Ata-ul-Haye Nasir, Al Hakam

On 12 September 1950, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra addressed a press conference at the Central Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan.
Huzoorra called on the Muslim world to unite and emphasised the need to propagate the message of Islam. Later on, Huzoorra responded to the questions of press correspondents as well.
In the beginning, Huzoorra said that there is a kind of awakening among contemporary Muslims and they are making efforts to eradicate those dangers that have been suppressing them for a long time; however, at this moment, this is merely their national awakening, not the religious one. No doubt, there are some Muslims who dream about a united Muslim world, but their aspirations are currently superficial and they have not made any real efforts to turn it into a reality. The spirit of sacrifice is not found behind these aspirations. Mere desires, without any determination, can never help one attain their objectives. Muslim countries are not ready to sacrifice their own interests for the bigger cause, i.e., the unity of the Muslim world.
Huzoorra continued by saying that the Western nations have looked upon Islam with huge disrespect and distrust. In such circumstances, Huzoorra said, his message for the Muslim youth in general and journalists in particular is that they are required to study Islam thoroughly and to inculcate its teachings within themselves so much so that their writings begin to manifest the magnificence of those teachings. As a result, non-Muslims would become aware of the beauty of Islamic teachings. They need to exchange thoughts about the teachings of Islam with their co-professionals, particularly in regard to aspects of what Islam teaches in relation to the followers of other religions.
Huzoorra expressed his firm belief that if the Muslim youth acted upon this advice, the misconceptions spread against Islam would be removed within a few years’ time.

Emphasising the need for Muslim unity, Huzoorra said that the Muslim countries are keeping in mind their own interests and desires; however, the Muslim world needs to unite politically, socially, culturally, and economically. The only way to achieve the Muslim world’s unity is to inculcate a spirit of sacrifice for each other.
Huzoorra said that the Muslim world needs to take the necessary steps, but very cautiously, and to instil a strong determination to achieve its objectives. If they do so, Huzoorra said, then the day is not far away when the Muslim world will be united.
Huzoorra said that it is the birthright of Muslims to strive for their rights. The Muslim world is required to realise this need of the time and to instil within them a passion and enthusiasm for Muslim unity. In addition, Muslims are required to propagate the teachings of Islam to the non-Muslims in all corners of the world.
In regards to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat’s services for the propagation of Islam, Huzoorra said that Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is making efforts to propagate the message of Islam the world over, and its missions are established in various Christian countries, such as America, England, France, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and in many West African countries as well. Many Christians have accepted Islam through the tabligh efforts of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, and some of those new Muslims have devoted their lives to the service of Islam as well.
Huzoorra continued by saying that this age of materialistic advancement could not undermine the reality that whenever worldly power clashed with the truth, the ultimate victor had been the truth.
Advising the Muslims, Huzoorra said that if they wish to succeed, they need to pay special attention to propagating the golden principles of Islam in non-Muslim countries. The man-made laws can never be perfect at all. The reality is that the laws and principles made by God Almighty are perfect and pure, and they present the cure for all kinds of spiritual and physical problems in mankind.
Towards the end, Huzoorra said that man-made principles seek authentication from Islam; however, there are some circles amongst the Muslims who try to ‘justify’ the Islamic teachings in light of the worldly principles and, under the Western influence, attempt to mould the Islamic teachings according to the western principles. However, Huzoorra said, it is an apologetic mindset and equivalent to accepting the weakness of Islam [God forbid]. (Al Fazl, 8 October 1950, pp. 4 and 7)
The Lawrence Journal-World reported on this press conference and wrote that Hazrat “Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood[ra], head of the [Ahmadiyya] Muslim Community” declared that the ongoing aspirations for a united Muslim World were “not backed by the necessary spirit of sacrifice” from the contemporary Muslims.
The newspaper also wrote that “His community believes Jesus Christ was taken down from the cross by his disciples while alive and travelled to India, where he died in what is now Kashmir.” (Lawrence Journal-World, 6 November 1950, p. 4)