Another aspect of the Holy Prophet (sa) being the Seal of the Prophets


“I return to my earlier discussion and state that another aspect of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as the Seal of the Prophets is also that Allah the Exalted, merely by His grace, has instilled this community with extraordinary and exceptional abilities. This is to such an extent that it is also stated in a Hadith:

‭ ‬علماء‭ ‬أمتي‭ ‬كأنبياء‭ ‬بني‭ ‬إسرائيل

“The scholars of my community are like the Prophets of the Children of Israel.

“Though the scholars of Hadith may have their reservations, the light of my heart testifies to the truth of this Hadith, and I accept its authenticity without any questions or objections whatsoever. No saint has rejected this Hadith by way of anything disclosed to them in visions; in fact, if anything, they have confirmed it. The meaning of this Hadith is that, ‘The scholars of my community are like the Prophets from among the Children of Israel.’ However, one should not be mislead by the word ‘scholars’. Some people are stuck on a word and are unable to grasp the underlying meaning. This is why such people are unable to progress in understanding the commentary of the Holy Quran.”

(Malfuzat [English], Vol. 2, p. 63)

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