Al Fazl, 17 October 1921
4 October 1921
Accounts of the blessed martyr
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] said:
“Syed Ahmad Noor Sahib has written about the accounts of the late Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Latif Sahib, which are a source of increasing faith in Ahmadiyyat. The said book is such that it should be read by everyone and people should progress in their faith through it. There is an incident in it that on his return from here [Qadian], the late Abdul Latif Sahib wrote five letters to the amirs [chiefs] and ministers of Kabul. He asked one of his pupils to take [and post] the letters. The pupil said, ‘Let me bring clothes from home.’ He was displeased and took back the letters from him. The late Mian Abdul Ghaffar Khan Sahib, who is now buried in Bahishti Maqbarah[Heavenly Graveyard], stood up and said, ‘I will take them.’ Thus, he gave him the letters and he took them [to post]. Behold, the first person did not refuse [to obey Abdul Latif Sahib] and only asked permission to bring clothes from his house thinking of cold weather. He did not even demand clothes. However, he [Abdul Latif Sahib] did not like that either. Unless this kind of passion is not produced, the Jamaat cannot progress.”
The work of a missionary
Huzoor[ra] said:
“A missionary is one who walks long distances and stays in the houses of strangers and then preaches to them.”
5 October 1921
A widow during ‘iddah
Maulana Syed Muhammad Sarwar Shah Sahib was asked whether the fuqaha [jurists] had written that a widow could leave her house during the days of ‘iddah [a short time period in which a woman is not allowed to marry after a divorce or if her husband dies]. At the same time, Huzoor[ra] said that the Promised Messiah[as] used to allow women [during ‘iddah] to go out if they had any important work.
Alienation from religion
Regarding the current situation of the fatwas [religious edicts] being issued by the scholars against military service, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih said:
“In a region, a Muslim was made lieutenant in the army. An Ahmadi said to him that the ulema were giving fatwas of non-cooperation with the government and [despite this] he had accepted the [army] post. [The newly appointed Muslim lieutenant] used abusive words for the scholars and said that if they were of that view, then he would convert to Christianity.”
In the same context, about the brother of a Muslim leader, who lives in a cantonment and does contract work, etc., Huzoor[ra] said that when the authorities became suspicious about him, he said that he was a Christian.
Nowadays, despite being ignorant of Shariah knowledge, non-Ahmadis do not hesitate to give fatwas in the matters of religion. In this regard, Maulana Qazi Syed Amir Hussain Sahib read the following hadith:
This hadith has been narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar and the shaikhain [Imam Bukharirh and Imam Muslimrh] have taken it. The part that was read is:
اتخذ الناس رؤوسا جهالا فسئلوا فأفتوا بغير علم فضلوا وأضلوا
“People will take as their leaders and guides the hypocrites from among the ignorant persons. They will ask them about matters of religion. Those [ignorant people] will issue fatwas without knowledge. Consequently, they will go astray and mislead others as well.”
Arrest of disbelievers
Qazi Sahib said that we could not understand the meaning of this revelation of the Promised Messiahas that, “Those who called [me] a disbeliever have been seized” as to how it would come to pass. We are weak, so we could not seize them, then who will lock them up? However, now it has become clear. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih said that the father of Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sahib had also said that he did not understand the meaning of this revelation, but now it had become evident that it was being manifested. […]
Be kind in treating others
When a person submitted that the authorities did not forfeit the guarantee for violating the terms of the contract of such and such a shopkeeper, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih said:
“Would you like God to treat you in such a way that when you disobey any of His commands, you are caught and punished there and then? If you do not want this for yourself, then why do you say this about the shopkeeper that why he had not been given the harshest punishment on his very first time of erring. Man has a pledge with God Almighty which they violate many times a day, but it does not happen that when someone disobeys a command of God Almighty, the angels immediately pick him up and take him to Hell; rather, a respite is given to an extent and a warning is given by giving small punishments at first. However, when one does not refrain and keeps on disobeying, then God holds them accountable.
“You should treat those who have dealings with you and those who are at fault with you as dhimmis [people of the covenant].”
It was informed at Zuhr prayer that some people were present for taking bai‘at. Huzoor[ra] said that bai‘at would be taken at the time of Asr prayer. Thus, after the Asr prayer, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih said that the friends who had to take bai‘at should come forward.
The names of those who took bai‘at are as follows:
1. Hamdullah Jan Sahib, Khost, Kabul
2. New convert Muhammad Din Sahib of Kulup, District Sialkot
3. Abdul Rahman Sahib of Aroop, Gujranwala
4. Muhammad Hussain Sahib of Kakka Cheema, District Gujranwala
5. Ghulam Muhammad Sahib of Basti Mandrali, District Dera Ghazi Khan
8 October 1921
Meeting with Maulvi Abdul Bari Sahib
Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Sahib Baqapuri mentioned that they met Maulvi Abdul Bari Sahib in Lucknow. He was asked what he thought of Hazrat Mirza Sahibas. He said that he considered Mirza Sahib to be a perfect sufi and a great scholar who practised what he preached, but as regards his claim [of Messiahship], he had been mistaken. He was asked to explain how [the Promised Messiahas was mistaken]. He said that it would lead to a debate, which he did not like. Maulvi Abdul Bari Sahib presented paan [betel leaves with fennel, lime and rose petals]. Shah Sahib said that he did not eat paan. Upon this, Maulvi Sahib presented perfume. Shah Sahib read out this hadith:
حبب إلي من دنياكم ثلاث الطيب والنساء وجعلت قرة عيني في الصلاة
[“I have been made to like three things from this world, i.e. perfume, women, but the delight of my eyes is in Salat.”]
Maulana Ghulam Rasul Sahib Rajeki enquired from Maulvi Sahib why Salat was included with worldly things. Maulvi Sahib replied, “You should tell me.” Maulana Sahib said, “My level is of istifadah [to gain knowledge from someone] and yours is of ifadah [imparting knowledge], because I have come to you.” On this, Maulvi Sahib said that since Salat was related to nafs [inner self], it had been included with worldly matters. Thereafter, Maulvi Ghulam Rasul Sahib also expressed a meaning [of the said hadith] and Maulvi Abdul Bari Sahib said, “Jazakallah [May Allah grant you the best of rewards]”.
Meaning of a hadith
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] said:
“I like the meaning that Hazrat Maulvi Sahib [the First Khalifa] explained. That is, ‘In worldly things, [I (the Holy Prophetsa)] like perfume, wives and the delight of my eyes is my daughter Fatima, (fi as-Salat) who is offering Salat right now.”
Huzoor[ra] said that Hazrat Fatima was praying at that time.
Maulvi Ibrahim Sahib enquired whether there was research that Hazrat Fatimara was praying at that time. Huzoor[ra] said, “I have not personally carried out any research on it. However, this is what Hazrat Maulvi Sahib used to say.”
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original in the 17 October 1921 issue of Al Fazl)