Malik Takreem Ahmed, President AMSA, UK
On 27 November 2023, AMSA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Student’s Association) UK held a tabligh talk, titled Seeking Certainty: Empirical Evidence for the Existence of God at the Imperial College London. This event was held in collaboration with Rational Religion and AMWSA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Student Association). A brief summary of the event is as follows.
A marketing campaign was launched prior to the event, which included messages through social media and physical posters put up at the Imperial College London.
The event began at 6:45 pm with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a brief introduction to Ahmadiyyat by Bilal Dar Sahib, the AMSA Tabligh Lead. After this, Dr Umar Nasser Sahib from the Rational Religion team delivered a talk on the existence of God based on the Quranic evidence. We then held an open question-and-answer session, an interactive discussion, and a vote of thanks by my humble self. The event culminated with open discussions in the foyer outside the lecture hall. The event was video recorded by the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK’s Ishaat team.
The event was attended by 64 people, including some external guests as well.
Some of the feedback from guests is listed below:
“I enjoyed the question-and-answer sessions as it was an opportunity for people with both like-minded and opposing views to have a healthy discussion on any topic.”
“The talk was very good and informative.”
“It was an amazing and well-planned event with a very engaging speaker. Very coherent presentation and understandable content.”
We also had one guest who saw the event online and decided to join. She was very overwhelmed by the event and said she had been going away from religion and God recently, but this event made her realise the truth of the existence of God and the relevance of this in today’s secular world. She wanted to stay in contact and was interested in the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat.