MKA UK’s national ijtema 2024: A gathering of faith, unity, and personal growth

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This weekend, the national ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, taking place at Old Park Farm, Kingsley, is in full swing, gathering khuddam and atfal from across the UK. 

This year’s theme, Muhammad (saw) – The Perfect Preacher, emphasises the mission of the Holy Prophet Muhammadas, inspiring khuddam to reflect on the Holy Prophet’ssa life and qualities as a preacher. The ijtema focuses on fostering spiritual, academic, and physical growth through a wide range of activities.

In his recent Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa stated: 

“From today, the ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya [UK] is also commencing. The khuddam should endeavour to derive maximum benefit from it […]

“During these days, the khuddam should strive to enhance their spiritual and academic standards. They should pay special attention during these days to the prayers and durood to which I have drawn their attention and launched the appeal, and [in general], always continue to recite them. May Allah the Almighty protect everyone from every kind of Satanic attack.” 

And thus, in following this guidance, all khuddam should strive to attend this ijtema with the intention of deriving maximum benefit from it.

Saturday, day two of the ijtema, saw a packed schedule, starting with Tahajjud, followed by Fajr prayers. 

Apart from the academic competitions in tilawat, nazm, and speech, the ijtema offers a wide range of activities for khuddam to explore, engage in, and strengthen their brotherhood and spirituality.

In line with the theme of the year, Muhammad (saw) – The Perfect Preacher, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib, in his speech, emphasised the unparalleled example of the Holy Prophetsa. He stated, “The Holy Prophetsa stands as our ultimate beacon and guide, illuminating the path for us to follow.” And thus, in following this year’s theme, khuddam are reminded of the efforts of our Noble Mastersa and specifically look into his life of how he was as a preacher of faith.

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For those yet to attend, here’s a brief outline of what to expect today. 

The Discovery Zone, one of the highlights of the ijtema, serves as an educational focal point, showcasing various exhibitions, such as Jamia Ahmadiyya UK, offering insights into the academic and spiritual training of missionaries; Voice of Islam Radio, highlighting its global role in spreading the peaceful teachings of Islam through radio; The Islamic Renaissance exhibition highlights the historic 1924 journey of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra to Europe; Waqf-e-Nau Department, showcasing the commitment of youth who have dedicated their lives to the service of Islam; and Markaz IT Department UK, presenting its ongoing technical projects and recruitment efforts, emphasising the role of technology in supporting the community’s work.

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Attendees today are encouraged to explore the various exhibitions available. In addition, a dedicated bookstall is open to all, offering a selection of new releases.

While spirituality is the main focus, physical activities also take centre stage, with the Khadim Warrior Assault Course proving to be a highlight. Participants test their agility and endurance through a series of challenges, including a wheelbarrow run.

For those seeking deeper reflection, the Unplugged Talks offers informal discussions at the outdoor stage, where attendees engage with key speakers on a variety of Islamic topics. 

All this and much more is to be experienced in this year’s ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK. Visit the ijtema grounds and experience this gathering first-hand at Old Park Farm, Sickles Lane, Kingsley, GU35 9PD.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

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