A German converts sentiments on visiting Qadian
Abdus Salam Bhatti, Student Jamia Ahmadiyya Germany

The author, a German Ahmadi Muslim, Hadayatullah Hübsch Sahib, relates his sentiments and experiences about his visit to Qadian during the 100th Jalsa Salana in December 1991.
He explains the purpose of Jalsa Salana and what the Promised Messiahas expected from his community. Step by step, the reader is inspired by his spiritual experiences at Bahishti Maqbarah, Bait-ul-Dua and Masjid Mubarak. In the minutest detail, he describes for the reader what every fibre of his being felt.
We also get a deep look at the Jalsa atmosphere, the preparation and the hospitality; for example, scenes from the Bazaar where Asian specialities are sold and where the streets are overcrowded. Moreover, he shares some incidents of this trip and how he spent time there with his family.
Hadayatullah Hübsch Sahib describes the atmosphere in India, but also discusses some cultural aspects and how the Jalsa changed his opinion.
For example, he describes how begging had become normal in India. He expresses how he disliked this action as there are many other ways to get money. Thus, he sometimes refused to give money. But his entire outlook and opinion changed once he heard that the Promised Messiahas never refused giving to a beggar.
Apart from this, the author describes the huge impact Hazrat Khalifatul Masih had on him at this historic occasion. He was stunned by how people had come from across India to meet Huzoorrh; not only Ahmadis but also members of other communities.
Huzoor’s address was later televised on various television channels in which Huzoorrh spoke about global peace and the responsibility of all religions to search what connects us as opposed to that which divides us.
To get a glimpse of the spiritual atmosphere of Jalsa Salana in Qadian, this is a great book. To learn something about Hadayatullah Hübsch Sahib – an ardent lover and devotee of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya – and what inspired him in life, it is perfect. Everything he saw or felt has been described in detail.
The author writes this in a way that can be understood by all. The words are all his own, but in a simple manner he conveys the deep emotions that he felt during the Qadian Jalsa.
This book is a good introduction to converts such as Hadayatullah Hübsch Sahib as it breaks down different aspects of the Jamaat’s teachings and traditions; from the slogans (naarey) to the various holy places like Bahishti Maqbarah and Bait-ul-Dua.
Spanning 45 pages with pictures and spiritual poems as well, it is a perfect reflection of a devout servant of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and a deep and spiritual encounter with the roots of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.
JazakAllah for the correction