Leicester Jamaat’s Peace Conference 2024

Ibrahim Bonsu, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Leicester, UK

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Leicester held its annual Peace Conference on 23 November 2024 at the Baitul Ikram Mosque, Leicester, under the theme “Love Thy Neighbour.” Over 50 guests attended the event, including the Assistant City Mayor, the Policing Area Commander for South Leicester, faith representatives and many councillors. Also in attendance were representatives of charity and civic groups and members of the public who had registered their interest prior to the event. The Jamaat literature and centenary exhibition of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra visit to the UK in 1924 was also on display for the guests. Tours of the mosque were also organised prior to the commencement of the formal proceedings. This included a hijab stand that was made available by the Lajna team for female guests who wanted to see how it felt to wear a hijab.

The formal programme started with a recitation from the Holy Quran with its translation, followed by a welcome address by my humble self, and a speech by the Regional President of the Midlands Jamaat, Syed Imtiaz Ahmad Sahib. A short video was shown about Islam Ahmadiyyat, the Promised Messiahas, the role of Khilafat and the efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa for world peace.

The Assistant City Major, Councillor Manjula Sood, addressed the conference, highlighting the importance of such a gathering in bringing people together and the need to keep the spirit of good neighbourliness alive at all times. She also thanked the Jamaat Leicester for such an important initiative. The Police Inspector, Paul Crewe, also emphasised the enormous importance of the theme of the conference. Tom Wilson, Director of St Phillips Centre, also shed light on the need for members of the community not to give up on pursuing peace and love, as mankind was “born to try.”

This was followed by another video presentation, which was an excerpt from a speech of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa at the 2023 National Peace Symposium held at the Baitul Futuh Mosque.

Tony Nelson, the Jewish representative from the Leicester Hebrew Congregation, also spoke, echoing the need for peace around the world, especially in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Harinder Singh, the representative of the Sikh Faith, spoke with references to the peaceful message of Bawa Guru Nanak and the need for mankind to return to peaceful ways and to recognise each other.

Murabbi Mansoor Clarke Sahib, highlighted injustice and hatred as some of the fundamental root causes of social disorder. He emphasised the need for all individuals to take personal stock of their behaviour and make amends, as the world would be a better place if everyone started to improve themselves first before checking on the other. The vote of thanks was presented by Muneeb Ur Rahman Sahib, our missionary in Leicester.

The event concluded with a silent prayer. Many guests gave interviews at the end of the event.

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