Fareed Ahmad, UK

From the land of Moghuls,
An emissary was sent,
To win the hearts of people,
By reason and argument.
He was assured of victory,
Setting off for this new land,
For he had pledged obedience,
At his master’s hand.
He was called Fateh Muhammad,
Sayal his ancestral name,
A devoted servant of Islam,
With passion like a burning flame.
His head was crowned with a turban,
On his finger, a fine ring,
That bore God’s eternal verdict,
A panacea for everything.
The rising of the sun,
Was promised to the west,
That would emerge from darkness,
But only at God’s behest.
He preached God’s word to people,
Who thought it strange at first,
How a man who hailed from India,
Could quench their spiritual thirst.
But as the Caliphs had assured him,
His works were never in vain,
And soon London’s noble folk,
Stood with him in sun and rain.
The white birds flocked together,
To hear the psalms of Ahmadas,
And to love the blessed teachings,
Of the greatest Prophet Muhammadsa.
The light of truth now glistened,
In their hearts it burned so bright,
As word spread to all and sundry,
That Prophet Ahmadas was right.
There was no second coming,
Of Jesusas in his flesh,
For the prophet was at peace,
And his body lay at rest.
And in the land of valleys,
Where mountains touched the sky,
Was the grave of one Yuz Asaf,
For those who care to pry.
He had survived crucifixion,
And shown what true faith brings,
To the vicissitudes of life,
And the trials of earthly things.
So the seeds of truth were planted,
In Southfields to germinate,
For many to seek salvation,
Before it was too late.
It was a place of learning,
A Garden of Eden blessed,
Where foundations were laid by Caliphs,
For prophecies to manifest.
The humble mosque still glows,
With the light of yonder years,
Infused by sacrifices,
And devotion, sweat and tears.
That beacon of Grace still shines,
For all the world to see,
What it means to love God truly,
And to serve humanity.