This Week in History: 2–8 August


A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

2 August 1935: On this day, the Ahrar’s anti-Ahmadiyya agitation was discussed in the House of Commons of the British Parliament.

For more details, see “Historical analysis of Ahrar’s anti-Ahmadiyya agitation – Part 3”, at (20 October 2023, pp. 16-20).

2 August 1961: On this day, Maulana Karam Ilahi Zafar Sahib, the pioneer missionary in Spain, reported back to Markaz about his preaching activities, for example, a university student accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat, tabligh to a Chilean lady, and accounts regarding other students who he had met while vending perfumes.

For more details of his Tabligh ventures, see: “The Perfume Vendor – Fragrance of Islam in Spain”at (6 April 2018, p. 3).

3 August 1990: The whole world witnessed Iraq’s invasion and annexation of Kuwait on 2 August 1990. The following day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh began a series of  sermons on this issue, amounting to 17 in total. These sermons have been compiled in book form. Huzoorrh unmasks the injustices and double standards of both Eastern and Western nations. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 863)

To read the English rendering of these sermons, see

4 August 1926: On this day, The Evening Chronicle of Newcastle mentioned the missionary efforts of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat under the title “Islam Invades the States, Missionary Force to be Reckoned with, Christianity Menaced?

For more details, see “Promised Messiah’s message spreads to corners of earth and continues through Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya”, at (17 March 2023, pp. 6-9).

4 August 1967: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh led his Friday prayer in the UK’s Lake District area of Windermere. Huzoorrh said that only through prayer can Western nations be attracted to Islam. (Khutbat-e-Nasir, Vol. I, p. 799)

5 August 1976: During his first-ever tour of America, on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh addressed a press conference in New York. Huzoorrh was asked about the purpose of his tour.

On the same evening, Huzoorrh also attended a reception given by the New York Jamaat, which was also attended by diplomatic representatives of various countries appointed to the United Nations. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 3, pp. 594-595)

5 August 1982: During his tour of Norway, on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh addressed a press conference in Oslo. This was his first press conference outside Pakistan as Khalifatul Masih. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 816)

6 August 1945: On this day, the United States callously dropped nuclear bombs on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and then on Nagasaki three days later. This horrific act resulted in a huge catastrophe, leaving thousands of people dead and injured while destroying the cities as well.

During his Friday Sermon on 10 August 1945, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra spoke about this heinous event and presented the Islamic teaching in relation to establishing peace in the world.

For more details, see “The 6 & 9 August 1945 tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Ahmadiyya call for peace” at (5 August 2022, p. 20).

6 August 1976: The annual convention of Jamaat America was graced and addressed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh, on this day. Huzoorrh announced a comprehensive plan for the tarbiyat of the new generation and reminded the American Ahmadis of their important responsibility to save humankind from total annihilation. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 3, p. 595)

6 August 1982: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh presided over the first Majlis Shura of Norway and announced that the system of Majlis Shura should be established in every country of the world where the Jamaat is established. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 816)

7 August 1987: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh while exhorting the cleaning of the mosques, suggested that people with worldly wealth and higher status should devote a day to cleaning the house of God. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 6, p. 519)

7 August 1998: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh directed keeping a Red Book in all of Jamaat’s administrative offices and at individual levels too, in which all important issues and defects are recorded for future consideration. (Khatbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 17, p. 537)

For more details on this important instruction, see: “The Jalsa Salana Red Book” at (2 August 2019, p. 5).

8 August 1976: During his tour of Canada, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh arrived in Toronto, on this day, where he was received by about four hundred members of Jamaat. This was a historic moment for this land when, for the first time, a Khalifatul Masih was visiting the country of Canada. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 3, p. 595)

8 August 1982: On this day, during his tour of Europe, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh arrived in Gutenberg, Sweden and addressed a press conference. On the same day, he presided over the first Majlis Shura of Sweden. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 816)

8 August 2014: During his Friday Sermon on this day, speaking about the opposition to Ahmadiyyat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:

“If we wish to see a change in circumstances and save the Jamaat from these trials, then, as a Jamaat [community], we must prostrate to Allah by purifying our souls for His sake and sincerely and earnestly praying to Him. If we submit to Allah in this manner and this is the state across the Jamaat and our nights are spent in such a way that we pray for the Jamaat, then in a matter of a few days, as a result of a few nights’ prayers, a revolution can be brought about. Otherwise, a revolution shall come and circumstances shall change, but this will take time. It is the Almighty Allah’s promise that circumstances will change, insha-Allah.” (Khutbat-e-Masroor, Vol. 12, p. 481)

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