On 6 June 2021, 98 members of Lajna Imaillah Kababir were blessed with the opportunity of meeting with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual meeting.
The meeting started off with a recitation from the Holy Quran, after which the sadr of Lajna Imaillah Kababir said a few words expressing her gratitude to Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for the mulaqat. Then, a qaseeda was recited by three Lajna members.
Following this, the sadr stated that there were a few questions relating to Islam, religion and current affairs that some Lajna members wanted to ask. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa accepted the request.
The first question asked was, “What are the dangers that surround our region and how can we be safe from them?”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“There is a danger from the opponents of Islam […]. It is essential to present a good example according to the true teachings of Islam, and no one should be given the opportunity to raise an objection against Islam. General risks do not only apply there. The biggest danger is present everywhere in the world, and that danger is the propaganda of the wrong deeds of dajjali influences, which is taking place throughout the world, through the media, Internet and various other means. Due to this, young boys and girls who are born into religious families are forgetting [the true teachings of] their religion and instead, turning to the world and materialism.”
Huzooraa further said:
“We must safeguard ourselves from [the evils of] social media, television and wrong types of programmes. We must raise our children to be safeguarded from this and mothers should play their roles in this matter. From childhood, a mother should be attached to her child and teach them religion. An Ahmadi mother’s work is to instil within the child’s heart and mind clearly that they must give priority to religion over worldly matters […]. The real challenge is how we are going to face the immorality spreading throughout the world.”
Next, a Lajna member stated that she would regularly preach Islam Ahmadiyyat to her friends and they would mostly agree with her. However, in the end, they would say, “We are all Muslims” and the conversation would end there.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“We cannot force anyone to join the Jamaat. Everyone is free in matters of religion. Our task is to convey to the world that we are Muslims and the reason [why] we are Muslims”.
Huzooraa, further explaining how one can do tabligh, said:
“One thing we must remember is that we should see if the Holy Prophetsa made any prophecy about the Latter Days, or if the Holy Quran has mentioned any prophecy about it. Then, you can tell them about the verse of the Holy Quran in Surah al-Jumuah:
وَ اٰخَرِيۡنَ مِنۡهُمۡ لَمَّا يَلۡحَقُوۡا بِهِمۡ
“[‘And (among) others from among them who have not yet joined them’ (Ch.62: V.4)] and tell them about the Holy Prophet’ssa prophecy about the coming of the Messiah and Mahdi in the Latter Days.”
Huzooraa explained that other Muslims would realise the truth of Islam Ahmadiyyat when they saw the noble example of Ahmadis.

Upon being asked what message he had for Ahmadi women living in Arabia, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“Whether they are Arab or non-Arab, all Ahmadi women must set a good example that makes them stand out. Others should know that Ahmadi women’s deeds, etiquettes, morals, actions, speech and the way they live in society are according to the teachings of Islam.
“The second most important thing is that Ahmadi women, as I have said before, should pay attention towards their children’s tarbiyat; they should teach them religion and pray for them; the prayers of parents for their children are granted acceptance. So, along with their tarbiyat, teaching them religion, keeping them attached to religion, keeping them attached to the oneness of God, teaching them high morals that are according to Islam, they should pray for them that Allah may always keep them attached to religion and may they never drift away from this path; may they be those who walk upon the right path and may they never fall into Satan’s grip […]
“If Ahmadi women are able to fulfil this duty, then they will be counted among those mentioned in the hadith of the Holy Prophetsa, ‘Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.’ If you desire to enter Heaven and for your children to also enter Heaven, then you must look after your offspring and perform their tarbiyat in an exceptional manner.”
Next, a Lajna member said that in their country, women who wore the hijab were seen as peculiar in their society and for this reason, many women tended to fear wearing the hijab. She asked what advice Huzooraa could give to such women.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“This is not unique to your place alone; the same is the case in Europe. There are some countries in Europe that have passed laws prohibiting wearing the hijab, or prohibited it in some public places; there is even a fine and punishment for it. Despite this, women who are firm in faith continue to wear the hijab – they do not fear such laws.
“There, you are facing social pressures, or people pointing fingers, or someone who may have laughed or made a gesture at you […] You must decide whether you want to listen to Allah and tolerate all difficulties, mockery, wrong types of remarks, or, fearing these things, whether you want to start accepting what people say and follow society. This is the decision you must make. A believing woman must be firm in her faith.”
On being asked how a woman could perform her children’s tarbiyat when she also had a job, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“Those Ahmadi women who also work to provide for the family should first look for a job that finishes at a time where they are able to be at home when their husbands come home. When the children come home from school, the mother should receive them. And if for any reason, she is not able to be present when her children come home, the children should be aware that their mother has prepared food for them so that they may eat when they come home […]
“After coming home [from work], the mother should spend time with her children, talk to them about various tarbiyat matters, she should ask them if they have offered their Namaz etc.”
A Lajna member said that there were many Jewish, Christian and non-Ahmadi Muslims who lived in their society. She said that they would invite them to their functions in which, usually, they held various activities which were prohibited in Islam. She asked what should be done in such a situation.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“This environment is not unique to Kababir or Israel; this environment is widespread throughout the world. However, even in Muslim countries – especially in Pakistan and India – there are some rituals that are wrong, yet prevalent in India, which have crept into Muslim practices.
“Those who have a good connection with the Jamaat and call you to their functions, you may go. When you go to their functions, maintain your dignity. If they dance [at such functions] then turn away, or if they are following erroneous practices, then stand up and move away. However, this usually does not happen.
“If it is an extremely impure environment, then you may only go for the ceremony you were invited to – for example, if you were invited to a wedding, then present your gift to the bride and groom and then come back, or [if you were invited for food] then eat and leave. It is possible to safeguard yourselves [from such things], unless it is an extremely indecent environment, in which case, where indecency is evident from the beginning, then there is no need to attend […]”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was asked that as the world was slowly moving away from Allah, how one could invite Ahmadi women and young girls to the Jamaat’s events.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“I have already answered this question before. This is the duty of parents, to keep them attached from childhood, teach them religion and tell them about the pledge they make during their meetings that ‘we will give precedence to religion over worldly matters’ and tell them what this means; tell them about God’s teachings […]
“Nasirat should devise such programmes which the young girls find interesting and also bring them closer to religion; they should hold interactive programmes.”
A Lajna member asked Huzooraa what was required of an Ahmadi girl who wished to serve the Jamaat and humanity.
Huzooraa replied:
“An Ahmadi girl should first try to increase her religious knowledge. She should increase her relationship with God, fulfil the rights of His worship – if the parents explain its importance from a young age, she will be able to do this – she should observe Namaz regularly, she should fulfil Allah’s rights […].
“Ahmadi girls, after completing their studies, if they are pursuing any medical field, can serve humanity. If they are becoming teachers, they can serve humanity and there are many professions whereby, after completing their studies, girls can prepare themselves to serve humanity […]
“The Holy Prophetsa stated regarding the alliance which was created in Mecca to help the needy – Hilf al-Fudul – ‘Even if those people call me to help humanity and the needy,’ after his claim to prophethood, ‘then even now, I am ready to join them in this.’ Even though the Holy Prophetsa had attained prophethood, he was still ready to help the non-Muslims and disbelievers.
“So, we should not merely remain in a closed environment in our service to humanity; rather, we should broaden our sphere [of service] and see how much service we can offer to humanity as it is service to humanity which opens more avenues to introduce Islam Ahmadiyyat. Our intention should be to serve humanity; however, these are extra blessings, which Allah the Almighty then bestows.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was asked about the true meaning of the Quranic statement of:
اَلرِّجَالُ قَوّٰمُوۡنَ عَلَي النِّسَاء
“Men are guardians over women” (Ch.4: V.35) and whether it meant that a man’s opinion should be given precedence over a woman’s view.
Huzooraa answered:
“No, this is not what it means at all, that a man’s opinion has precedence. Women, masha-Allah, speak words of wisdom too. And it was through some women’s opinions that during the Holy Prophet’ssa time, some major decisions were made. During [the] treaty of Hudaybiyyah, it was Umm Salamah’sra view which the Holy Prophetsa acted on, through which all companions who at first did not slaughter their animals, slaughtered their animals […]
“What this verse implies is that man, being the head of the household, is responsible for the home, running the finances of the house, and to make sure the house is running in accordance with the Islamic teachings […] Islam also teaches that if a woman is earning money, then her husband has no right to ask her to carry out the expenses of the home. If a woman does not wish to do so, then it is incumbent on the husband [to provide] even if the wife is earning and has wealth. Man, being the guardian and head of the household, is dutybound and has a responsibility to look after the household’s expenditures.”
Upon being asked when Huzooraa would visit Kababir, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“Pray, let’s see when Allah creates the means, insha-Allah.”
Huzooraa then conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to a successful end.
Participants of this mulaqat shared their impressions on meeting Huzooraa and receiving guidance from him.
Aya Al Bash Sahiba said:
“The mulaqat charged me with positive energy. It reminded me of the purpose and the importance of the work that every woman and mother is doing in this world.”
Suhaj Abdul Hakeem Sahiba said:
“Alhamdulillah for granting us this opportunity and for enabling us to see and meet with Huzooraa. I am so happy for being part of this blessed meeting. My feelings are indescribable.
“I pray this mulaqat will repeat not once, but again and again, and I hope we will maintain communication with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa so that we and our children keep enjoying the immense blessings, insha-Allah.”
Hanaa Zaki Sahiba said:
“All of the answers Huzooraa gave led me to rearrange my ideas and feelings that have been in chaos since the start of Covid-19 and lockdown, especially bearing in mind the conditions our country is experiencing these days.
“I felt my duties as a wife, mother and Muslim woman become more obvious to me. I was so nervous, but I started feeling very calm when I saw Huzoor’s face and heard his voice.
“I have recorded all the points that Huzooraa mentioned in order to go through them again after the mulaqat.”
Nabila Sahiba said:
“This was my first time meeting with Huzooraa. I was extremely happy. I pray our next mulaqat will be in this blessed country in order to enjoy his blessings here among us.”
Maha Faraj Sahiba expressed:
“I was overjoyed to meet Huzooraa; meeting him made me feel at peace. At first, I started shivering and couldn’t move my body. My eyes shed many tears, and then, I felt happy and satisfied. Alhamdulillah for enabling me to meet Huzooraa.”
Asmaa Shweiky Sahiba said:
“It was a very fruitful mulaqat. It was a pleasure for us to see Huzooraa and to gain the blessings of such a meeting.”
Raida Salih Sahiba said:
“I would like to thank Huzooraa for granting us the opportunity to have a virtual mulaqat with him.
“The mulaqat was really beautiful and interesting. I pray we have the chance to meet him and talk to him more often. Amin.”
Umm Ahmad Jihan Sahiba expressed:
“I would like to thank Huzooraa for granting us the pleasure of meeting with him. I was so happy to be part of this virtual mulaqat. Although it was virtual, I had the same feelings of fear, excitement and happiness I normally have when I go to meet him in a group mulaqat. When he speaks, I don’t want anyone to make any noise so that I don’t miss any blessed word. I hope and pray to be blessed with his visit to Kababir soon, insha-Allah.”
Noorul Huda Ghanim Sahiba said:
“The meeting was virtual, but I still felt excited to see Huzooraa and listen to his valuable advice.
“I felt that this meeting was blessed and that Allah would definitely respond to the prayers I made during it. My nerves got the better of me before and during the mulaqat.
“I had a feeling that this meeting was not similar to any other programme, and I noticed that everyone around me was excited and interested as well.
“Huzoor’s words and advice left a profound effect on my heart. Actually, it has increased my love and sense of belonging to our beloved Jamaat.
“I am more aware of the importance of corresponding with Huzooraa and having mulaqats with him in order to have a strong relationship with this blessed system.
“This was my first time ever to meet with Huzooraa and it is my hope to meet him in person, insha-Allah.”
Ruba Tal‘at Sahiba said:
“I felt overjoyed to meet Huzooraa. I was very nervous before the mulaqat took place, but once I saw Huzoor’s blessed face, all the fear vanished and only good feelings and vibes remained.”
Fatima Odeh Sahiba said:
“I don’t have enough words to describe the feelings I have. I felt as though Huzooraa was here, in Kababir, among us. Alhamdulillah for being part of this blessed event and I pray that such mulaqats take place more often.
“The advice of Huzooraa left a huge effect on my heart, alhamdulillah.”
Jamila Odeh Sahiba said:
“I felt as if I was in the UK [with Huzoor]. I pray to keep enjoying good health in order to take part in such blessed meetings more and more in the future. My body starts shivering whenever I participate in mulaqats with Huzooraa.”
Nourhan Odeh Sahiba expressed:
“I was touched to be part of this mulaqat. I had a lot of questions and today, I had a number of them answered. I would like to thank Huzooraa for granting us this great opportunity. I really needed to listen to Huzoor’saa valuable words and guidance. I hope our next mulaqat will be in the UK, insha-Allah.”
Malahat Shakoor Sahiba said:
“The mulaqat was really interesting and impressive. I do not have the words to describe how great a pleasure it was for us that Huzooraa took this much time from his valuable schedule for this mulaqat. I cannot describe how beautiful and blessed this mulaqat was.”
Alaa Odeh Sahiba said:
“Alhamdulillah it was a brilliant experience to communicate with Huzooraa through this virtual mulaqat.
“I pray that mulaqats with Huzooraa take place more often.”
Abeer Odeh Sahiba said:
“Alhamdulillah for granting this great opportunity to meet with Huzooraa. The mulaqat was really good. I cannot describe my feelings. I pray to see Huzooraa again and to maintain good communication with him. I really wish he could come and visit us here in Kababir.”
Jamila Ismael Sahiba said:
“I have been to London to meet Huzooraa many times, but I enjoyed this mulaqat more than those ones in London because Huzooraa gave us more time than ever.”
Buthaina Odeh Sahiba said:
“I felt so nervous the moment I saw Huzooraa. I felt as if I was with him in London. His smile always makes me feel calm and reduces any anxiety I have, alhamdulillah.
“The answers Huzooraa gave made me so happy, especially when he talked about taking part in wedding parties that are not conducted in accordance with Islamic teachings. Everything he said regarding this matter was very clear. I am so happy to hear the answer from him directly.
“I had a question, but was not able to ask it. However, I pray we may have more mulaqats in the future, insha-Allah.”
Tahani Odeh Sahiba said:
“It was truly amazing. I was overjoyed to see Huzooraa once again after a long time, alhamdulillah.
“I felt calm and satisfied once I saw his blessed face, and that left a huge impact on my soul.”
Amira Odeh Sahiba expressed:
“The mulaqat was great. I cannot describe how happy I was to see Huzooraa, especially because this was my first time meeting with Huzooraa.
“It was a great pleasure indeed that Huzooraa gave us a lot of his valuable time in order to listen to us and enable us to hear his precious advice.
“I cannot describe how pleased I am to take part in this beautiful mulaqat.”
Ghufran Al-Mistarihi Sahiba said:
“I am grateful to Allah the Almighty for granting me the opportunity to see Huzooraa, especially because this was the first time I met him.
“I pray that Allah may give us the honour of meeting him in person here in Kababir soon.
“I was in dire need to take part in such a mulaqat. The mulaqat left a huge impact on my heart and soul. We thank Allah for this and we thank Huzooraa for giving us the opportunity to hear his precious advice and by seeing his blessed face […]”
Inaya Ismael Odeh Sahiba said:
“Alhamdulillah for having this great opportunity. The mulaqat was virtual, but I felt as if Huzooraa was with us here.
“I have met Huzooraa before, and I still feel the same every time I see him. The fear vanished though once Huzoor’s blessed face appeared on the screen.”
Mai Yasin Sahiba said:
“I liked how everyone was silent and calm while waiting for Huzooraa. Huzoor’s answers were very satisfying, alhamdulillah.”
Rania Jamal Sahiba said:
“I was so excited to see Huzooraa and hear his precious guidance and answers.
“I have a passion for hearing his answers and I found all of his answers logical and honest.”
Umm Mahmoud Jamila Sahiba said:
“I pray for Huzooraa every day in my prayers and I ask Allah the Almighty to make all the Muslims united under his flag.”
Umm Eihab Halima Sahiba said:
“I feel overjoyed; I wish we could have such a mulaqat every two or three months.”
Umm Mahmoud Rawiya Sahiba said:
“I am touched to be part of this interesting mulaqat, which left a huge effect in me. I pray we have such mulaqats more often.”
Manal Salah Sahiba expressed:
“I have been so nervous since the mulaqat with men took place; at the same time, I felt as if the angels were circulating the area and were protecting it; as if Huzooraa had come to visit us in person. It was an amazing feeling indeed.”
Yasmin Tariq Sahiba said:
“Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful to Huzooraa for granting us this opportunity. There was an atmosphere of peace and satisfaction, as if Huzooraa had come to visit us here in person.”
Jamila Ismael Sahiba said:
“I felt as if I was in the UK. I pray we will be able to go to the UK freely as we used to do before in order to see Huzooraa in person again.”
Umm Akram Fairouz Sahiba said:
“I was so glad. I pray that Huzooraa continues to enjoy good health.”
Buthaina Al Qazaq Sahiba said:
“I would like to thank Huzooraa for giving us so much of his precious time and for answering our questions.
“I wish to ask Huzooraa to pray for the people of my beloved town, Kababir, that they may be closer and hold fast to the rope of Allah.”
Labiba Abu Asab Sahiba said:
“I was so nervous in the beginning, as I was standing in front of Huzooraa.
“I was afraid when my turn to ask a question was about to come. I was talking to myself and saying, ‘O Allah! This is the person you have chosen to be our Khalifa, and he is a manifestation of Your mercy. If we feel this much fear when we stand in front of him, then how will we be standing in front of You?’
“Subhanallah, it is wonderful how this fear was a beautiful feeling! I would like to maintain this feeling in order to use it in my prayers to help me in concentrating more while standing before Allah.
“Preparing for this mulaqat was like preparing for Eid. When the qaseeda was being recited, I imagined myself between those who sang for the Holy Prophetsa when he entered Medina.
“One sister had a dream that I was sitting in the nearest place to Huzooraa; however, when the mulaqat was about to start, I took a seat behind her so that I didn’t appear on the camera a lot. But the wife of our missionary insisted on making me sit in the front line, and this dream was fulfilled.
“I could not believe my eyes, and I did not want to move them away from Huzooraa when he started talking to us directly.”
Dua Odeh Sahiba said:
“I was so excited and nervous before the mulaqat. I was experiencing a stomach ache for two days before the mulaqat, but this pain subsided when the mulaqat took place.
“I was preparing myself by doing a lot of istighfar and Durood Sharif; I prayed a lot during my Tahajud and paid sadaqah, asking Allah to bless this mulaqat and to cover our shortcomings.
“It was really exciting to see Huzooraa, despite the fact that I have seen Huzooraa many times before. I did not want the mulaqat to end. I hope from the depth of my heart to see Huzooraa more frequently and not just once a year.
“A lot of the points inspired me during the mulaqat, especially when Huzooraa spoke about how mothers should manage their houses and children. I had had some questions regarding this matter for some time. It was great to hear Huzoor’s advice when he talked about the perfect way to encourage Ahmadi girls to participate in Jamaat activities and draw them closer to the Jamaat.”
Fatin Masood Sahiba said:
“I was so happy to meet Huzooraa, and though it was a virtual mulaqat, I still had the feeling that he was here with us in Kababir. I pray that such mulaqats happen more often.”
Baraa Rashad Sahiba said:
“By the grace of Allah, we were blessed by meeting Huzooraa. It was a very spiritual meeting, even though it was virtual. We felt as if Huzooraa was here among us. The mulaqat gave us a huge amount of spiritual energy and it boosted our enthusiasm a great deal. Alhamdulillah for granting us the blessings of Khilafat.”
(Report prepared by Al Hakam. With thanks to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kababir)