Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the first ever Canadian mayar-e-kabir Atfal virtual class with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was held on 15 August 2020. 224 Atfal gathered in Aiwan-e-Tahir, located in Baitul-Islam mosque complex, Toronto. They met virtually with Huzooraa in his office at Islamabad, Tilford UK.
The programme started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hafiz Rehan Cheema Sahib, with English translation by Zafar Anjum Sahib. Rayyan Mamoon Sahib recited a poem from Durr-e-Sameen. Mohtamim Atfal Canada, Ayaz Ahmad Warraich Sahib presented an activity report of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada.
Based on the report presented, Huzooraa asked questions about the reason of improved activities of Atfal in June. These included increase in number of Atfal offering daily prayers regularly, reciting Holy Quran on daily basis, offering Friday prayers, and listening to Friday sermon.
Furthermore, Huzooraa enquired why numbers decrease in July. Ayaz Sahib answered that during Covid-19, greater emphasis was placed on daily classes. Reminders were sent more frequently. For this reason, Nazimeen and everyone else were more in touch with Atfal.
Huzooraa advised that once maximum attendance is achieved, it should be maintained. We cannot see real progress if we go up and down and continue this cycle.

Next, a question and answer session was held. Huzooraa answered questions on a variety of topics. Huzooraa also advised Atfal to do more physical activities, avoid obesity and the use of video games.
One tifl requested Huzooraa to visit Canada after Covid-19 is over. Huzooraa replied to pray that may Allah the Almighty take away this virus and then we can look into it.
At the end, Huzooraa asked Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada, Zubair Afzal Sahib, for his comments. Sadr Sahib thanked Huzooraa for granting the opportunity for this virtual meeting and requested him to visit Canada after Covid-19.
Huzooraa inquired about the weather and mentioned it is hot in the UK as well, around 33 degrees Celsius. Huzooraa asked Sadr Sahib, “Is everyone’s work going well?” Sadr Sahib replied that there has been regular contact with the majority of Khuddam. Wherever, due to Covid-19, anyone is facing difficulties, the majlis is trying its very best to help them, he explained. Huzooraa said Allah Hafiz [may Allah be your Protector] and the programme concluded.
Below is the feedback received on the programme:
“I thought it was incredible that … Huzooraa took the time out to address the Atfal and even though Huzooraa wasn’t there in person, you could still feel that you are talking to the imam of the age. It was a very good learning experience. Many other Atfal were also saying how lucky we were that we had the opportunity to be in the presence of Huzooraa. I was lucky to get a chance to talk to Huzooraa and ask him a question. I was really excited and fortunate to get the chance to talk to Huzooraa”, said Khan Intsar Nusrullah.
“It feels like a dream come true. My son wasn’t going on the UK trip this year but because of that class, he got a chance to talk and be in the presence of our beloved Imamaa, alhamdolillah”, said Ijaz Khan Sahib and Amatul Quddus Sahiba.
May Allah the Almighty enable us to follow the guidance of Huzooraa in letter and spirit. Amin