Ata Ul Hayee Sohail, Mohtamim Ishaat, MKA Bulgaria

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria held its second national ijtema in Plovdiv on 14 May 2022. The Ijtema was held in a youth centre next to the Grebna Baza rowing canal and there were 20 people in attendance, consisting of 19 Khuddam and one tabligh contact.
After registration, the main ijtema programme began with a recitation from the Holy Quran and its translation. This was followed by the Khuddam pledge and a poem.
A missionary, Abdullah Mihaylov Sahib then gave an opening address reminding khuddam of their roles and responsibilities. Finally, a short preview of the day ahead was given.
Academic competitions were then held, followed by Zuhr and Asr prayers and lunch. Later on, the khuddam participated in various sports competitions.
The final session commenced at around 5:30 pm with the recitation from the Holy Quran and its translation, followed by the Khuddam pledge, a poem and the ijtema report.
The concluding address was delivered by the missionary, Jawad Uffan Sahib and the session came to an end with silent prayer.