Besmir Yvejsi, Kosovo Correspondent
On 21 August 2022, members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in Prishtina had the opportunity to listen to the concluding address of Jalsa Salana Germany 2022 delivered by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. The members listened to Huzoor’s address in Albanian translation.
Despite the fact that Kosovo, like the entire European continent, is facing an energy crisis and power cuts every day, and in the absence of electricity during the concluding speech, Jamaat Kosovo was prepared through other technological devices to connect with the live streaming of Jalsa Salana.
The participants (which included external guests) had travelled from cities such as Peja, Mitrovica, Malisheva, Fushëkosova and the surrounding villages.
After dinner, there was a question and answer session about the key points of Huzoor’s address.