UK Tabligh Office
Nadim Vanderman
National Tabligh Office, UK
Rear Admiral Mike Bath, Naval Secretary and Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Personnel), Lt Chris Sampson-Jones and Lt Commander Simon Low visited the Fazl Mosque on 8 November 2018 to gain a closer look at the activities of the Jamaat and the true teachings of Islam. The visit was arranged by the national tabligh department, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK.
Our guests arrived at Zuhr prayer time and were taken inside the mosque to observe the Salat which was led by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his helper. The significance of Salat, the philosophy of the different postures and how prayer is offered was explained. After prayer, the Rear Admiral had an audience with Huzooraa and discussed various matters. A photo was also taken with Huzooraa.
Lunch was provided and there were lengthy discussions on the beliefs of the Jamaat. The discussion was led by Ibrahim Ikhlaf, National Secretary Tabligh and covered matters such as its history, the difference between Ahmadis and other Muslims, how the Khalifa is elected, the persecution faced by Ahmadis and Jalsa Salana. Also present were two missionaries from Jamia, Zeeshan Khalid Sahib and Asim Hashmi Sahib, and questions were asked about Jamia. They were fascinated about the scope of activities and the similarity between the values of the Jamaat and the Navy.

UK Tabligh Office
After lunch, there was a tour of the Fazl Mosque complex including MTA 3 Al-Arabia offices, MTA studios and bookshop. Gift packs were presented which included World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, Life of Muhammad and various leaflets.
The Admiral thoroughly enjoyed his visit and said:
“It’s been a really good opportunity for me to come here today… and I have to say it has opened my eyes considerably. I think the most impressive thing for me is the amount of work you do for the community. I was taken away by so much work that you do to help other people.”
At the end some pictures were taken and thus the visit came to an end.