Osama Ahmad, Naib Sadr MKA Germany
The virtual mulaqat of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany took place on 28 August 2021. The atfal were present at the Maimarkt in Mannheim. About 1,000 atfal had the opportunity to participate in this mulaqat.
Most of the Atfal arrived from around Germany in buses arranged by the local regions, while others travelled with their parents or qaideen or other office-bearers to Mannheim.

The preparations of the mulaqat began as soon as Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa granted the kind permission to hold a virtual mulaqat with the Atfal of Germany. The atfal participants are very delighted and are very thankful to beloved Huzooraa for granting this beneficial opportunity.
Following are some impressions of the atfal after the mulaqat:
Hamad Cheema said:
“I was very happy that I got the opportunity to take part in the mulaqat. My whole body felt positively inspired, and I was able to see the right path in front of me. I will always keep the guidance given by Huzooraa in my mind. Everything was beautiful […]”
Munib Ahmad expressed:
“It was a very special feeling, and I felt the spiritual power of the Khalifa of the time. It was good to have the opportunity to ask Huzooraa questions. What really impressed me was how Huzooraa explained that if we are angry, we should take a seat and we should pray.”
Muneeb Malik expressed:
“After a long time, I had the opportunity to have an audience with the Khalifa of the time and it was a very beautiful feeling. The guidance which impressed me especially was that if our friends talk about bad things, we should leave them and come back to them if they talk about good things.”
Khawaja Khakan Nasir said:
“It was a very beautiful audience, and I felt the love of the Khalifa. Especially the questions were answered in a beautiful way.”
Mohammad Arslan Khan said:
“I was so happy to have a mulaqat with Huzooraa after such a long time that I was on the verge of crying, and I was really trembling. I memorised every instruction that Huzooraa gave us, and I will try to act according to them all from this day on […]”
Sarbaz Choudry said:
“It felt so good having a mulaqat with Huzooraa after such a long time. It was very enjoyable. The best instruction from Huzooraa for me was that we should take care of others and not just ourselves. I will try to act according to it from this day on. The most beautiful moment was when Huzooraa made us all smile and laugh with his beautiful humour.”
Arish bin Tahir expressed:
“Huzooraa told us that if people talk bad about you, you should just walk away, but you should never hate them; rather you should hate the evil deeds. This instruction was imprinted on my mind and I will try to act according to it from this day on. The most beautiful moment was when Huzooraa was smiling.”
Usman Mahmood said:
“I was very nervous and happy that I finally had a mulaqat with Huzooraa after such a long time. I liked everything, but especially the guidance about the vaccination.”

Haris Ahmad Shahid expressed:
“I felt very secure being in the presence of Huzooraa after such a long time and I will try my level best to choose good friends and to walk away if they talk about impure things, as Huzooraa advised us.”
Khooba Qamar said:
“This was my first mulaqat with Huzooraa and I felt very good, especially Huzoor’saa smile and his instructions touched my heart.”
Asif Iqbal expressed:
“Although it was a very surreal experience, I enjoyed being in the presence of beloved Huzooraa. I understood from Huzoor’s answers that sadaqah is given to help others.”
Moaz Ahmad Dawood said:
“It was a great blessing to have a mulaqat with Huzooraa because I have never had a mulaqat before. The most beautiful moment was when everybody stood up the moment we saw Huzooraa.”
Arez Qaiser Butt expressed:
“I liked that Huzooraa answered all the questions and even brought us to laugh, and I will never forget that Huzooraa instructed us to obey our parents and to be respectful to everybody, especially to the elderly.”
Ibraheem Ahmed said:
“I felt very comfortable because I never had such a mulaqat with Huzooraa. So, I will try to implement the instructions given by Huzooraa regarding the vaccine, because it is very important due to the coronavirus.”
Ahmad Kazeem Qureshi said:
“It was so beautiful having a mulaqat after such a long time, and I found it very exciting. I remember almost all of the instructions given by Huzooraa, and I will insha-Allah try to follow them.”
Shayan Tariq expressed:
“I was very happy, and it was an honour to be a part of the mulaqat. I was very happy to see Huzooraa after a very long time. I will try to put the guidance given by Huzooraa into practice and build a strong bond with Allah.”
Kashif Anwar Bhatti said:
“I was very excited and as the mulaqat began I was very happy. The most memorable guidance is that when we are angry, we should drink cold water […] It was beautiful that all atfal were meeting with Huzooraa again.”
Farooq Ahmad said:
“I was very happy as I saw Huzooraa for the first time after five years. It was an incredible mulaqat and an informative one too. From today onwards, I will try to calm down by sitting down and drinking cold water when I am angry. The most beautiful moment for me was when Huzooraa made jokes and smiled.”
Farhad Imran expressed:
“I felt very good because I had a mulaqat with Huzooraa. The most important guidance for me is that I should try not to be angry and to give sadaqah […]”
Salman Shah said:
“It was a very good feeling because after a year and a half, many atfal came together. I will try to fulfil Huzoor’s advice and if a friend says something bad, I will temporarily step away from him. I was very happy to see Huzooraa.”