Abdulahi Hussein Juma
Missionary, Kenya
On Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22 April 2018, Jamaat Ahmadiyya Kenya held their 52nd Annual Jalsa at Nairobi Headquarters. The theme for this year’s Jalsa was “Peace and Tolerance: The Need of the Time”.
Visitors started flocking at Nairobi on 20 April from all regions. By Friday a large number of Ahmadis had already arrived. Registration was done on arrival at a registration desk.
During the Jalsa days, the weather was very pleasant than expected. The highlight of all Jalsa programmes commenced with Tahajjud prayers, Dars-ul-Quran and Dars-ul-Hadith with five daily prayers strictly being offered as part of the Jalsa Programme. The attention of all Jalsa attendees was focused towards prayers, supplication and Durood (invoking blessings on the Holy Prophetsa).
On 21 April, the Jalsa proceedings commenced at 10:30am with the flag hoisting. Amir Sahib hoisted the Jamaat Flag while Hon. Senator of Busia County and former Attorney General of Kenya, Mr Amos Wako hoisted the Kenya National Flag. Thereafter the Amir Sahib led all the members in silent prayer. All Jalsa programmes started with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by Kiswahili translation, nazm and poems in Kiswahili.
Former Attorney General of Kenya, Mr Amos Wako chaired the opening session. In his address, Mr Amos Wako expressed his heartfelt gratitude for having been invited to such a great spiritual event as a chief guest. He said, “I have a very old attachment with Jamaat Ahmadiyya Kenya. I have been attending Jamaat programmes and I am well aware of the religious knowledge of the Jamaat and its services to humanity.”
He also offered to extend any assistance wherever the need arose in the expansion and development of Jamaat activities towards services to humanity. In conclusion he admitted and applauded the motto of the Jamaat, “Love for all, hatred for none” and said that Ahmadis the world over practice what they say.
After that, the National Amir in his opening address welcomed all the guests. He emphasised that all members of Jamaat should read the Holy Quran, practice its teachings, render services to the Jamaat and to humanity, strengthen their unity and bond with Khilafat by praying for Khilafat and constantly writing letters to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
The second session was chaired by Naeem Ahmad Shah Sahib, General Secretary Jamaat Kenya. The guests of honour in this session were, Mr Moses Shikuku OCS (Station Officer Commander) Parklands Police Station and his Deputy, Mr Joseph Ntiyaya.
A question and answer session was held on 21 April 2018 from 8pm to 9:45pm. Members and non-Ahmadi Guests participated in asking questions to Jamaat missionaries.
The Jalsa proceedings on the second day started at 9:00am under the chairmanship of Abdul Aziz Sahib, National Tarbiyat Secretary. The closing session was chaired by the Amir Sahib at 11:00am.
Blue colored t-shirts were designed and labeled “The Messiah has come” for the tabligh campaign. The t-shirts were distributed to all Ansar, Khuddam and Atfal. They were instructed to wear the t-shirts as they carry a very important message and a means of tabligh.
The Jalsa Salana programmes were conducted very well, and through voluntary spirit and dedication, all volunteers worked very hard.