Regional Interfaith Symposium hosted by Lajna Imaillah Halton-Niagara, Canada

Hiba tul Baqi, General Secretary, Lajna Imaillah Halton-Niagara, Canada

On 6 October 2024, Lajna Imaillah Halton-Niagara hosted a regional interfaith symposium under the theme “Understanding Suffering Through the Lens of Faith.” The event was presided over by Sadr Lajna Imaillah Canada and was attended by guests from various faiths, including Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Indigenous Spirituality, and Sikhism. 37 guests and 157 members from all seven majalis attended the symposium. Each faith representative shared insights into how suffering is understood and addressed within their respective traditions.

The open and encouraging discussions addressed current global challenges such as suffering and the urgent need for peace, emphasising the importance of unity in overcoming such trials. Dr Bushra Amjad Sahiba highlighted Islamic teachings on the topic, emphasising the Jamaat’s contributions to peace and harmony under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Other speakers included Dr Monalina Bhattacharya-Ray from Hinduism, Paige McIsaac from Christianity, Brenda Jacobs from Indigenous communities and Mandeep Kaur Marway from Sikhism. Exhibition booths introduced visitors to key aspects of Islam Ahmadiyyat, including the Holy Quran, blessed life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, the Promised Messiahas, MTA and Humanity First.

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