Asif M Basit
As 2024 comes to an end, 118 years have passed since the publication of the Promised Messiah’s renowned book, Haqiqat-ul-Wahi. In this work, he stated:
“O Europe! You are not safe! And O Asia! Neither are you secure! And O the dwellers of Islands! No artificial ‘God’ will come to your aid. I see cities falling and habitations in ruin. That One and Unique God remained silent for a long time. Abominations were committed before His eyes and still, He remained silent. But now He shall reveal His countenance in an awe-striking manner. Let him who has ears hear that the Hour is not far.” (Philosophy of Divine Revelation, UK, 2023, p. 328)
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah, passed away one year after making this prophecy. However, his Successors continued to remind people of this warning, as conditions rapidly advanced towards the fulfilment of this prophecy.
Then a whole century passed, and dawned upon the world a new century, and with it, a new millennium. It was now a transformed world, dragging itself towards the destruction foretold in the aforementioned prophecy. The world had become engulfed in multidimensional crises – political, geographical, military, economic, social, and moral – in every aspect.
In such a world faced with multifaceted problems, the fifth era of the Promised Messiah’sas Khilafat began. When Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa assumed the office of Khilafat, he faced not only the heavy responsibility of leading the Ahmadiyya Community but also the weightier call for guiding the entire Muslim Ummah in the right direction. Above all, the education and training of the whole world through Islamic teachings were also entrusted to him.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa not only repeated the Promised Messiah’sas warning verbatim, but also consistently explained the proximity, direction, and intensity of the storm mentioned therein.
Through his addresses, sermons, and messages, Huzooraa has always cautioned the Islamic world about these dangers, the clouds of which were, and are, looming over the entire world. He has also repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that the West is united while the Islamic world suffers from discord and division. He has, time and again, made it clear that without unity, even the very survival of the Muslim world is impossible, let alone any prosperity or success.
Huzooraa has been giving this warning and its constant reminders for 21 years. And today, when I was present in his service, the twilight of the year 2024 was fading into night, and 2025, the twenty-second year of Huzoor’saa Khilafat, was ready to dawn upon us.
In this mulaqat, Huzooraa mentioned the current situation in Syria:
“I have been saying for quite some time that the Muslim world needs to unite. Perhaps everyone acknowledges this need, but no one takes practical steps toward it.
“The entire Muslim world only concludes and believes that Israel is behind whatever bad is happening to the Muslim countries. As for what the Zionist agenda is, and what steps the Muslim world should take, all Muslim countries remain oblivious.
“Anti-Islamic forces don’t just want political power. They now want to extend geographical boundaries into the Islamic world. This agenda is coming to the fore so clearly that even Western analysts are becoming vocal about it.
“I have not only drawn attention to unity, but have also said each time that the solution is not merely political. If Muslims ignore the spiritual aspect of the problem, how can a solution emerge? As far as the Holy Land is concerned, Allah has made it dependent on amal-e-saleh (righteous deeds).
“Righteous deeds are not possible without prayer; unity is not possible without prayer. And unless the Muslim world unites, no success can be achieved in the name of Islam.
“Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra had already stated while explaining the intentions of anti-Islamic forces that their eyes are not just on Jerusalem but also on Mecca and Medina. They will make every possible effort to reclaim Khyber. So the question is not just about any anti-Islamic group or state; the question is about Khyber and Mecca and Medina. Muslims should unite to protect them because the enemy is united.”
I can say with a great level of certainty that I have heard all of Huzoor’saa sermons and addresses where he has mentioned the importance of Muslim unity. But this was the first time for me to hear Huzooraa speak on this topic outside the environment of a public event or Friday sermon, and to hear this discourse alone and in person; or rather, to observe it, as I saw signs of anguish on Huzoor’saa blessed countenance as he spoke about the discord of the Ummah. I had never experienced noticing this before in person during an audience.
After this, Huzooraa explained the profound meanings of verse 75 of Surah al-Baqarah:
“The Holy Quran refers to the hearts of disbelievers becoming as hard as stones, rather even harder than stones. But in the same verse, it is also stated that even from stones, rivers and streams can sprout.
“The problem now is that the hearts of Islam’s enemies have become as hard as stones against Islam, but the hearts of Muslims have become like stones toward each other.
“Among non-Muslim analysts, some are now emerging who have begun to expose the intentions of anti-Islamic forces. In these circumstances, I look at this verse along with the hadith where the Holy Prophetsa said that in the Latter Days, even stones will speak up to tell that an enemy of Islam is hiding behind it.
“Because in real life, stones don’t speak. So just as the Holy Quran has likened hearts to stone, a new way of understanding this hadith about the end times comes to the surface.
“But the problem is that while water has sprouted from the stone-like hearts of some non-Muslims, and they have begun to identify anti-Islamic elements, the hearts of Muslims remain hard as stones toward each other. In such an unfortunate state, even if water falls on them, they remain just as hard and bear no fruit. And unfortunately, this stone-heartedness is not just for opponents of Islam, but for their own Muslim brethren too.
“The unrest that exists in the Muslim world right now is all down to the hearts that are badly split among themselves, and the subsequent lack of unity. In such circumstances, how can Allah’s support come to their aid?
“I have been saying for a long time that without prayers, the Muslim world will always remain subdued and oppressed like it is right now. The Holy Quran has placed the possibility of water streams bursting forth from stones in spirituality, not in political alliances. So if there is no prayer and righteous deeds, neither can springs of water burst forth from stone hearts, nor can any strategy be effective.
“At this time, righteous deeds are not possible without accepting the Imam of the Age. For the rest, I continue to explain, and my prayer is that Allah may grant them the ability to recognise and accept the Promised Messiahas.”
I was blessed with this audience at the confluence of a passing year’s fading dusk and a new year’s rising dawn. As this audience came to its end, Huzooraa mentioned the Jalsa Salana of Qadian – two days of proceedings had passed, and the final session was the following day, where Huzooraa was to deliver the concluding address.
“There has been unexpected rainfall in Qadian. The proceedings couldn’t be held in the jalsa gah and arrangements had to be made in Masjid Aqsa and other covered places. Now let’s see what the weather there will be like tomorrow.”
There was something special in these words. The desire contained in these words for the weather to improve was evident. The next day when Huzooraa delivered his address, Qadian could be seen live through the lens of MTA. Thousands of Jalsa participants were present in the jalsa gah. Beautiful, golden sunlight, typical of an Indian winter, shone brightly on the jalsa gah. The town of the Promised Messiahas was gleaming and the faces of those present in the jalsa gah glowed in this sunshine.
Allah the Almighty accepted as a prayer the words expressed in the style of His beloved’s desire.
May Allah the Almighty accept all the desires and prayers of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. May the clouds of despair and terror looming on the horizons of the world disperse, and may the sun of 2025 rise with the heat and light of life. (Amin.)