On 5 March 2022, members of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, USA were given the opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, in a virtual mulaqat.
The atfal were gathered in Baitul Hameed Mosque, located east of Los Angeles in Chino, California.
The mulaqat commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran by Maaz Kiran after which the translation was presented by Abdul Muqeet.
Then, Muhammad Sohaib recited a poem composed by the Promised Messiahas. Zaahir Agha then read out its translation. After this, Noor Rehman had the opportunity to present a hadith of the Holy Prophetsa followed by its English translation.
Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked Madeel Abdullah Sahib, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya USA, what the programme was. Sadr Sahib replied that there were 79 atfal gathered in Baitul Hameed Mosque in two separate halls and added that there were some atfal who had questions they wished to ask Huzooraa and seek guidance on.
The first question was by Faraan Jadran who asked Huzooraa what the right age was to start doing tabligh to friends and class fellows.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa replied:
“The right age is when you understand what you believe in, and your friends also understand what the religion is.” Huzooraa then asked him if he understood who he was. Huzooraa said, “You are an Ahmadi. Ahmadis are Muslims.” Huzooraa then asked Faraan, “Do we believe in the finality of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammadsa?” Faraan Jadran responded that he was the last law-bearing prophet, but not the last prophet. Huzooraa then elaborated, “He is the last law-bearing prophet and… we believe in the Holy Quran. We believe that the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him… You believe that the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahibas, is the Promised Messiah whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if he understood all these things, to which Faraan Jadran nodded in the affirmative.
Huzooraa further stated: “Now you understand all these things, and if your friends also understand this, then this is the right age to do tabligh.”
Abdul Hamid Bamgbopa stated that in this current time, almost everything was linked to electronic devices including schoolwork. He asked Huzooraa how one could balance their time without overusing electronic devices.
Huzooraa answered:
“These days, especially during these pandemic days, your classes were sometimes also online. Now, I think you have started going to school. Despite that, most of the work you do is on iPads or some other electronic devices – tablets or something like that. You have to see to it that you should not overstress your eyes. If you are working on electronic devices; tablets, and cell phones, and all these sorts of things because of schoolwork, then you should not spend much time on seeing your TV programmes […] otherwise you will not be doing justice to your health or your eyes. […] If you spent two, three hours, four hours, on the iPad or electronic devices, or tablets, then stop seeing any [TV] programme on that day. That is the best advice I can give.”
Tamseel Ahmad said some elders said that the prayers of children were usually easily accepted. He asked Huzooraa if he could further explain this matter.
Huzooraa smiled and replied:
“Because children are innocent, this is why it said so. There is even a tradition [of the Holy Prophetsa] that since children are innocent, their prayers are accepted. And grown-up people, those who have committed so many sins or they are not paying full attention to their prayers, they are involved in worldly activities and they do not do justice to their duties toward their Creator, Allah the Exalted, then it means only they are going to pray when they are in need of something. But, in the case of children, they are not very much involved in worldly things; they are innocent at this age. So, when they pray, then Allah the Exalted accepts their prayer because of their innocence and because their prayer is coming out of their heart. So, Allah loves innocent people. If grown-up people, elderly people – those who are very pious – are innocent, Allah the Exalted also accepts their prayer but in most of the cases in today’s world, you see that people are involved in worldly things whereas young children do not know much about worldly things, and they are innocent. They have not committed sins. This is why Allah the Exalted accepts their prayers.”
Abdul Muqeet asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa what the difference between arrogance and confidence was and how one could make sure they were not being arrogant.
Explaining arrogance, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said that arrogance was “when you think that whatever you are saying is correct and whatever other people are saying is wrong. It is not wrong to think that you are right, but it is wrong to behave in a way that shows that you cannot tolerate the opposition and you start fighting with them, quarrelling with them and arguing with them in a manner that is not appropriate and always think that you are always right. That is arrogance. Whereas confidence is that – you should have confidence in you – whenever you are talking you talk with substantial proof. So, if you think whatever you are saying you have the argument for it then you can give your arguments and if the other person accepts your arguments, well and good. You know that you are well aware of the subject and you are confident whatever you are talking [about], you have a proof to prove it […] but if you debate with somebody and your argument is refuted, or people… refuse to accept you, then you become angry and start fighting with them, that is arrogance. So, this is the difference.
“You should have confidence, and for confidence, you will have to increase your knowledge. But sometimes arrogant people do not have the knowledge, despite that, they think they are right. So, those who are confident they have the knowledge to support their argument. Whether somebody accepts your argument or not but you know that you are well aware of this subject, and so instead of fighting or quarrelling or arguing with them just stop [and say] ‘Okay, whatever you are saying I accept.’ It is said and even the Promised Messiahas has quoted this, that there used to be a king – it is a narration – and he used to write the Holy Quran with his hand. One time a scholar came to meet him, and he saw the written words of the Holy Quran, which were written by the king. The scholar said that ‘you did not write this word correctly’. The king just encircled that word and when that scholar, so-called scholar, left, the king just erased that circle. The people sitting with him asked that ‘why did you encircle the word and now you have erased it?’ The king said, ‘I wrote it correctly. I was right, but since the so-called scholar thought that he is right so instead of arguing with him I just encircled the word so that he is satisfied that I have marked it.’ So, instead of arguing, he did not show arrogance, he showed the height of humility. Despite being the king he did not argue or say anything to him. So, this is confidence and also shows how we can avoid arrogance.”
Fateh Rafiq asked Huzooraa that if he encountered a person who was rude to him and ruined his day, how should he handle such a situation.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa answered:
“The person who is rude, he must be arrogant; and when he is rude then just keep quiet and avoid him. This is why Allah the Exalted says that when you come across any bad thing or any place where people are sitting who are not talking good things, or they are rude to you, then just avoid them; say assalamu alaikum and leave that place instead of fighting with them. And say istighfar and thank Allah the Exalted that He has saved you from these people, and try to find some other people with whom you can interact.”
Yusuf Zain-ul-Din Ahmad asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how one could be happier.
Huzooraa asked him how old he was to which he replied that he was 9 years old. Huzooraa then said, “You should always be contented. Always think that Allah the Exalted has blessed you with so many things. Allah the Exalted has given you good health, has given you good physique and has given you a beautiful face. You can see the people with your eyes; your eyesight is good. Allah the Exalted has given you ears with which you can hear everything. Allah the Exalted has given you a mouth and a tongue with which you can speak good things and thank Allah the Exalted all the time. He has provided you all the facilities; He has given you the opportunity to go to school and educate yourself. He has given you good parents and good siblings […] Thank Allah the Exalted for that He has given you so many things. There are quite a number of people in this world who are being deprived of even their basic rights; they do not get enough food to survive, they do not have the opportunity to go to school.” Huzooraa stated that sometimes people of less developed countries were compelled to drink dirty pond water as they had no other means, “whereas you are drinking bottled water or clean water from your tap. If you think about how Allah the Exalted has blessed you with so many things, so you will be happy. And if you are thankful to Allah the Exalted, Allah the Exalted will always keep you happy. Always see those people who are deprived of all these facilities whereas you have got all these things. There is a tradition of the Holy Prophetsa. He said that when it is the matter of religion, of piety or good things then always see those people who are better than you, but when it is a matter of worldly things then always see those who are below you, those who have fewer facilities than you […]” This, Huzooraa said, could ensure one would be and remain happy.
Aayan Choudary asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how one should respond to those who spoke ill about Islam.
Huzooraa replied:
“If they are your close friends, then tell them that ‘we should not hurt each other’s sentiments by talking like this.’ You can tell them, ‘I love my religion and I am a Muslim, and if you want me to remain your friend then don’t talk ill about Islam, don’t talk badly about Islam.’ Then you can say, ‘we respect all religions, we respect all people, we respect humanity, and this is why we don’t speak ill of anybody, of any person, of any person’s religion.’ If he stops [speaking ill about Islam], well and good; otherwise, Allah says – as I have already said – leave that person’s company. Instead of fighting, just leave and go and find some good friends.”

Hizqeel Ehsan asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa how he could be more like the Holy Prophetsa.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa answered:
“Allah the Exalted says that ‘he is a role model for you’. We cannot attain that level on which the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa was but at least if we try hard, we can do good things. He tried to discharge his duties towards Allah the Exalted and he tried his level best to discharge his duties towards the human beings. So, we should try to be good in our worship, we [should] try to offer the five daily prayers, we [should] always show good morals, never fight with your fellow students or your siblings, use good language all the time, never use abusive or dirty language, try to learn good things, read the Holy Quran and when you complete the Holy Quran then try to know the meaning of it, then you would know what your duties are. So, in this way, you can at least follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophetsa who is our role model.”
Luqman Rahman said that he was a waqif-e-nau and desired to be a chef. He asked if this career could help the Jamaat.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“Yes, if you like cooking, you want to be a chef, then you can be the in-charge of Langar Khana of the Promised Messiahas. Then, we can make proper use of your expertise. You learn whatever you like. Then, you will be in-charge of Langar Khana of the whole of United States.”
Zaid Rahman stated that he would try to read the Holy Quran daily and said that he had read it in Arabic. He asked Huzooraa at what age he should start reading its translation.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said, “If you can read the Holy Quran fluently, without any problem, then now you should start learning the meaning […]”
Huzooraa advised that he, whilst reading the Arabic, could also read and learn the meaning of the Holy Quran. Huzooraa asked if he knew the meaning of Surah al-Fatihah to which Zaid Rahman replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then told him to learn the meaning of the last three Surahs of the Holy Quran. “This is a good age; you are 10 years old. This is a good age for learning the translation of the Holy Quran,” Huzooraa said.
Faris Iqbal, 8, asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa which book of the Promised Messiahas he would recommend someone of his age to read.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated:
“Promised Messiah’s books are quite difficult to understand, but you can read some passages of it […] You can try to read Noah’s Ark and whenever you come across any difficult word or any difficult sentence, then you can ask your parents…”
Momin Chaudhry asked Huzooraa who his favourite teacher was as a student.
Huzooraa said, “I don’t remember if I have any favourite teacher. One thing is that I don’t remember [if I had a favourite teacher] and, if there was any, I cannot recall at this time.”
Affan Sindhu asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa what his view was of hunting animals.
Replying, Huzooraa said:
“Hunting is a good exercise, and fishing as well […] If you are just hunting for fun and leaving the bird there or the animal there, then it is not good but if it is for some purpose, if you are using it for [food] in your kitchen, [preparing it to be served] on your dining table, then it is good. So, you are doing exercise and at the same time getting some food for your family and for yourself. Only do hunting during the season. Don’t break the law. There are some specific seasons for hunting the animals and the birds. So, follow the directives of the government in this regard.”
Hamza Abdullah asked Huzooraa how it was like to have Amir Sahib USA as his brother growing up.
Huzooraa replied:
“When we were growing up, I didn’t know that I would become the Khalifa of the time and I didn’t know that he will become the amir of the USA. Now, that Allah Ta‘ala has given me this position, I have been blessed with it, and fortunately for him, the United States Jamaat has also elected him as the amir of their Jamaat, so, now, he is just an amir [for me] just as I see the amirs of different other countries […] Being an amir, he is an amir. He is answerable to me with regards to the Jamaat’s matters. And, as being an older brother, now he has done bai’at of the Khalifa. So, now, he can tell how he feels. Anyway, he is an Ahmadi. I hope he is a strong and staunch Ahmadi and he will behave well towards Khilafat and towards the Jamaat and he will also discharge his duties, entrusted to him by the Jamaat, by the Khalifa of the time.”
Daniyal Khan asked if others living in the universe on other planets also worshipped Allah.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa responded:
“If there is any habitation in the other planets, and they have the sense, and they have been given the same fertile brain as we have been given and the understanding of the religion, then I hope they would be worshipping Allah the Exalted but, we don’t know if there is any habitation in any other planet. If there is any, whenever we meet, then they will follow the Holy Prophetsa of Islam […]”
Rohan Zafar said that in verse 109 of Surah Hud, Allah says that heaven is “a gift that shall not be cut off.” He asked that if Allah was eternal, how was it possible for humans to also live eternally in heaven. He asked Huzooraa to explain and expand on this matter.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained:
“Allah the Exalted has said this thing in other places as well that heaven is eternal. This is why we say this worldly life is a temporary life. So, a person who comes in this world, he lives here temporarily and there is an eternal life after death […] this is very common among those people who are religious-minded or who know a bit of religion. Here, when it is said ‘eternal’, it is in relative terms. So, we cannot comprehend the time period because Allah the Exalted says that His one day is equal to 1000 years, and in another place, He says His one day is equal to 50000 years […] it is beyond our comprehension, this is why we say it is eternal. A person living in this world cannot have full comprehension of it. Allah the Exalted talks in relative terms […] if one day is 50000 years then multiply 100 years, so it is almost eternal for us. This is the simple answer.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then turned to Sadr Sahib. Sadr Sahib thanked Huzooraa for his time and requested prayers that “we could become strong soldiers of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya”.
Huzooraa replied, “Insha-Allah Ta‘ala, Allah the Exalted bless you all, make you strong and staunch, Insha-Allah Ta‘ala.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then conveyed his salaam to all the atfal and the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)