Ansar tarbiyat classes at Shianda and Ndivisi mosques, Kenya


Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent


Majis Ansarullah Western-A Region, Kenya successfully conducted two tarbiyat classes at the Shianda mosque and Ndivisi mosque, on 7 and 14 November 2021.

In both places, the programme commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran along with its Swahili translation. This was followed by the Ansar pledge.

A number of speeches were delivered on topics such as the importance of congregational prayer, the importance of reading the Holy Quran, the Promised Messiah’s love for the Holy Prophetsa and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa in the Bible. 

Regional Missionary, Sheikh Muhammad Ahmed Adnan Hashmi Sahib delivered addresses at both events. The programmes concluded with a silent prayer led by the regional missionary.

After Zuhr and Asr prayers, lunch was served to the attendees. After this, all Ansar went to the playing grounds for sports and games.  

A total of 54 Ansar from ten majalis attended the event at the Shianda mosque, while 12 Khuddam and Atfal were also in attendance. 

Similarly, a total of 22 Ansar from three majalis and four Khuddam attended the event at the Ndivisi mosque. 

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  1. Very much grateful for the report. May Allah remove the inconveniences caused by Covid-19 pandemic, so that members can easily interact and strengthen their faith and unity. Ameen


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