Umair Ahmed Khan
Jamaica Correspondent
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Jamaica has successfully, by the grace of Allah, launched its first radio talk show called Voice of Islam recently. The programme goes live every Sunday from 4pm to 5pm on one of Jamaica’s most popular radio stations for religious listeners called Bess 100 FM.
The purpose of this programme is to clear the misconceptions that the people of Jamaica have about Islam and to share the true message of Islam.
The very first show was hosted by Umair Khan Sahib, Missionary In-charge Jamaica Jamaat along with missionary Ibrahim Forson Sahib and Haneef Taylor Sahib, National Secretary Tabligh for Jamaica Jamaat.
The programme started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. The first programme for the Voice of Islam Jamaica focused on removing misconceptions about terrorism and teachings of peace in Islam. The topics of the oneness of God and belief in Prophet Jesusas were also discussed. The programme came to a conclusion with a very interesting question and answer session between listeners and the Jamaat panel.
The programme is interactive and allows listeners to call in, send text messages and ask questions, while also sharing feedback and ideas for new topics related to Islam.
We hope and pray that Allah makes this radio programme a means of successfully conveying the message of Islam Ahmadiyya to the people of Jamaica.