وہ خزائن جو ہزاروں سال سے مدفون تھے
اب مَیں دیتا ہوں اگر کوئی ملے اُمیدوار
“The treasures that had been buried for thousands of years, I give to you, should I find any worthy recipient.”
How true it is when people say never to think of your enemy as futile.
The abovementioned couplet of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, peace be upon him, is a target of derision by opponents of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Islam.
On one of the official websites of “Khatam-e-Nubuwwat”, under this couplet, it is written:
“If any Qadiani or Mirzai reads this post, then I wish to seek answers to some questions regarding this couplet and the published blasphemy.
“1. Does this suggest worldly treasures that had been buried for years and Mirza Qadiani[as] … unearthed those treasures for the world? If so, then please tell us, what were those novel things that Mirza Qadiani[as] … presented, as perhaps I am not entirely aware?
“2. If this means treasures of religious knowledge, then did the person who was crowned with Khatam-e-Nubuwwat – Hazrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – not offer these to the world and Mirza Qadiani[as] did, God forbid?
“3. Or does this mean that, God forbid, the Holy Prophetsa was not able to find these treasures?
“4. Or does this mean that Allah the Almighty kept these treasures hidden from the Holy Prophetsa and gave them to Mirza Qadiani[as] …?
“All those treasures should be selected from the books of Mirza Qadiani[as] … that were, before today, hidden from the world, for they are the buried treasures that no one knew about before today ….”
Thus, it becomes clear that enemies are not fully aware of the essence of this couplet.
The reality of this couplet, however, can become clear from the following:
مبارک وہ جو اَب ایمان لایا
صحابہ سے ملا جب مجھ کو پایا
“Blessed is he who now accepts; He who accepts me has met the Companionsra.”
That is, the enemy stumbled when he considered Ahmadas to be apart from Muhammadsa. How true is what Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said:
اللہ کے پیاروں کو تم کیسے بُرا سمجھے
خاک ایسی سمجھ پر ہے، سمجھے بھی تو کیا سمجھے
شاگرد نے جو پایا اُستاد کی دولت ہے
احمد کو محمد سے تم کیسے جدا سمجھے
“How did you consider God’s dear ones bad? Pitiful is such a state of mind, for what have you understood? Whatever the student acquired was of the teacher’s wealth; How did you consider Muhammadsa and Ahmadas to be separate?”
This is a time of the fulfilment of:
وَاِذَا الرُّسُلُ اُقِّتَتْ
“And when the Messengers are made to appear at the appointed time.”
This is a time to fulfil not just the truthfulness of one or two prophets, but the truth of each and every prophet that ever came. That the Promised Messiahas says that these treasures “had been buried for thousands of years” is no exaggeration whatsoever.
The case of Adamas has been presented in numerous religious scriptures. But who has truly understood the essence behind this incident?
This incident has been preserved even in the Holy Quran for 1,400 years, and yet, the Muslim Ummah deemed it no more than a fable!
It was the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian who reminded the world of the spiritual treasures and informed the world of the truth behind Adam’sas story.
Instead of using the story of Noahas and the flood as a mere story to tell, Hazrat Ahmadas presented its real wisdom.
It was Hazrat Ahmadas who explained the true story of Jacobas and his children.
Hazrat Ahmadas also explained the story of Mosesas and thus, opened the spiritual treasure trove and showed to the world how God Almighty destroys pharaohs of every age and grants success to those with attributes like that of Mosesas. These are but a few examples.
One non-Ahmadi scholar, Niaz Fatehpuri proclaimed that it was the Ahmadiyya Jamaat that understood the true essence of Islam; that Islam, which had been present for almost one and half centuries.
People had not been entirely familiar with its essence and true message before, but it was Hazrat Ahmadas who came and explained to the world the true wisdom behind Islamic teachings.
Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat have constantly appealed to Ahmadi scholars to present their research in light of the teachings of the Holy Quran and to pursue the new avenues of theology, science and history which the Promised Messiahas offered.
Another spiritual treasure that can be found in the literature of the Promised Messiahas is that as angels descended on the author, similarly, the reader too feels the presence of angels.
The Promised Messiahas spent his life in the shade of angels and his writings were supported with the aid of angels. If someone with a pure heart studies the books of the Promised Messiahas, then they will surely partake of the blessings associated with the company of angels, something which the Promised Messiahas enjoyed.
The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa foretold that the coming Messiah would return spiritual treasures to the world, to the extent that he would not find anyone to accept it. (Sunan Ibn-e-Majah)
This is something that is deeply associated with spiritual treasures, otherwise the world rushes to acquire worldly wealth and treasures.
To become hopeful of acquiring spiritual treasures, one must be a “worthy recipient” or hopeful as the Promised Messiahas has said in his couplet. One must exercise the highest order of patience and through one’s conduct prove their worth.
If someone is bereft of spirituality and unaware of the spiritual realm, then such a person would be untouched by the spiritual ocean of knowledge borne in the literature of the Promised Messiahas.
It is through the books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas – compiled into what is known today as the Ruhani Khazain (spiritual treasures) – that for over a hundred years, the Khulafa and those who have associated themselves to him have been gaining victory after victory. East or west, every opponent has been spiritually challenged through these books.
To become a worthy recipient of Hazrat Ahmad’sas Ruhani Khazain, one must cleanse their heart and soul. Where a person’s heart and soul are purified through the writings of the Promised Messiahas, they are also made aware of new meanings of the Holy Quran.
The study of the books of the Promised Messiahas is extremely necessary to purify oneself. Once this criterion has been achieved, then one can hope to experience the heights of spiritual progress.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, said in the foreword of the new edition of Ruhani Khazain:
“It is clear from the Holy Quran and the sayings of the Noble Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that this is the age in which the means of the propagation and dissemination of Islam to the corners of the earth had been decreed by the Powerful and Omnipotent God.
“For this reason, scientific discoveries took place with such rapidity and in such large numbers that man would be astonished and, effectively, say:
وَ قَالَ الۡاِنۡسَانُ مَا لَہَا
“[And man says, ‘What is the matter with her (the earth)?]
“It is this age, about which it was foretold:
وَ اِذَا الصُّحُفُ نُشِرَتۡ
“[And when books are spread abroad] and thereby informed us that such inventions would take place that would flourish the spread of books and journals.”
Huzooraa continued:
“It is our good fortune that we have been able to accept the Imam Mahdi and Messiah of Muhammadsa and thus, inherited these spiritual treasures [Ruhani Khazain]. Accordingly, we should study these blessed writings so that our hearts, minds and souls become enlightened by means of this, something which is capable of eliminating the darkness of Dajjal [the antichrist].
“May Allah enable us to beautify our lives and the lives of our progeny through these blessed writings and may we light the candles of peace and tranquillity within our hearts, homes and surroundings. May the love of God and His Prophetsa penetrate our hearts in such a manner that we are able to carry on igniting the flame of love and compassion for mankind throughout the world. May Allah help us in this task. Amin.”