![Serve selflessly, maximise resources, and stay humble: Canadian missionaries receive guidance in virtual mulaqat 1 101A3619](https://www.alhakam.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/101A3619.jpg)
On Wednesday, 8 May 2024, missionaries serving in Canada had the honour of a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
At the outset of the mulaqat, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and led them all in silent prayer.
Abdul Rasheed Anwar Sahib, the Missionary In-Charge, asked Huzooraa if all the missionaries could introduce themselves to him. Huzooraa noted that there were around 80 missionaries present, and if each one spent even one minute introducing themselves, it would take 80 minutes. He then mentioned that he was already aware of most of them and added, “When you demonstrate your work, your identity will naturally become apparent.”
Huzooraa emphasised the importance of their work, stating, “Every missionary should consider themselves a soldier” and reflect on their duties, responsibilities, and how they can fulfil them. If they find themselves unable to do so, they should consider whether they are falling short of fulfilling their oaths, akin to those who neglect their commitments.
Then, in reference to self-reformation, Huzooraa said that they should assess their standards of worship, observe how many of them regularly offer tahajjud, fulfil its rightful obligations, pray with great devotion, recite the Holy Quran with comprehension, study its tafsir, read the books of the Promised Messiahas, and gain knowledge from them. “Many questions are sent to me by your missionaries and Jamia students; however, if they have read the books of the Promised Messiahas, therein they shall find the answers. This means that if they read, they are not reading attentively.”
Referring to the pursuit of knowledge and the danger of arrogance, Huzooraa remarked, “I have emphasised this on multiple occasions, particularly to the missionaries, to always bear in mind a couplet from the poetry of the Promised Messiahas:
بدتر بنو ہر ایک سے اپنے خیال میں
شاید اسی سے دخل ہو دارالوصال میں
[“In your mind, consider yourself worse than all else, perhaps you may enter the House of Union in this way.”]
“This is the crux of the matter: your aim should be to attain ‘dar-ul-wisaal’,” Huzooraa also emphasised that missionaries should consider how they can strategise to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat throughout Canada.
Hazrat Ameerul Momineenaa advised:
“If you genuinely engage in your work and everyone understands their responsibilities, then, insha-Allah, missionaries can achieve a great deal. It all depends on mindset; to say, ‘We lack resources, we don’t have this or that…’ – despite limited resources, it is your duty to work to the fullest within what you have, to explore new avenues. This is what you are expected to do within your available means. Everywhere in the world, resources are scarce. That is why economists always emphasise: minimum resources and maximum utility.
“You should also consider how to maximally utilise your limited resources and devise methods accordingly. Everyone should think along these lines, rather than complaining […].’ Once you have dedicated yourself to the cause, you shouldn’t dwell on what is or isn’t there. When you’ve placed your neck under the yoke, then consider that it is now how the Master, who is Allah the Exalted, wishes to direct you. Allah has clearly instructed us on how to work selflessly. If you do so, insha-Allah, you will find success.
“Furthermore, those who are good at their tasks, or who are more knowledgeable, must not become arrogant. They should try to share and teach their knowledge with humility rather than showing off on social media or getting caught up in useless debates and then insisting that they are right. What effect do these social media debates have on the progress of the Jamaat? Your ultimate goal should be to work for the progress of the Jamaat, not just to display your knowledge or convince those who already share your views. What benefit does that bring? History shows us that such attitudes have only led to the emergence of differing views, jurists, and schools of thought, which then widened rifts. We are not to create rifts but to work as one. If someone has a good point, they should share it in such a way that it does not seem confrontational but rather fosters a sharing of ideas that enriches knowledge. If one person understands something one way and there’s a deficiency, another should explain how to overcome it. If the other person has a gap in their understanding, they should comprehend the previous person’s point. This understanding is something every missionary should always keep in mind.”
Following this, the missionaries had the opportunity to ask Huzooraa questions on an array of matters.
Arslan Ahmad Sahib enquired about ways to contribute to the training and tarbiyat of the members of Lajna Imaillah.
In response, Huzooraa smiled and asked, “What contribution have you made to the education and training of men?” What percentage of men are offering salat in congregation due to his efforts, and how many has he encouraged to recite the Holy Quran or its translation? Huzooraa then enquired how many men have been advised to behave well at home, emphasising the importance of tarbiyat for men. “The question is not about how to contribute to the training of Lajna,” Huzooraa remarked, “but rather, to first reform the men, and then the Lajna shall follow.” And this has been emphasised by the Promised Messiahas too, Huzooraa said.
Huzooraa added that once all of this is accomplished, a coordinated programme should also be organised with the Lajna. He emphasised that this is the very reason the Lajna auxiliary was established. Huzooraa explained that the three auxiliaries established by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra were set up for this purpose.
Huzooraa then addressed the questioner and said, “Be an example yourself,” because, when men reform themselves, women shall follow.
Nasir Mahmood Butt Sahib asked where the line is between investigation and seeking out negative things about someone.
Huzooraa responded that if any private matter is presented to you for tarbiyat, it’s crucial to maintain confidentiality. It should not happen that the same matter comes to someone, enters their office file, exits the file, and then becomes a cause of ridicule or humiliation for another party. Moreover, if someone does not have the authority to conduct any kind of research or investigation, then they should not do it. However, if someone knows something, and they are asked about it by the Jamaat, then they should reveal the facts to the appropriate and relevant persons. Moreover, if concealing certain matters is affecting the interests of the Jamaat, then certain things should be conveyed to the relevant office holders or the Amir of the Jamaat.
Huzooraa added that in such tasks, one must have good intentions at all times.
Hanan Ahmed Sobhi Sahib enquired about Bitcoin. He mentioned that a few years prior, there was a circular received, stating that it was against Islamic sharia. He questioned why it is prohibited if it possesses characteristics of hard money, such as gold, and is also against interest.
Huzooraa began his response by reflecting on the term “cryptocurrency” itself, noting that the prefix “crypto” suggests something hidden or secretive. He questioned why it needs to be shrouded in secrecy if there is nothing wrong with it.
Huzooraa also highlighted that the value and transactions associated with cryptocurrencies are not transparent, making it difficult to ascertain where the money goes – whether it ends up in casinos, liquor stores, or other unethical and haram businesses.
Huzooraa pointed out that the nature of cryptocurrency transactions could be compared to gambling due to their speculative and volatile nature, where the value could multiply in a short period, akin to a gambler’s winnings, only to potentially disappear without a trace or any guarantees.
Furthermore, Huzooraa remarked that perhaps only one South American country has started to experiment with such currencies as legal tender. If Bitcoin were as good as claimed, more governments would recognise and integrate it into their financial systems.
In Islam, Huzooraa highlighted, that business should be conducted on clear terms with known profit and loss conditions, which is not the case with cryptocurrencies. The hidden and obscure nature of cryptocurrency dealings, along with their overall characteristics, aligns them more with gambling, which is explicitly forbidden in Islam.
“How can someone say that there is no religious prohibition in this? Where have these people derived this from? If there is any evidence, then tell me too what religious argument makes this permissible and convince me.”, Huzooraa said.
Fazalullah Muneeb Sahib sought guidance from Huzooraa on how to convey to individuals engaged in businesses involving alcohol or tobacco the significance of avoiding such trades.
Regarding tobacco, Huzooraa stated that it is not unlawful [haram] as such. However, he added that the Promised Messiahas explained that if it had been present during the time of the Holy Prophetsa, it might have been considered unlawful.
Huzooraa then emphasised that alcohol is indeed prohibited, and alluded to the Holy Quran. He pointed out that, while the Quran permits the consumption of swine under absolute necessity, i.e., to save one’s life, it makes no such allowance for alcohol, except that it is permitted to be used in manufacturing medicines. However, misuse of such medicines is also prohibited.
Huzooraa reiterated that it is crucial to adhere to what Allah has commanded and prohibited and gave the example of the Companions who gave up drinking as and when it was revealed. Huzooraa further went on to cite various studies on drinking and why it is not permissible. Thus, Huzooraa said, “Explain this to them with love, not rigidly.”
Shakoor Ahmad Beloch Sahib mentioned the relocation of the Jamaat’s Markaz from Qadian to Rabwah and then from Rabwah to London.
In response, Huzooraa smiled and said that he should pray for its return to Rabwah and then eventually to Qadian, stating, “This is what we pray for.”
Shakoor Ahmad Beloch Sahib acknowledged the challenging circumstances in Pakistan, indicating that it seemed unlikely for the headquarters to shift back there. However, he asked whether the offices in Rabwah would then be relocated to the UK.
Huzooraa explained that the offices have been established according to necessity. He does not require more than those that have already been established, but circumstances may change in the future. Regarding the conditions for moving back, Huzooraa remarked, “It is not that circumstances would become apparent to you; whatever will happen shall happen suddenly.” He clarified that it also depends on where there are more facilities and where work can be done in a more efficient way to achieve the progress of Islam Ahmadiyyat. He said, “If those conditions become available in Pakistan, then at that time we may move to Pakistan, and if God’s decree takes us back to Qadian in light of the revelations of the Promised Messiahas, then we may go there as well. Allah the Exalted knows best.”
Bilal Khokar Sahib asked Huzooraa about a common challenge in tabligh: while mentioning the Jamaat’s name tends to draw people’s attention initially, upon encountering Sunni Muslims later, these very people often become less receptive. He sought advice from Huzooraa on how to address this issue.
Huzooraa questioned that since when has Allah said you must bring them in certain numbers? He continued, “Allah has said that you must spread the message,” and then, Huzooraa quoted:
جس کی فِطرت نیک ہے وہ آئے گا انجام کار
[“Whosoever is good-natured, he shall eventually come.”]
Huzooraa stated, “Our duty is to do tabligh. And to bear fruits is His work.” Huzooraa emphasised the need to reconsider various changes in the method of tabligh. It is not necessary to spread the message during the first encounter. Instead, one should establish a relationship with them, as personal connections are fostered through people’s actions and deeds, which in turn become a means of their inclination towards Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Huzooraa added that one method is general tabligh, which involves conveying the message through pamphlets. Once this is done, then they cannot have an excuse against you later on, since you have conveyed the message to them once. It is then up to them whether they desire to maintain contact or not. Huzooraa said, “According to the situation, one must explore what new avenues can be pursued.” Huzooraa then advised introspection, suggesting that individuals should consider regularly offering two nawafil prayers for their tabligh efforts so that God blesses them. If this is not being done, “then there is a lack in prayer, and one should focus on this,” and seek out the right people to preach to.
Basil Raza Butt Sahib asked how a missionary can balance their duty, appointment and other Jamaat work.
Huzooraa asked him where he was posted, to which he replied, “MTA Canada Studios.” Huzooraa then mentioned Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra vision, foreseeing a time when missionaries would also be entrusted with office duties as they could perform these tasks more effectively.
Huzooraa then enumerated the numerous benefits and the impact of MTA in spreading the message of Islam.
Furthermore, Huzooraa advised that to maintain balance, one can allocate additional hours to other Jamaat offices. He emphasised that waqf is not confined to just 8 hours; it is a commitment round the clock. “There is no such thing as fatigue in Jamaat Ahmadiyyat.” Huzooraa broke down the day’s hours and emphasised the importance of self-organisation in managing one’s time effectively.
Asif Siyal Sahib mentioned that he was recently assigned to the Tabligh Department to convey the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat to Persian and Pashto speakers. He asked Huzooraa for guidance and prayers.
Huzooraa advised, “Firstly, you should gather information on how many people speak Persian in Canada, including the number of immigrants from Afghanistan and Iran.” Huzooraa emphasised the importance of understanding the differences between Afghani and Iranian Persian when communicating with people. Furthermore, Huzooraa stressed the necessity of mastering both dialects. He instructed him to collect data on their religious interests in addition to linguistic information. “Collect data,” Huzooraa said, and advised forming a team for this task.
Azhar Ahmad Sahib asked Huzooraa when he would visit Canada. In response, Huzooraa smiled and said, “Pray.”
Imran-ul-Haq Sahib said that sometimes some field missionaries face difficult situations with local office bearers. He asked Huzooraa how one can overcome difficulties so that a good environment is fostered and success in work flourishes.
Huzooraa mentioned that such issues are not new. He emphasised that missionaries should refrain from interfering in administrative matters and focus on tarbiyat and tabligh instead. To achieve this, coordination with the tabligh and tarbiyat departments is essential to devise plans. Moreover, one should involve the Sadr Jamaat in this. If any conflicts arise, it is crucial to inform the Sadr Jamaat. Huzooraa said, there should also be a tabligh and a tarbiyat committee in every place and the missionary should be part of it. “By working in unison, our results will be better,” Huzooraa said.
Aneeq Ahmad Sahib mentioned that there are many families of martyrs living in Canada, and numerous people are immigrating to Canada from various countries. He enquired about how to oversee their education and moral training.
Huzooraa enquired about the origins of the immigrants, noting that many originate from Pakistan, with some coming from Sri Lanka and Thailand but having Pakistani roots. Huzooraa emphasised that the Jamaat’s administrative system should strive to integrate them into the Jamaat on day one of their arrival. He added that it’s crucial to protect them from negative influences before they become susceptible.
Mansoor Azim Sahib mentioned that a circular was received some years ago regarding missionaries refraining from joining WhatsApp groups. He noted that there were numerous groups within the Jamaat dedicated to various purposes like work, duties, and other tasks. In response, Huzooraa clarified that another circular was issued later, specifying the groups that could be joined, particularly Jamaat groups. Huzooraa emphasised that he had only prohibited joining personal groups, from which more harm than good emerged.
Mehboob Ur Rehman Sahib asked about various visions and dreams of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra with regard to South America.
Huzooraa responded that currently, we are still making efforts, but there will come a time. He also mentioned that Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has provided various examples, citing The Gambia as an instance where, if the majority became Ahmadi, we could establish an ideal Islamic government. Huzooraa expressed that once this occurs, it will be built upon Islamic governance. Any need for spiritual guidance will be sought from the Khalifa of the time. It will be a government based on the principles of the Holy Quran and justice.
Mustajab Qasim Sahib enquired about the graduates of most Jamia classes who did not get the opportunity to spend time with Huzooraa during the COVID pandemic. He asked if that opportunity would still come.
Huzooraa said, “lest see” and added:
پیوستہ رہ شجر سے امید بہار رکھ
[“Maintain thy bond with the tree, keep hope to see the spring.”]
Zeeshan Muzaffar Ahmad Sahib asked how a missionary, especially in a situation where a mosque is being constructed, can assist when asked for advice.
Huzooraa replied, “When advice is sought, then give it.” Huzooraa added that while he, Zeeshan Muzaffar Ahmad Sahib, may not be a civil engineer or architect when asked for advice, one should provide it. However, it’s important not to insist that their advice be strictly followed.
In the end, Huzooraa emphasised, “Don’t let what you’ve learned simply remain in your writings or diaries; strive to implement it. Above all, strengthen your relationship with God and seek to deepen your knowledge of your religion. Present your practical examples before the Jamaat and the world; through this, you will engage in tarbiyat and tabligh.”
Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to a successful end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)