Sweetness of faith


عَنْ‭ ‬أَنَسِ‭ ‬بْنِ‭ ‬مَالِكٍ‭ ‬ـ‭ ‬رضى‭ ‬اللّٰه‭ ‬عنه‭ ‬ـ‭ ‬قَالَ‭ ‬قَالَ‭ ‬النَّبِيُّ‭ ‬صلّى‭ ‬اللّٰه‭ ‬عليه‭ ‬وسلّم:‭ ‬لاَ‭ ‬يَجِدُ‭ ‬أَحَدٌ‭ ‬حَلاَوَةَ‭ ‬الإِيمَانِ‭ ‬حَتَّى‭ ‬يُحِبَّ‭ ‬الْمَرْءَ،‭ ‬لاَ‭ ‬يُحِبُّهُ‭ ‬إِلاَّ‭ ‬اللّٰه،‭ ‬وَحَتَّى‭ ‬أَنْ‭ ‬يُقْذَفَ‭ ‬فِي‭ ‬النَّارِ‭ ‬أَحَبُّ‭ ‬إِلَيْهِ‭ ‬مِنْ‭ ‬أَنْ‭ ‬يَرْجِعَ‭ ‬إِلَى‭ ‬الْكُفْرِ،‭ ‬بَعْدَ‭ ‬إِذْ‭ ‬أَنْقَذَهُ‭ ‬اللّٰه،‭ ‬وَحَتَّى‭ ‬يَكُونَ‭ ‬اللّٰه‭ ‬وَرَسُولُهُ‭ ‬أَحَبَّ‭ ‬إِلَيْهِ‭ ‬مِمَّا‭ ‬سِوَاهُمَا‏.‏

Hazrat Anas bin Malikra narrated that the Prophetsa said: “No one will truly taste the sweetness of faith until he loves a person solely for the sake of Allah; and until being cast into the Fire is more beloved to him than returning to disbelief after Allah has delivered him from it; and until Allah and His Messenger are dearer to him than anything else.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab as-adab, Bab al-hubbi fillah, Hadith 6041)

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