The Fertile Crescent is the name given to the birthplace of the Abrahamic religions. This region flourished with the name of God for aeons on end. Today, this land is referred to as the Middle East, our next destination. En route to his 1924 tour of Europe, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra visited Egypt, Palestine and Syria. The SS Africa reached Aden on 23 July 1924 and then Port Said on 28 July. The entourage stayed at the Continental Hotel. As usual, newspapers would eagerly cover Huzoor’sra every step:
“A cable has been received stating that the head of the Ahmadiyya community of Qadian and his party reached Port Said on July 29 [sic., 28], where he has broken his journey for a short visit to Cairo, Jerusalem and Damascus.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 4 August 1924)
Mentioning the historical significance of these visits, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “This was the first visit of a Khalifatul Masih to Europe, along with the Arab countries as well. No Khalifa [of the Promised Messiahas] has visited Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc., or other Arab countries except Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra.” (Khutbat-e-Masroor, Vol. 12, pp. 121-122)
On 29 July, at 12 pm, the entourage departed for Cairo via rail. Upon reaching the Cairo Railway Station, Huzoorra led everyone in silent prayer and a group photo was captured at the station. Huzoorra and his entourage stayed at the residence of Sheikh Mahmud Ahmad Sahib Irfani. A few minutes after reaching the residence, four ulema (clerics) came to meet Huzoorra and had a discussion in Arabic for around 30-45 minutes, particularly on the issue of Khilafat. (Al Fazl, 2 September 1924, p. 5)
In this regard, The Civil and Military Gazette reported:
“Many influential persons visited His Holiness and views were exchanged about current topics of the day, particularly the Khilafat question. The people of Cairo displayed great interest in the Ahmadiyya movement.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 21 August 1924)
On Huzoor’sra instruction, Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira, Hazrat Hafiz Roshan Alira and Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayalra met with the editors and correspondents of various newspapers, such as Al-Liwa, Al-Akhbar, Al-Muqattam, Lataif-e-Musawwarah, Egyptian Mail, and Mahrousa. (Al Fazl, 16 September 1924, p. 5)
On 2 August 1924, Al-Muqattam published an article in which he mentioned this meeting along with an introduction to Ahmadiyyat.
On 31 July, before the Zuhr and Asr prayers, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra granted audiences to some officers, followed by a visit to the museum and then returned to the residence. Huzoorra visited the Al-Azhar Mosque and the Amr ibn al-As Mosque as well. (Safar-e-Europe, p. 40)
Departure from Cairo
One would have realised the extent of Huzoor’sra busy schedule, meetings, interviews and discourses would take place one after another. After leaving a lasting impression, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra departed from Cairo on 31 July 1924. The Review of Religions recorded Huzoor’sra telegram from Cairo, in its August 1924 issue:
“Leaving Cairo tonight for Jerusalem and Damascus. Many influential persons and Ulema visited at Cairo which seems to be a good field for our cause.” (The Review of Religions, Vol. 23, August 1924, p. 299)
Visiting the office of Thomas Cook & Son, Huzoorra departed from Cairo and reached El-Qantara Station at 9:30 pm. They took another train for Palestine and arrived at the al-Ludd (also known as Lod or Lydda) Station at around 6:30 am on 1 August. From there, they took another rail and reached Jerusalem at 9:30 am and stayed at the New Grand Hotel. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 41-43)
A Palestinian newspaper, Lisan al-Arab, published an article on 19 August 1924, titled “Khalifatul Masih”, and gave an introduction to the beliefs of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. The Civil and Military Gazette also reported:
“On July 31, His Holiness proceeded to Jerusalem and on August 2 the President of the Supreme Council gave a party in honour of Hazrat Khalifat-ul-Masih and invited the leading men of the city to meet him. On August 3 the High Commissioner of Palestine invited His Holiness to dinner and discussed with him the present political situation of the Muslim world and the question of safeguarding the interests of the Muslim people. The visit is reported to have created a stir among the people of Jerusalem.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 21 August 1924)
Visits to various places in Jerusalem
On 1 August 1924, after having lunch and offering Zuhr and Asr prayers, Huzoorra travelled via car to pay visits to Bethlehem and the graves of Hazrat Ibrahimas, Hazrat Ishaqas, Hazrat Syeda Saraas, Hazrat Yaqubas, and Hazrat Yusufas.
The next day, Huzoorra visited the Haram Bait al-Maqdas, the Umar Mosque, Jabal-e-Zaitun (Mount of Olives) and the Wailing Wall. Several photographs of Huzoorra were captured during those visits. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 43-47)
On the morning of 3 August, Huzoorra visited various historical places, including the German Chappell and various other places that Jesusas is said to have visited. (Al Fazl, 4 September 1924, p. 5)
Departure from Jerusalem
After the reception at the residence of the Governor, Huzoorra returned to the New Grand Hotel at 4 pm, and, after offering Zuhr and Asr prayers, departed for the railway station. The train was to depart at 5 pm for a visit to Damascus, via Haifa and Akka. (Ibid., p. 4)
From Jerusalem, the entourage reached Al-Ludd Station and then embarked on another rail for Haifa. Reaching Haifa at 10:30 pm, Huzoorra stayed at the Grand Hotel Nassar. The next morning, Huzoorra went out for a visit to the town, departed from Haifa at 10:30 am and reached Damascus at 8:30 pm. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 48-52)
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra wrote a letter to Qadian on 15 August 1924, while on the ship SS Pilsna, narrating the details of his visit to Egypt and Palestine.
Visit to Damascus
For many, the advent of the Promised Messiah has a connection to the city of Damascus. Taking advantage of this journey Huzoorra decided to visit the ancient city. Newspapers would report:
“The Khalifa has called at Damascus on his way to England, and has so fulfilled the tradition.” (The Glasgow Herald, 23 August 1924, p. 7)
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and his entourage reached Damascus on the evening of 4 August 1924 and stayed for one night at the Grand Victoria Hotel. Later moving to the Central Hotel. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 53-57)
An American Arabic newspaper, Al Huda, published an article on 29 August 1924, titled “Masih al-Hindi fi-Damashq” (Indian Messiah in Damascus), and gave a detailed introduction of Ahmadiyyat and an account of Huzoor’sra visit to the Arab lands. Narrating his visit, Huzoorra states:
“When our entourage entered Syria, we found a huge jamaat of people eager to join the fold of Ahmadiyyat, and they are still ready to do so. If efforts are made and this scheme [of tabligh] is continued, then, insha-Allah, Syria will prove to be a great means for the progress of the Jamaat. This is because it is evident from the ancient prophecies and the revelations of the Promised Messiahas that this country has a great role in the progress of the Jamaat. The foretelling of God Almighty that the abdal of Syria are praying for the Promised Messiahas manifests this point that the message of the Promised Messiahas will be propagated in Syria as well, and they will pray for the Promised Messiahas after joining the Jamaat, and consequently spread his message.” (Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 9, pp. 27-28)
During his stay in Damascus, Huzoorra said that this journey had been immensely beneficial for the Jamaat; however, he noted that the Jamaat would face severe opposition in Syria, but the success would also be a glorious one. (Safar-e-Europe, p. 65)
On 5 August 1924, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra instructed Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira, Hazrat Hafiz Roshan Alira, and Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayalra to meet with some local scholars and dignitaries. (Ibid., p. 55) These three members met with various local dignitaries and scholars. Al Huda published a lengthy article on 11 September 1924, narrating the entourage’s visit to an institution called “Al-Ahrar”, and gave an introduction of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.
A message to the people of Damascus
During his stay, Huzoorra wrote a special message for the people of Damascus, titled “An-Nida”. It was translated and sent for print along with a Bai‘at form. Unfortunately, the message could not be published from the press, because the government press department, headed by a Mufti, did not allow it, asserting that the document comprised certain beliefs which were against Islam. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra instructed members of the entourage to contact the Governor of Damascus and the President of the Syrian Federation. However, they were unable to do anything due to the Mufti who had disallowed its publication. Later on, there was a publisher who agreed to print the special message. Sadly, the police confiscated the published manuscript. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 57-92)
The Review of Religions reported:
“We have received cuttings from some of the leading papers of Damascus, Beyrout, Baghdad and Cairo which also indicate that the visit of His Holiness[ra] to Damascus produced an unusually great stir in Damascus and other Syrian cities. The papers are writing long notes about this visit of His Holiness and his party.” (The Review of Religions, Vol. 23, September 1924, pp. 331-332)
White Minaret
On 6 August, at the time of Fajr prayer, Almighty Allah guided Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in relation to the White Minaret mentioned in a Hadith. In this regard, Huzoorra states:
“The matter of ‘The White Minaret’ was peculiar. I asked a friend of Hazrat Syed Waliullah Shah Sahibra, named Maulvi Abdul Qadir, as to the location of the minaret on which Hazrat Isaas was to descend according to them. He began saying it was on the Umayyad Mosque, however, another cleric said it was located in the Christian neighbourhood and yet another cleric said Hazrat Isaas would himself build it upon arrival. We were now intrigued by this minaret. Let’s have a look. At the hotel, I led the morning prayer and at the time myself, Zulfiqar Ali Khan Sahib and Dr Hashmatullah Sahib were present – in other words, two worshippers were behind me [during prayer]. Upon ending the prayer and performing the salaam, I saw a minaret in front of us, only one road was separating us. I said, ‘this is that very minaret’ and we were at its eastern side. This was the only white minaret, [there was] none other. The Umayyad Mosque’s minaret was bluish-coloured. When I saw that white minaret and there were only two worshippers behind me, I said that the hadith has been fulfilled.” (Al Fazl, 4 December 1924, pp. 6-7)
Various audiences
On the very same day, an individual from the progeny of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilanirh accompanied by some government officials, including an officer from the Treasury Department of Damascus, met Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra at the Centrale Hotel. Maulvi Abdul Qadir al-Maghribi — President of the Council of Islamic movements of that area — also had two meetings (on 6 and 7 August) with Huzoorra. The next day, the first Governor of the State of Damascus, Haqqi al-Azm, had a meeting with Huzoorra. Thereafter, the British Consul also had a meeting. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 57-66 and 75-76)
An Arabic poet came and asked questions about politics and Khilafat, which Huzoorra answered. The poet noted down some revelations of the Promised Messiahas and raised objections to some Arabic revelations as well. Some people asked Huzoorra whether he received revelation, upon which he responded in affirmative, but clarified that he is not a Prophet. Huzoorra further explained that the Promised Messiahas is a Prophet. In relation to the revelations which descend upon himself, Huzoorra said that they are in the form of glad tidings. (Ibid., pp. 66-67)
On 8 August, the British Consul had a meeting with Huzoorra which continued for about 30 minutes. The President of the Syrian Federation, Subhi Bey Barakat al-Khalidi, also had the opportunity to meet Huzoorra, during which Huzoorra informed him about his intention to send missionaries to Syria. Later, Huzoorra granted an audience to some French high officers. The next day, many well-known clerics had meetings with Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. (Ibid., pp. 71-81)
The editor of an Arabic newspaper, who was staying in the same hotel, had a meeting with Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and asked various questions about the beliefs of Ahmadiyyat. The owners and editors of various other periodicals, for instance, Al-Muqtabas and Al-Muqsam, interviewed Huzoorra and published a detailed article. One of the editors took several photographs of Huzoorra and a group photo. He spoke to Huzoorra in regards to the beliefs of Ahmadiyyat, and was briefed about the objectives behind visiting Damascus. The Havas Agency noted some information about the Jamaat and took photographs. (Ibid., 69-80 and pp. 89-93)
Visit to the Umayyad Mosque
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra went for a visit to the Umayyad Mosque. The white minaret of a mosque near the hotel was visible from the courtyard of the mosque; thus, on the instruction of Huzoorra, a picture was captured of this minaret by Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmadra. He took another photograph of Huzoorra with the entourage. The Khatib of the Mosque, during his Friday Sermon, mentioned Huzoor’sra arrival and though he did it in Jamaat’s opposition and used harsh words, he served as a means to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat. After the Sermon, two Iranians came to the hotel and desired to meet Huzoorra, but Huzoorra was busy with another meeting. They promised to come the next morning at 9 am. Many other people came to the hotel after hearing about the entourage during the Sermon. (Ibid., pp. 74-77)
Departure from Damascus
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and his entourage departed from Damascus at 7:45 am on 10 August. The Review of Religions reported:
“His Holiness[ra] left Damascus early in the morning on the 10th yet people gathering from afar and numbering about 200 gave His Holiness[ra] a hearty send off, and many even accompanied up to the railway station.” (The Review of Religions, Vol. 23, September 1924, pp. 331-332)
On the rail journey, an editor of a newspaper from Halab accompanied Huzoorra and the British Consul appointed a special police officer to accompany Huzoorra up to Beirut. At several stations, people gathered around the train to see a glimpse of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. The train reached Beirut at 4:45 pm. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 93-98)
Lisan al-Haal reported:
“Khalifatul Mahdi: Yesterday, Respected Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad[ra] of India, Khalifatul Mahdi, and his entourage consisting of 12 people, arrived from Damascus and stayed at the Central Hotel — including a doctor, scholar, journalist, interpreter, preacher, and guide. He will soon leave Beirut for London to attend the Interfaith Conference, which is headed by Mr. Ross, and there he will publish a statement and elaborate in English on his doctrine and teachings.” (Lisan al-Haal, 12 August 1924, p. 2)
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and his entourage reached Port Said through Beirut and El-Qantara. The train touched Port Said at 10:45 pm on 12 August 1924. They stayed at the Hotel Continental.
The SS Pilsna arrived at Port Said at 12:30 am on 13 August. The entourage boarded the Ship embarking on a journey towards Italy. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 110-112)
A bi-weekly newspaper of Haifa, Al-Zahra al-Jamil, in its September and October 1924 issues, announced that they will publish an article titled “Masih al-Hind” in their upcoming issue. Therefore, an article was published in February 1925 issue, mentioning Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra visit and introduction of Ahmadiyyat.
(Prepared by the Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre)