my work and what God Almighty has sent me to do. I know very well that today, no action can benefit anyone except by recognising and understanding me, my claims and my arguments. It is best for you to abandon the idea of leaving [Qadian] after Eid and stay with us for a while and benefit from the knowledge that Allah the Almighty has given us. I do not know how it will be of any benefit for you to go for Hajj before you have attained strong faith.
“I am sending you four rupees for you to spend wherever you wish; if you want, you may stay here. And if you want to go, you may use this sum to arrange your leave.
“It is not good for you to leave [Qadian] as it [will prove to be a total loss and a waste of time]. But how can I make you understand?[In this case] one’s heart can deceive one, whereas the eyes can see properly.”