Ayezah Jehan, Bad Kreuznach, Germany
Recently, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Student’s Association of Lajna Imaillah Germany had their annual meeting at Baitus Sabuh in Frankfurt, during which multiple topics were discussed by the students.
One of those was racism and its impact on our daily lives. This topic was particularly presented by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Lawyers Association.
During this session, the Lajna were asked if they had experienced racism in their lives before. 87% of the Lajna present answered this question with a “yes” and most of the racism they had experienced was at school, university, during work or in public places.
This number correlates with a study carried out in 2023 by the “Claim Allianz”, in which Muslims (or people who looked like Muslims due to their appearance) in Germany were asked about their experiences of racism. Almost 80% of those surveyed also said they had experienced racism.
Muslims in the West today face multiple forms of discrimination. They are often targeted because of their skin colour, cultural background, and religion. Muslim women, in particular, experience additional discrimination due to their gender. This form of prejudice is known as Islamophobia or anti-Muslim racism.
Racism and discrimination create significant issues and lead to humiliation, exclusion and social isolation. In extreme cases, they have even been used to justify violence and the destruction of entire communities.
A racial ploy: ‘Othering’
One common way this discrimination manifests is through “othering.”
Othering occurs when an entire group is labelled as “different” while another group is considered the norm. This division reinforces an “us vs. them” mindset, creating tension and social divisions. Othering can occur in workplaces, schools and various aspects of daily life.
After the attack on a Christmas market in Magdeburg by a Saudi Arabian man at the end of 2024, the right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders posted the following on X (formerly Twitter). I have emphasised certain words with italics to show a prime example of “othering”:
“They hate us. They despise our values. They kill us. And our children. [..] This is our land, our freedom, our life. [..]”
Wilder’s post was put out before it was revealed that the attacker was, in fact, a supporter of the far-right AfD party. It highlights how language shapes our thinking and can even perpetuate discrimination. Moreover, it undermines the efforts of Muslims in the West, who have been striving for integration across multiple generations.
One argument many Muslims face today is that racism cannot target them because Islam is a religion, not a race. As a result, hostility toward Muslims is often dismissed as mere criticism of Islam.
However, if that’s the case, why do individuals who aren’t even Muslim but are perceived as such based on their appearance also face this discrimination? Additionally, one might question why criticism of Islam is so widespread while there is rarely similar criticism of Judaism or Christianity.
This victim-blaming narrative makes meaningful dialogue about the issue difficult and downplays the very real problem of anti-Muslim racism.
What can Germans do when faced with racism
What can Muslims living in Germany do to combat everyday racism?
When asked about their reactions to encounters with racism, none of the Lajna members at the meeting had actively taken steps to address their experiences. While this is a disheartening statistic, it also highlights the need for better access to information.
One of the most important pieces of advice is to report the incident to the appropriate reporting channels. Unfortunately, there are not many in-person offices available, but you can report the matter online to the “Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes” (www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.de/DE/startseite/startseite-node.html), which is obligated to provide free legal advice on the matter.
Another key resource is “An-Nusrat”, Germany’s first Islamic welfare organisation. On their website, you can also report experiences of racism online and anonymously. They then pass this information on to the Interior Ministry of Germany, which is required to conduct studies based on the reports.
These statistics are crucial, as they shape the public discourse in the country on this issue. While we know that the actual number of incidents is higher, it’s important to report every case. Only then can justice be pursued.
No peace without justice
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, may Allah be his Helper, head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, said on this matter in 2007:
“Do justice! And if you want to establish real peace, then not only do justice, but also the strong should treat the weaker with equity and treat them as one treats one’s dear and beloved and ignores some things of theirs.”
Hence, it is the responsibility of those in charge to not only be against discrimination but to actively act against racism. We must hold the lawmakers, the police and even our employers accountable. At the same time, we as Muslims must never forget the true teachings of Islam that as peacekeepers we want to establish justice without taking vengeance or the law into our own hands.
Racism and discrimination are not inherent aspects of humanity; they are social constructs. If people recognised that we all share the same Creator and are destined to return to Him in the Hereafter, perhaps the world would be a more harmonious and compassionate place.